Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 Announced With A Fee.

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Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 announced with a fee.
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Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Slyshen1
Posts: 917
By Ragnarok.Slyshen 2016-07-01 21:16:22
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Bismarck.Vasch said: »
Asura.Yojimmbo said: »
How much is four dollars? I'm not trying to troll or probe or anything. But is four dollars really that much for something? It's just four dollars :D

a fun size bag of dorits, a 20 oz mtn dew, and fries from McDonalds.

I honestly don't even think you could get all of that for 4$ in America.. xD
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Slyshen1
Posts: 917
By Ragnarok.Slyshen 2016-07-01 21:18:45
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Candlejack said: »
Bismarck.Patrik said: »
I read like half the thread then skipped to the end... anyway.

I agree that this would be just fine if it was a one time payment, but adding it to the sub fee is... overboard. Some are comparing this to a cash shop, no, cash shops can be fine when they add something like this (though preferably just cosmetics, mounts, etc). But this would be like XIV's cash shop, instead of charging $10 for some mount, charged an extra $1 a month to your subscription to own said mount. That is highly unusual... and unnecessary.

No one complained much back in the day when buying the $10 security token gave you an extra storage, something like that would work fine now and give more profit now as opposed to MAYBE giving more profit over time.

But what do I know. I don't play XI anymore! But even before abyssea I remember struggling to hold all my RDM gear in the boat load of inventory I had.
I paid the $10 gladly for the security token a long time ago. The big draw for me was the added layer of protection, while the satchel was just icing on the cake for buying it, and as you said, that was a one time charge as I haven't had to buy a new one since.
$4 for virtual storage, on a recurring charge on top of the subscription fee is not needed. They should raise the subscription fee by $4 and just give everyone the storage for keeps.

The token they charged 10$ for at first, and then made it completely free down the road. I'll just wait until this Wardrobe ***is free, I've gone this long without it, I can go much longer! :)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-01 21:48:03
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Asura.Yojimmbo said: »
How much is four dollars? I'm not trying to troll or probe or anything. But is four dollars really that much for something? It's just four dollars :D

Price wouldn't matter as most aren't even playing anymore. These are the same people who post and there being "nothing to do", "lack of content", "this game is so old, it sucks now", so on and so forth.

The FFXI team needs to show an increase in revenue generation or have their resources repurposed towards more profitable projects. This is something that happens all the time in the real world and I'm shocked it took them this long. The options on the table are pretty much increase subscription fees, reduce developer resources (they are already pretty barebone on this) or charge for premium content. Normally developers start with the small stuff to generate a little revenue and then later introduce the real money makers, game enhancements. It looks like SE just went for the latter but in such a way that it wouldn't cause a negative impact towards non-purchasers. The people bitching about "one time fee" vs "continuous fee" don't understand how premium game enhancements work. Typically a game will charge for a time limited bonus, double or triple personal loot drop rates, double or triple XP/CP/ect point gains and so forth that last a few hours, days or weeks. Once the time is up you need to purchase again. This is basically a +80 Inventory bonus for 30 days at $2 USD, +160 for $4 USD.
Server: Sylph
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user: traxusIV
Posts: 383
By Sylph.Traxus 2016-07-01 22:00:34
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Typically a game will charge for a time limited bonus, double or triple personal loot drop rates, double or triple XP/CP/ect point gains and so forth that last a few hours, days or weeks. Once the time is up you need to purchase again.

You realize the games that do this are free to play right?
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-01 22:04:24
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No no, we do quite understand how premium game enhancements work.

We're saying that they don't belong in XI. Race change, gender change, server transfer are all well-and-good and have no impact on your ability to play or perform. If you want to ride from one homepoint to another on your $5 gold crab, I don't give a damn.

More inventory space in a multi-jobs per character game like XI and XIV does have a heavy impact if your commit yourself to more than one or two jobs.

And yes, I've played (and then put down) games that had temporary boosts for a few cents or a few dollars. For all the people that mock farmville, pay-to-win games are the same damn thing.

People are really kidding themselves if they think we're getting more than the same barebones bs that we've been getting regardless of how many times people give them $4.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-02 00:05:14
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Sorry I'm late to the party. I made it to about page 6 and just wanted to bridge the gap between the people who are outraged and the people who are defending/are ok with this.

Players, you have a choice, which is by answering with your wallets. If you choose to not buy, or even cancel your subscription, it sends a very telling message to SE that we are NOT okay with this. If you choose to keep playing and buying these wardrobes, they will read that as the playerbase is in full support of it.

I am definitely against the monthly subscription thing. I would have more than welcomed a one-time payment for that feature (which should be free, but meh), but the contract thing irks me. I am answering this new service by not buying, and possibly ending my tenure with ffxi in the future if more important features become locked behind "subscriptions". Its just not that important to me anymore, especially if they are moving into that direction.

However, I am not against anyone who supports this, if your life revolves around ffxi to the point where the money spent is worth the return. Honestly the 10 years+ I have been playing, I have been able to get by without the extra space. Don't need it now.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-02 00:11:13
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
I am answering this new service by not buying, and possibly ending my tenure with ffxi in the future if more important features become locked behind "subscriptions"

You've already stopped playing.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2016-07-02 00:14:44
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No I still play, just haven't had a load of time recently. Just bought a house and was about to log in to play drk. Just not daily.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-07-02 07:18:38
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
Sorry I'm late to the party. I made it to about page 6 and just wanted to bridge the gap between the people who are outraged and the people who are defending/are ok with this.

Players, you have a choice, which is by answering with your wallets. If you choose to not buy, or even cancel your subscription, it sends a very telling message to SE that we are NOT okay with this. If you choose to keep playing and buying these wardrobes, they will read that as the playerbase is in full support of it.

I am definitely against the monthly subscription thing. I would have more than welcomed a one-time payment for that feature (which should be free, but meh), but the contract thing irks me. I am answering this new service by not buying, and possibly ending my tenure with ffxi in the future if more important features become locked behind "subscriptions". Its just not that important to me anymore, especially if they are moving into that direction.

However, I am not against anyone who supports this, if your life revolves around ffxi to the point where the money spent is worth the return. Honestly the 10 years+ I have been playing, I have been able to get by without the extra space. Don't need it now.

My life do no revolve around ffxi, but 2-4 extra bucks is worth the return IF I need the space. i can just cut down on a soda or 2 and there's my 2 bucks.
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-07-02 07:27:36
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It's so headache inducing to see people that refuse to understand the point of those who are not ok with this, make up their own imaginary idea of what others think(cause reading is hard) and go on congratulating themselves for being so knowledgeable.

Guess who I'm talking about, it's pretty evident.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-07-02 07:35:48
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
It's so headache inducing to see people that refuse to understand the point of those who are not ok with this, make up their own imaginary idea of what others think(cause reading is hard) and go on congratulating themselves for being so knowledgeable.

Guess who I'm talking about, it's pretty evident.

I perfectly understand. It's about the future and possible cash shop transactions. See rich folks running around with 10 mythics..

It's like real life jobs. People complain hate their job so much but the door is there. no one forcing them to stay and work. Can always look for a new job.

People if you upset there's the uninstall button somewhere in your computer. Use it.
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-07-02 07:44:55
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>says he perfectly understands
>proceeds to list things that show lack of understanding

Posts: 8831
By Afania 2016-07-02 07:50:49
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Asura.Foreverj said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
It's so headache inducing to see people that refuse to understand the point of those who are not ok with this, make up their own imaginary idea of what others think(cause reading is hard) and go on congratulating themselves for being so knowledgeable.

Guess who I'm talking about, it's pretty evident.

I perfectly understand. It's about the future and possible cash shop transactions. See rich folks running around with 10 mythics..

It's like real life jobs. People complain hate their job so much but the door is there. no one forcing them to stay and work. Can always look for a new job.

People if you upset there's the uninstall button somewhere in your computer. Use it.

This argument is as unrealistic as "just go look for a new job". Most of the people who hate their job don't look for a new job because they can' know, family, kids etc.

People complained because FFXI is their favorite MMO, and they don't want to see it head toward the wrong direction. SE knew this, they know we're quite unlikely to quit because they're charging for inventory spaces, that's why they made us pay for it because it's nothing to lose on their end.

That being said, the number of sub has been declining since SOA, a few weeks ago when I check server pop I saw less than 300 on some server on NA time. I can kinda see SE NEEDS to generate more revenue to even keep this game running. I wish they could do it with something like name or race change service instead though.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2016-07-02 07:54:56
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Rather than be upset about the obvious future of FFXI, we should start listing ideas of other things we (wont't/will) pay for:

1) Bahamut avatar (with a "Death"-like pact and QA favor)

2) AA Trusts that don't require a campaign to be useful for meaningful fights (AAEV could be just outright immune to doom, for example)

3) A "fix" to meleeing meaningful content in the form of subscription-based HP boosts in increments up to a max of an extra 5k.

4) Max all merits and WS options for $$$$!
MSPaint Winner
Posts: 1509
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-07-02 07:57:43
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Lets make a new thread and talk about something else.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-07-02 08:07:10
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Afania said: »
Asura.Foreverj said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
It's so headache inducing to see people that refuse to understand the point of those who are not ok with this, make up their own imaginary idea of what others think(cause reading is hard) and go on congratulating themselves for being so knowledgeable.

Guess who I'm talking about, it's pretty evident.

I perfectly understand. It's about the future and possible cash shop transactions. See rich folks running around with 10 mythics..

It's like real life jobs. People complain hate their job so much but the door is there. no one forcing them to stay and work. Can always look for a new job.

People if you upset there's the uninstall button somewhere in your computer. Use it.

This argument is as unrealistic as "just go look for a new job". Most of the people who hate their job don't look for a new job because they can' know, family, kids etc.

People complained because FFXI is their favorite MMO, and they don't want to see it head toward the wrong direction. SE knew this, they know we're quite unlikely to quit because they're charging for inventory spaces, that's why they made us pay for it because it's nothing to lose on their end.

That being said, the number of sub has been declining since SOA, a few weeks ago when I check server pop I saw less than 300 on some server on NA time. I can kinda see SE NEEDS to generate more revenue to even keep this game running. I wish they could do it with something like name or race change service instead though.

I see so many complainers at my job. If you gonna stay stop complaining. If you gonna play ffxi stop complaining. Ffxi is your game but so is my game as well. We all have directions where we would like to see the game go.

For me I wouldn't mind this wardrobe 3,4 because it's a good option to have. An option is better then no option. I wouldn't mind a 1-2 dollar double cap points thing too. If they selling a mythic for 100 dollars, let the fools buy it. It's no biggie really.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-02 08:21:45
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Afania said: »
That being said, the number of sub has been declining since SOA, a few weeks ago when I check server pop I saw less than 300 on some server on NA time. I can kinda see SE NEEDS to generate more revenue to even keep this game running. I wish they could do it with something like name or race change service instead though.

Dare I say it, if their only goal is to keep it running on a skeleton crew (which it frankly seems like), maybe it's time to put it out of its misery.

Maybe the $4 will go to paying their skeleton crew, or maybe it goes to the CEO's next new car so that he doesn't send down the order.

And it is falling to a miserable state. It doesn't have to be here, but instead of getting creative content and meta-adjustments, we get crab mounts (which, no denying, are hilarious to watch for the first few minutes).

Maybe the Ambuscade augmenting interface is so awful (vs say, how easy it is to spam Oseem, or the abilty cap out in a single trade with Nolan) because some dev figured "eh, it gives them something to do for a few more minutes." Probably not, but I can think of no other legitimate reason why someone would deliberately design that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-07-02 08:35:32
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
Afania said: »
That being said, the number of sub has been declining since SOA, a few weeks ago when I check server pop I saw less than 300 on some server on NA time. I can kinda see SE NEEDS to generate more revenue to even keep this game running. I wish they could do it with something like name or race change service instead though.

Dare I say it, if their only goal is to keep it running on a skeleton crew (which it frankly seems like), maybe it's time to put it out of its misery.

Maybe the $4 will go to paying their skeleton crew, or maybe it goes to the CEO's next new car so that he doesn't send down the order.

And it is falling to a miserable state. It doesn't have to be here, but instead of getting creative content and meta-adjustments, we get crab mounts (which, no denying, are hilarious to watch for the first few minutes).

Maybe the Ambuscade augmenting interface is so awful (vs say, how easy it is to spam Oseem, or the abilty cap out in a single trade with Nolan) because some dev figured "eh, it gives them something to do for a few more minutes." Probably not, but I can think of no other legitimate reason why someone would deliberately design that.

I think you're painting SE with the typical American anti-corporate brush here. SE is a Japanese company, so they're going to act a little differently. And very much in SE's case is image. Pretty much every other company would have moved on to FFXVI after FFXIV flopped so hard, but SE said "no, we can fix this, we will fix this" and re-invested a ton back into the game and actually created the only MMO one can call a "success" since WoW launched, which is pretty goddamned impressive no matter what you think of FFXIV.

They make mistakes and they're still a company so profit is absolutely a major motive for them, but they have shown they are interested in making games people will enjoy just as much as making a profit. The direction they've taken FFXI over the last couple years has been very good in my opinion, and I have no problem tossing them a few extra dollars as encouragement. If they try to get even more money out of every new thing they create I will draw the line and cut ties (especially once Bannerlord and Civ VI come out later) but I'm going to let them make that mistake than sound the alarm and jump overboard at the first sign of a wave.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-07-02 08:39:11
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Valefor.Omnys said: »
Afania said: »
That being said, the number of sub has been declining since SOA, a few weeks ago when I check server pop I saw less than 300 on some server on NA time. I can kinda see SE NEEDS to generate more revenue to even keep this game running. I wish they could do it with something like name or race change service instead though.

Dare I say it, if their only goal is to keep it running on a skeleton crew (which it frankly seems like), maybe it's time to put it out of its misery.

Maybe the $4 will go to paying their skeleton crew, or maybe it goes to the CEO's next new car so that he doesn't send down the order.

And it is falling to a miserable state. It doesn't have to be here, but instead of getting creative content and meta-adjustments, we get crab mounts (which, no denying, are hilarious to watch for the first few minutes).

Maybe the Ambuscade augmenting interface is so awful (vs say, how easy it is to spam Oseem, or the abilty cap out in a single trade with Nolan) because some dev figured "eh, it gives them something to do for a few more minutes." Probably not, but I can think of no other legitimate reason why someone would deliberately design that.

I think you're painting SE with the typical American anti-corporate brush here. SE is a Japanese company, so they're going to act a little differently. And very much in SE's case is image. Pretty much every other company would have moved on to FFXVI after FFXIV flopped so hard, but SE said "no, we can fix this, we will fix this" and re-invested a ton back into the game and actually created the only MMO one can call a "success" since WoW launched, which is pretty goddamned impressive no matter what you think of FFXIV.

They make mistakes and they're still a company so profit is absolutely a major motive for them, but they have shown they are interested in making games people will enjoy just as much as making a profit. The direction they've taken FFXI over the last couple years has been very good in my opinion, and I have no problem tossing them a few extra dollars as encouragement. If they try to get even more money out of every new thing they create I will draw the line and cut ties (especially once Bannerlord and Civ VI come out later) but I'm going to let them make that mistake than sound the alarm and jump overboard at the first sign of a wave.

Wow something we can agree on. Yea until things gets to ridicoulous level I'm ok as well.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-02 09:01:14
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
I think you're painting SE with the typical American anti-corporate brush here. SE is a Japanese company, so they're going to act a little differently. And very much in SE's case is image. Pretty much every other company would have moved on to FFXVI after FFXIV flopped so hard, but SE said "no, we can fix this, we will fix this" and re-invested a ton back into the game and actually created the only MMO one can call a "success" since WoW launched, which is pretty goddamned impressive no matter what you think of FFXIV.

They make mistakes and they're still a company so profit is absolutely a major motive for them, but they have shown they are interested in making games people will enjoy just as much as making a profit. The direction they've taken FFXI over the last couple years has been very good in my opinion, and I have no problem tossing them a few extra dollars as encouragement. If they try to get even more money out of every new thing they create I will draw the line and cut ties (especially once Bannerlord and Civ VI come out later) but I'm going to let them make that mistake than sound the alarm and jump overboard at the first sign of a wave.

In some ways, the direction they've brought it has been good (trusts would be the main thing). In other ways, it's been disastrous and is a large part of the reason for division among the community. You have Camp A that is willing to do what it takes to clear content (which generally means mana-burn) regardless of how they feel about it, and Camp B that hates SE for it and hates players for doing it.

You're saying "I'll draw the line and cut ties [if they charge for any more things]", why is it unreasonable for players to say this, now, has crossed the line?

If you want to call off a race, you want to catch things at the starting line, not halfway through.

Also 14 is not the only success since WoW. Yeah, most others have died, or just dwindled into obscurity but they still lasted longer than XIV 2.0 has existed. This is especially true if you expand your definition of MMOs a little bit and include "Buy-to-Play"s like Guild Wars and F2Ps.

And the eventual demise of most of these games generally falls to developers not understanding their own community and making ridiculous choices.
By 2016-07-02 09:06:10
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Foreverj
Posts: 381
By Asura.Foreverj 2016-07-02 09:10:15
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So what's ur suggestion? We all quit?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-07-02 09:13:56
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Valefor.Omnys said: »

In some ways, the direction they've brought it has been good (trusts would be the main thing). In other ways, it's been disastrous and is a large part of the reason for division among the community. You have Camp A that is willing to do what it takes to clear content (which generally means mana-burn) regardless of how they feel about it, and Camp B that hates SE for it and hates players for doing it.

Here's the list of mana-burn only bosses in the game:


Pakecet (dread spikes makes melee unreliable)
Vir'ava (unless we can be sure we can evade the charm somehow on tank?)

I've seen AA's and Gods done with BST's, though I imagine they can do Pakecet/Vir'ava too...

Warder of Courage


So...11 mobs? And that's not even truly the case as the BST LS's have cleared aeonics so pet strategy works for it all.

Yes, currently the final few creatures in the game are very anti-melee, and it sucks. But I'm at a point where my Thief can melee Maju, and there are many jobs that can get higher accuracy than a Thief (Dancer, Blue mage, Ninja, Ranger, Dragoon...) as well as a better combination of buff/debuffs that can be applied, as I've only used precision/torpor/distract 1, so we're not terribly far off. And they've also stated they're looking into changing this current situation, so they're aware of the imbalance and will be altering it in some way.

You're saying "I'll draw the line and cut ties [if they charge for any more things]", why is it unreasonable for players to say this, now, has crossed the line?

If you want to call off a race, you want to catch things at the starting line, not halfway through.

Players can say it all they want, but people are going far above and beyond "I don't like this". People are flat out cancelling, going on rants about how they'll be selling relic weapons by next week and such. It's absurdity.

Also 14 is not the only success since WoW. Yeah, most others have died, or just dwindled into obscurity but they still lasted longer than XIV 2.0 has existed. This is especially true if you expand your definition of MMOs a little bit and include "Buy-to-Play"s like Guild Wars and F2Ps.

None of them ever got close to the numbers at one time and sustained it like FFXIV. I'm seeing Guild Wars 2 had just under half a mil of regular players a year after release, that isn't bad, but FFXIV is around a mil, if not more, of people actually still paying a sub to play. Which means generating revenue for the company.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-02 09:15:35
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Asura.Foreverj said: »

So what's ur suggestion? We all quit?

No, play if you want to.

I love XI for the same reasons that many of you would list but lets be honest. How many of us would pick up this game today? Would we laugh at a game with 22 jobs, where less than half are used? Not because of the community either, but because the developers made some major missteps and haven't done much to correct them.

I only meant that I don't know what SE's goal is. Is it just to keep the lights on because they're neither renovating nor keeping the place swept and mopped.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1001
By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2016-07-02 09:19:27
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Candlejack said: »
Now you're advocating SE add on an FFXI cash shop that turns the game into a "P2W" or Pay to Win piece of trash. Please, buy yourself a gallon of bleach. You know what to do after buying the bleach, right?

I'm not advocating, I'm just saying we're already there. Now we can sit back and watch as the impossible becomes possible with some extra cash to grease the wheels.
If you are angry with anyone, remain angry with SE. I'm sure they will do anything you want with that bleach for an extra $4/mo.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-07-02 09:23:19
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Here's the list of mana-burn only bosses in the game:


Pakecet (dread spikes makes melee unreliable)
Vir'ava (unless we can be sure we can evade the charm somehow on tank?)

I've seen AA's and Gods done with BST's, though I imagine they can do Pakecet/Vir'ava too...

Warder of Courage


So...11 mobs? And that's not even truly the case as the BST LS's have cleared aeonics so pet strategy works for it all.

Yes, currently the final few creatures in the game are very anti-melee, and it sucks. But I'm at a point where my Thief can melee Maju, and there are many jobs that can get higher accuracy than a Thief (Dancer, Blue mage, Ninja, Ranger, Dragoon...) [...]

Yes, I did forget pet burns. I always forget pet burns. My bad.

This is what the community has deemed "only MBable", but really, the things you need to mana-burn varies from group to group. Melee strategies are viable if your melee can hit and you have the necessary support or you grab a 550 JP SCH who can be in AF for all it matters, a couple good BLMs and go kill the thing.

The imbalance is that the mages don't need to be nearly as geared as the melee to down something.

Players can say it all they want, but people are going far above and beyond "I don't like this". People are flat out cancelling, going on rants about how they'll be selling relic weapons by next week and such. It's absurdity.

I'm not quitting, but what's wrong with people finally giving up? It's actually better to do that than complain and still pay. Though, some of these quitters are bluffing or will silently come back. We've seen it several times in the past.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2016-07-02 09:35:18
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I mostly disagree with the notion that mages don't have to be nearly as geared. I mean, in a way the whole system is skewed more in favor of both ranged and mages in gearing, but even average geared BLM's are going to be a liability more than a boon. My LS has timed out on Albumen because we simply didn't have good enough BLM's that run. You need to have very good gear and master JP, or close to it, to make those strategies work.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-02 09:52:48
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Asura.Foreverj said: »
For me I wouldn't mind this wardrobe 3,4 because it's a good option to have. An option is better then no option. I wouldn't mind a 1-2 dollar double cap points thing too. If they selling a mythic for 100 dollars, let the fools buy it. It's no biggie really.

Well you can already buy REMA's with cash, just need to go through a third party vender first. REM's are just gil sinks and Aeonic's are about finding a merc LS and paying them the gil for it. And guess what, you can buy gil with real cash. Current conversion rate on Asura is $2.5/M give or take.

These days I see tons of merc shouts, people paying gil for various gear all the damn time. Gil that can be bought with hard cash. The player community as already created a Pay-to-Win system despite SE's best efforts. So honestly I would rather SE be the recipient of the cash then gil sellers.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9851
By Asura.Saevel 2016-07-02 10:03:38
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
How many of us would pick up this game today?

I play DDO and FFXIV along with Legend of Grimrock II, NWN2 and some other games I get off Steam. I like FFXI because it's math heavy and you to get create builds instead of just using pre-ordained "Tier X" gear that is always best in slot until next content update where "Tier X+1" is released.

Valefor.Omnys said: »
I only meant that I don't know what SE's goal is. Is it just to keep the lights on because they're neither renovating nor keeping the place swept and mopped.

I mentioned it several times already, you just refuse to listen.

It's not enough to just make a profit, they need to justify spending company resources on FFXI where those resources could generate more profit on a different project. FFXI isn't getting any more new subscriptions and thus any resources invested into this game are a bad business investment. It's hard for the FFXI Project Manager to justify spending programmer hours, networking administrator hours and systems administrator hours on something that isn't generating growth for the company. The big costs aren't hardware related but the time for the various people that need to be spent just to maintain such a system, and this game was designed before many of the newer concepts behind systems engineering were fleshed out, so it's going to be an annoying Piece-Of-***to maintain.

Now if the FFXI Project Manager can demonstrate some untapped revenue potential, then they could justify maintaining the current man hours and possibly even get an increase. Or to put it another way, if SE doesn't make more money from FFXI you can expect even less content and updates in the future.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Smasher
Posts: 878
By Lakshmi.Konvict 2016-07-02 10:12:14
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This thread needs to be locked lol
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