Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 Announced With A Fee.

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Mog Wardrobe 3 & 4 announced with a fee.
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Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2016-06-30 16:14:03
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Elazar1 said: »
Next month buy a M/R/E/A $120 each. Get the feeling this is path we heading down. Wouldn't care if was not paying $15 a month for a 14 year old game.

You can already do this via third party agents, though it costs much more then $120 USD.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2016-06-30 16:18:43
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found a pic of SE's offices right now

Server: Asura
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user: Datass
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By Asura.Datass 2016-06-30 16:22:45
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Asura.Nususu said: »
Creaucent Alazrin said: »
I used to pay for main + 3 mules and an alt and 1 mule as do a lot of people so I'd imagine that money isn't much for 160 more invent spaces. How I see it is if you want it you can pay for it if you don't want it then stop bitching and move on.

Amazing how many people open up this thread and make he same argument that has been posted so many times. As if one more person saying "buy it or not but stop complaining" would change everyone else's minds.

Amazing how many people open up this thread and make he same argument that has been posted so many times. As if one more person saying "OMG SLIPPERY SLOPE CASH SHOP ENDOFTHEWORLD" would change everyone else's minds.
Server: Bismarck
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user: ltantonio
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By Bismarck.Laurelli 2016-06-30 16:40:24
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
found a pic of SE's offices right now

OK, I don't care what side of this argument you are on; If this didn't make you laugh, you're dead inside (or too young to catch the reference which is still sad).
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
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By Valefor.Omnys 2016-06-30 17:04:09
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Here's my question for the supporters: what about next time they add another box that is $2 more? What about when AH slots are charged for?

What about better trusts? Like there are limitations to AI but there is no reason that we can't have a unity trust whm with empy pants who also uses Nott and barspells and also moves back out of range. There's no reason we can't have a tank that never gets hit with a gaze attack and it's very likely we could have a tank that turns the mob away from the other trusts.

Satchel or sack or whatever it was that came with token almost felt more like an apology/bonus than a product being sold "Hey, this is how we improve security but you have to shell out some cash. Here's something to make it a little more worth your while."
Server: Asura
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user: Datass
Posts: 35
By Asura.Datass 2016-06-30 17:09:34
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Valefor.Omnys said: »
Here's my question for the supporters: what about next time they add another box that is $2 more? What about when AH slots are charged for?

What about better trusts? Like there are limitations to AI but there is no reason that we can't have a unity trust whm with empy pants who also uses Nott and barspells and also moves back out of range. There's no reason we can't have a tank that never gets hit with a gaze attack and it's very likely we could have a tank that turns the mob away from the other trusts.

Satchel or sack or whatever it was that came with token almost felt more like an apology/bonus than a product being sold "Hey, this is how we improve security but you have to shell out some cash. Here's something to make it a little more worth your while."

Here is the difference.

Group A wants to flip out right now, based on what they think will happen but has not yet actually happened.

Group B agrees that if your predictions come true they will be upset but see no need to flip out based on speculation.

Regardless of how positively certain you are of what the future holds we are living in the present.

My guess is that they never add more mog wardrobes beyond 3&4 because the load times will be so bad the game will be unplayable. I'm actually already concerned about adding 3 and 4 tbh.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Devrom
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By Bahamut.Vinedrius 2016-06-30 17:11:50
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They could have started with things like that lightsaber from the job master BCNM instead of making it a reward from a fight that doesn't even have any other reward and I am sure as hell so many people, especially on the Japanese side, would be all over that kind of stuff for a few bucks. I am not gonna list all the obvious vanity stuff they could sell. But instead, they opted to selling (edit: for a monthly fee which is up to 30% of the main fee) an expansion to a game feature which was heavily needed by any active player for over a decade. Look at what they wrote on the announcement page. They are pretty much saying "we know you badly need this ***so suck it up and pay ***". I believe that is what really pisses people off, myself included.
Server: Valefor
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user: detlef
Posts: 412
By Valefor.Philemon 2016-06-30 17:13:54
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To me, storage is convenience. Cosmetics, race change, furnishings, yeah charge us extra if you want. Some people will really like that. So I'm okay with this in concept but the price is too high and should definitely be a one-time charge rather than a recurring cost.

This is about as much as I would support as far as microtransactions go. I won't be spending the extra money though, I don't think it's worth it for me.
Server: Valefor
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user: omnys
Posts: 1759
By Valefor.Omnys 2016-06-30 17:23:14
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Phil, I have no idea what your inventories look like but you sometimes quad-box (and I love your train, you've helped me a ton bud). How much do you actually need the inventory space? The process of handling over sellables for me is a cumbersome process of mailing and logging out. For you, it's trading to one of your alts or perhaps one of their mules.

If you need me playing on a job, I'm coming on the same character but it's outfitted with all the gear I can use for it. I do actually need the inventory space.

As someone said on the official forums, SE shouldn't talk about inventory space as if it's optional. I literally struggle to get 30 slots open. If I job change fast, I might have 3 slots open.

Mog Wardrobe for me means I can take more jobs more serious.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: detlef
Posts: 412
By Valefor.Philemon 2016-06-30 17:30:40
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All the gear you need for your secondary jobs just kinda fade away when you make an Idris. I'd recommend making one and saving your 4 bucks a month.
Posts: 10
By sjg6 2016-06-30 18:14:25
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Siren.Sjg said: »
Countless people paid for mules for years, but an alternate method of paying for storage calls for a spate of slippery slope arguments apparently.

Good thing you get way more out of a mule (and it costs more for SE to store the data for a mule, and it costs you HALF THE PRICE to get a mule compared to a wardrobe) than just inventory space, innit?

There's a difference in convenience from being accessible by macros versus having to d-box gear over. From a pricing standpoint that convenience could easily be worth the extra fee to a large number of players. Anyway my point was more about the hysterical predictions of p2w doom when providing an extra storage feature for a recurring monthly fee is something this game has had since release.

On another note, the idea that official p2w would even ruin the game now after years of rampant RMT amuses me. The game has been riddled with gil exploits over the years that were never reverted and this very site usually hosts ads for RMT services. Someone paying SE for their RME instead of a third party seems to be the nightmare scenario of some of the people here though.
Posts: 271
By Mookies 2016-06-30 18:19:45
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It would have been fine if it was a one time buy. Sub for bag slots? *** HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.

What happens to what is in the bags if you don't renew the sub?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-06-30 18:24:22
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The problem here is implementation and the change in distribution of services we are already used to getting.

In FFXIV I know exactly what my 2 dollars are getting, its an extra retainer. This retainer goes on quests and brings me back items, gives me more slots to sell on the market place, and has an exp system of her own ALONG with giving me extra storage slots. There are even a few rare things my retainers have brought me over the years, there's a definite value there in those 2 dollars and I don't mind paying for it each month.

With the new wardrobes they have broken the mold of what we are used to. Would it have been that hard to revamp the old Add-on scenerios (ACP/MKD/ASA) and just charge us 10 dollars each? They could have stretched it out over the next few months all they way thru December, starting with wardrobes 4/5 in the first two and releasing a Mog Medicine bag (good idea!) or something as the last one. Something like this I wouldn't mind paying multiple times since I have various mule accounts.

While its nice to have the option of buying cosmetic items, game enhancing purchases should not exist in a pay to play MMO for a month to month basis. I really wish this younger generation would see cash shops for what they really are, but when you've grown "into it" from the start I guess its just normal to be blind.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2016-06-30 18:28:41
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I fail to see why it's so complicated for some of you. Most of us play a fee based game as opposed to a F2P model game because we don't want the annoyance of a cash shop and competing with a wallet when it comes to parses and our enjoyment. We pay our fee and expect the same gaming opportunities as everyone else.

FFXI has always existed as a fee game. The minute you start to have both models in the same game, you essentially have a F2P game with a fee on top; you cannot exist on a level playing field unless you participate in the cash store.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
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By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-06-30 18:35:32
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It's like paying for retainers but in more useful.

I'm fine with it, 4$ per month is nothing and I don't mind spending money on something that is useful.

Actually, I really don't care about 4$ per month, I think that's the main thing.

Sucks for people who can't afford it but I can't hide that they have very good reasons to practice this since the people left on FFXI spend much more than the basic 13 or so $ and don't mind spending 4$ more. It's a smart business move on their part to try to make money off a game on life support.

I'd be pretty happy with 2 more Mog Wardrobe, anyway, less muling around.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-06-30 18:42:51
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It's no where near as useful as a retainer, my wardrobes won't suddenly have rare items appear in it and it wont make me any gil while I'm away from town.

I'm fine with spending $10+ times # of mule accounts as a one time fee only.

Has nothing to do with being able to afford $4.

There are a lot more multi-box players than you might think.

If anything this game should have been reduced to $9.99 a long time ago. If that had happened, then I might change my stance on an extra 4 dollars a month per account. Glad the FFXI/FFXIV legacy discount applied to me, at least I felt like I gained something there.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-06-30 18:51:40
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It all boils down to them having people in charge of determining what makes money and applying it.

I don't know what's difficult about that concept.

Regarding the 4$, it's just subjectivity. I personally don't care about 4$, some people do, I understand that it will annoy some while others won't care. And in the end, SE's forecast made them go ahead with it.

I agree on the thing being morally bad but despite this I fail to feel annoyed. There are other things in life that annoy me more than paying 4$ more on my favourite MMO. I don't know, I just fail to care about that 4$ increase and the fact they haven't dropped it to 9,99. I literally give no ***either way, it's just disposable income. Usefulness is nothing but subjective and no amount of edgy comments will change that.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-06-30 19:00:38
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Morals don't have anything to do with this either. It like I said, breaking the established mold of how the general FFXI player base has enjoyed paying for their favorite MMO over the last several years. Suddenly slapping a cash shop onto a pay MMO isn't an established norm, and no amount of white knighting is going to change that.

Continue the 10-30 dollar one time charges two to four times a year every few years? Sure, we're used to that.

Add in an extra 4 dollars today? By the end of 2017 we'll be paying $19.99. Don't be so blind.
Server: Shiva
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user: Xenorex
Posts: 43
By Shiva.Xenorex 2016-06-30 19:04:14
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Hell, I may actually gear a new job and keep playing this game a little longer now. I hate the time sink of moving gear from the less useful sacks so much its actually a deterrent to gearing other jobs. Still, allowing you to equip gear from all mog sacks would have been a better solution.
Server: Sylph
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Posts: 138
By Sylph.Elwynbelwyn 2016-06-30 19:08:15
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
This is a quality of life fee
So how much do we have to pay to get them to finally merge the servers again?

As far as I'm concerned, I'm on my last months anyhow. I'll probably add two more months, but that's because I want to get a couple more things wrapped up, and to give enough time for the chocobo I've been raising to hit forced retirement. After that, I'll probably show up during the two or three free weeks per year.

And $2/mo for 80 item slots, compared to $1/mo for 640 item slots that are slightly less convenient? I'll pass.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Yuffy
Posts: 4415
By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2016-06-30 19:08:38
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Bismarck.Phaded said: »
Morals don't have anything to do with this either. It like I said, breaking the established mold of how the general FFXI player base has enjoyed paying for their favorite MMO over the last several years. Suddenly slapping a cash shop onto a pay MMO isn't an established norm, and no amount of white knighting is going to change that.

Continue the 10-30 dollar one time charges two to four times a year every few years? Sure, we're used to that.

Add in an extra 4 dollars today? By the end of 2017 we'll be paying $19.99. Don't be so blind.
You said what needed to be said:

Add in an extra 4 dollars today? By the end of 2017 we'll be paying $19.99. Don't be so blind.
And that is exactly what I explain the two posts before.

You will pay. And if you don't, the people who were actually targeted by this change and who are the majority, will.

Cerberus.Senkyuutai said: »
It all boils down to them having people in charge of determining what makes money and applying it.
I'm already way over 20$ for my FFXI subscription, I don't see the issue. Actually, most people don't.

If you can't afford it, it simply means that the game isn't marketed toward you anymore, as you are the expandable minority.

Morals don't have anything to do with this either.
I won't call you butthurt but, in the end, your argument is really weak and superfluous.

It like I said, breaking the established mold of how the general FFXI player base has enjoyed paying for their favorite MMO over the last several years. Suddenly slapping a cash shop onto a pay MMO isn't an established norm, and no amount of white knighting is going to change that.
Childish and superfluous.

Maybe they'll listen to the loud minority and will give it for free, who knows. But if they don't, now you know why.

Also, I don't understand why you call "white knighting" what is nothing less than explanations as to why you are being dumb.
Posts: 873
By camaroz 2016-06-30 19:08:48
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Dear SE,

Don't be using Taru's to try and persuade me! I won't be fooled by these shenanigans.

Anyway this is bad and they should feel bad.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-06-30 19:16:58
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If I was in the minority this wouldn't be on a page 12 discussion on the first day. The level of response you are giving me to breaking it down into one huge wall of text is just... as unneeded as an extra 4 dollar expense.

Be it 6 accounts or 1 it doesn't matter, the implementation is bad and just because you disagree doesn't mean a wall of text has to be erected either.

They would arguably make more charging $10 dollars per item each year as a one time fee than they would creating a bunch of recurring micro transactions. This is clearly an experiment on their part and it won't be a successful one.

It's not like they are giving you a wandering nomad moogle that will give you access to your mog items + 2 additional wardrobes for 4 dollars a month. We know what 2 dollars get us in additional services in 14, 80 slots in FFXI is just absurd.
Server: Bismarck
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user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2016-06-30 19:35:52
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Guys, please read the official post. It's $4 for 160 slots for all characters on the account. Also, you activate it the same way you do a mule. So it's not like you need to go to a cash shop every month. It's basically the exact same thing we've been doing. Just, rather than a mule, it's a different product.
I don't want them to start charging us for tons of new qol stuff, but I'm not going to freak out now. This might really just be a 1 time thing.
By volkom 2016-06-30 19:50:07
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thats a lot of extra inventory space if you have a maxed out account
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Phaded
By Bismarck.Phaded 2016-06-30 19:53:10
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The contract lasts for thirty (30) days and incurs a fee of $2.00.
* The fee is $2.00/30 days for either Mog Wardrobe 3 or Mog Wardrobe 4.
* The fee is $4.00/30 days for both Mog Wardrobe 3 and Mog Wardrobe 4.

It's not a one time.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2016-06-30 20:26:55
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Look, up until now, if you needed more space, you'd log onto your SE account and buy a new mule. Then you'd do all the quests and junk to get their various sacks to 80 slots.
Now, you just have a choice. You can choose to create another mule, or buy more space on all your existing characters. That is all.

・Using the Mog Wardrobe 3 and Mog Wardrobe 4 requires an automatically renewing optional PlayOnline/FINAL FANTASY XI account service contract.
Once you activate it, it will automatically renew. It's just a new product to do what people have always been doing. So it will feel exactly like business as usual, unless you look at your credit card statement every month and fixate on those few bucks.

So now, sure, people are worried this will set a precedent, but it might not. SE does incur a cost giving this to us and that might really honestly be the reason they added a charge. Since it has been made very clear, in this thread, that no one is angry about the wardrobes specifically and that all the upset people are angry about the "slippery slope," I say enjoy the extra space! If SE actually does start milking this, then we can grab our torches and pitchforks. But for now, have fun.
Posts: 24
By Capsules 2016-06-30 21:22:34
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Mog Wardrobe can ONLY hold equipment. People who buy mules use those mules to store more than just equipment.
People saying just deactivate a mule or 2 to cover the cost, is not practical. Out of the 6 mules I have combined I barely take up Mog Wardrobe 1 worth of gear.
My mules are packed full of items such as crafting supplies, pop items, abyssea items, dynamis items, etc etc that cannot be stored in Mog Wardrobe.
This extra space serves no purpose at all for me. Therefore I will not be increasing my subscription to have 160 slots of space on each character on my account I will never use.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 326
By Quetzalcoatl.Kainstryder 2016-06-30 21:26:54
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I can see why they've been giving us the low-tier Mounts; so they can milk the real ones.

Next month it'll be Fafnir/Behemoth/Adamantoise mounts for $2 each, $1 for recolors to "show off to your friends around Vana'diel... in style!"

Please enjoy it!
Posts: 105
By ibm2431 2016-06-30 22:21:17
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I've seen a mistaken conception several times now which I need to correct: In no way will 160 additional inventory spaces incur significant storage or transmission costs. Anyone claiming it would does so ignorant of how FFXI works.

In FFXI, each individual item is sent from the server to the client in a single packet. So every time you zone and the client needs an update on your inventory (because it's not stored across zones, as we all know), the exchange looks something like this:

Server: Here's item 1.
Client: 'Kay, got it.
Server: Here's item 2.
Client: 'Kay, got it.
Server: Here's item 3.
Client: 'Kay, got it.

Until all 800 inventory spaces are accounted for. The reason it works this way is due to "PS2 limitations" - its network buffers were only so large. But this is why it takes forever to load our inventories when we zone, with it taking longer and longer the more inventory you have.

Now, SE could fix this by making this exchange a single packet of: "Here's items 1, 2, 3, 4, etc." Not only would this alleviate our inventory loading problems, but it would actually reduce bandwidth, because you'd no longer have the significant overhead of sending 800 individual packets instead of just one. Of course, that'd require, y'know, work on SE's part. So I guess it's okay for them not to put forth the effort since we're playing this game for free, right?

Anyway, items in FFXI aren't just integers. They're compound "blobs" of data, running from 0x00 to 0x29. This includes the item's ID, how much you have, where it is in your inventory, and extra data like augments or trial progress. So if you're going to add storage for 160 more items, you're not adding 160 more integers, but 160 more blobs. However, this amounts to only 41 bytes of data per item. Total, 160 items is only 6,560 bytes of data.

Now, to illustrate just how much 6,560 bytes are. Look to the left of any post on this forum and you'll see an avatar. Unless the avatar is pretty simple (like mine, which I wish I could've used to illustrate this point), it'll be larger than 6,560 bytes. See for yourself: right-click, view image info. Just on this page, Saevel's avatar is 13,877 bytes. Prothescar's runs 1,292,810 bytes. To bludgeon the point: Prothescar's avatar alone is worth 394 wardrobes.

And before anyone tries to say "but per character, it all adds up", take a moment to consider how much storage space an entire mule requires: character info, jobs, mission and quest progress, mission/quest status, currencies, home points unlocked, etc. If storage space was their concern, they'd want to incentivize everyone to use additional wardrobes instead of mules.

These wardrobes are in no way any kind of significant burden to store or transmit. And due to wardrobes already being coded into the game, and the fact that SE isn't going to actually fix how they send item information (instead, they'll just transmit 160 more packets), the most significant amount of work put into adding these wardrobes is adding the buttons to the client UI. They will have spent more effort on the payment method than they will have on expanding a data set by 6,560 bytes.

The fee is a cash grab, pure and simple. They charge it not because they need to, but because they can. Whether that's moral is an entirely separate argument, but know that, no, this fee isn't going to support "added costs" of the service.
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