I found an interesting little
post from the Leaguemili JP blog, and learned something I didn't know about the 1200 JP PLD gift.
So, am I the only one who thought that PLD's 1200 JP gift increased per spike reprisal damage? I was always annoyed by this because it seemed counterproductive as it made it harder to maintain reprisal.

As it turns out the JP version is phrased a bit differently.
"Total amount of damage counterattacked by React + 20%"
So it was actually an increase to the Reprisal dmg dealt cap. <,<; This really could have been phrased more clearly. Just adding the word 'total' in the english version would have made it very clear to me at least.
That said... with the removal of the Reprisal dmg dealt cap last update, PLD now has a 1200JP gift that does exactly... nothing.
The JP post goes over this and talks about how the 1200 JP gift is often the highlight of the job's gifts, and how PLD now needs a new gift. And what kind of gifts we might expect.
This is really something that should have been changed on that same update that removed the reprisal dmg cap. But I'm getting the feeling that SE just completely forgot. So basically, we need to go remind them.