~First And Final Line Of Defense V2.0~

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~First and Final Line of Defense v2.0~
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Posts: 3,660
By Taint 2021-04-03 09:48:34
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Asura.Gotenn said: »
The other thing about DPS on PLD is we have no way to get to haste cap. So unless we have a TON of mobs feeding us tp, or a DNC in the group giving us Haste Samba, from my perspective, it takes us forever to get tp.

^ This

PLD is a TP slug, its painful at times.
Posts: 1,195
By DaneBlood 2021-04-08 08:24:58
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MY SIRD set is not working as i though it would and i dont get why.

My first sird set had 109% SIRD (no merrits) and i still got interrupted when pulling multiple mobs on me in DynaD and Oddesey

I redid the sets and got it down to 98 but with more HP and moved me to 5/5 SIRD merrits

but i still get interupted casting blu spells.
just last night i had 3-4 interuptions in a row when standing still just casting AoE hate spells

I have verfiied the gear equips (its in midtcast).
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 368
By Pandemonium.Zeto 2021-04-08 08:26:34
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Whats your set?
Posts: 168
By Veydal1 2021-04-08 11:35:52
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It's possible your sets aren't being used properly. A couple things worth checking -

1. Make sure you're actually in "SIRD" mode if using Selendrile's LUA. This should be WINDOWS KEY + F11 I believe by default.

2. Double check your sets. You'll need SIRD sets for Cures, Enhancing Magic, Reprisal, Enmity, etc.

EDIT: Do you recall what was the spell that was interrupted? I'd start with that. Check the spell against the sets in your LUA to make sure there's an accompanying SIRD set for that spell.
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2021-04-08 11:58:18
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DaneBlood said: »
I have verfiied the gear equips (its in midtcast).

Possibly it switches to TP/Idle before you finish casting then? or its a lag and you casting in precast. I suggest disable gearswap and lock yourself in SIRD set and check if you get interrupted then. If you dont, you will know its not a SIRD set problem, but some problem with swapping gear. If you get interrupted, then its a problem with set itself.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Botosi
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2021-04-08 12:00:19
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Maybe you got that fastfollow bug going on where your idle set equips too quickly?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Eloc
Posts: 55
By Leviathan.Eloc 2021-04-08 13:43:14
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DaneBlood said: »
MY SIRD set is not working as i though it would and i dont get why.

My first sird set had 109% SIRD (no merrits) and i still got interrupted when pulling multiple mobs on me in DynaD and Oddesey

I redid the sets and got it down to 98 but with more HP and moved me to 5/5 SIRD merrits

but i still get interupted casting blu spells.
just last night i had 3-4 interuptions in a row when standing still just casting AoE hate spells

I have verfiied the gear equips (its in midtcast).

This happened to me last night on my blue magic spells on PLD. I removed the priority part of my lua for those spells, and it worked after that. No idea why it broke randomly, because it was working before with no issue.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 112
By Asura.Buffyslyph 2021-04-13 22:56:16
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This is currently the PLD set I'm working towards:

ItemSet 378978

as I feel it is reasonably achievable for my mule over the next 2-3 months. Ochain as well for physical fights, swapping out from Aegis as needed.

This set would be my idle set and my engaged set.

Sakpata is currently unavailable to this char.

Am I on the right path or have a truly gone off the rails somewhere? If so, what should I do differently?

I'm very newb to PLD.
Posts: 401
By Guyford 2021-04-28 17:57:11
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So... what are everyone's thoughts on what pld could be getting. Enmity on reprisal and bonus dmg/maybe acc on enlights? Even more def on protects? aoe shells? AoE flash under majesty? Phalanx potency job trait? Additional effect death on holy 2 vs undead under divine emblem?
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1,006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2021-04-28 18:24:27
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If i had to guess, either duration increase on spells like crusade for QoL, enmity increase on some buff spells to help maintain enmity, or some spell effect adjustments that would be more difficult and specific to parse out.

FFXI has a lot of spells/buffs that are "need permanent uptime, last 5 min at most" that could do with some boosting. Its just a chore keeping all the buffs up all at once.
Posts: 1,851
By Felgarr 2021-04-28 19:54:16
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If Reprisal gets a 45-second recast like Foil (and keeps or gets an increase in Enmity)....I will be so incredibly happy.

I can't think of anything else SE would change, unless it's Majesty+Phalanx combo or Majesty+Enlight ...or just simply giving PLD another Divine Magic spell. :/
Posts: 1,851
By Felgarr 2021-04-28 19:55:27
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Taint said: »
Asura.Gotenn said: »
The other thing about DPS on PLD is we have no way to get to haste cap. So unless we have a TON of mobs feeding us tp, or a DNC in the group giving us Haste Samba, from my perspective, it takes us forever to get tp.

^ This

PLD is a TP slug, its painful at times.

When SE chose not to bless WSD with AF1/2 that has WSD+10, I completely withdrew from DPSing on PLD. I actually prefer it, I need the inventory space.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rorrick
Posts: 316
By Ragnarok.Lowen 2021-04-28 20:48:27
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Enlight no longer decays.

Book it.
Posts: 1,851
By Felgarr 2021-04-28 21:05:15
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Ragnarok.Lowen said: »
Enlight no longer decays.

Book it.

It didn't decay when it was originally SE released it, then a while later they nerfed it with decay.
Posts: 1,600
By Ruaumoko 2021-04-28 21:32:07
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Enlight no longer decaying is a good shout.
Reprisal having its reuse timer cut to 45 seconds and getting the same Enmity values as Foil would be a game changer.

...Flash becoming AoE under Majesty would be earth shatteringly epic.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2021-04-28 22:12:18
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Add 12% JA haste to enlight. Do it SE. /dreams. lol.
Posts: 314
By Ozaii 2021-04-28 23:28:14
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Not really a pld questuon but a reprisal one. When reprisal procs on adapa shield. Does it give the enmity as well as if it was casted or just the reprisal bonus.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Byrne 2021-04-29 04:01:38
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Add 12% JA haste to enlight. Do it SE. /dreams. lol.

Or they could just give PLD something that gives a bonus similar to what DRG gets when Wyvern is summoned. It doesn't have to be enlight specifically, I just think that there should be at least one or two alternatives to DNC to cap SW haste. Even better still if some job could do AoE JA haste, that would free up all sorts of specialized subjob options as well.
Posts: 1,273
By FaeQueenCory 2021-04-29 07:28:11
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Ragnarok.Martel said: »
Add 12% JA haste to enlight. Do it SE. /dreams. lol.
12%? Gurl, you're dreaming small. Demand more:15~20% JA haste.
(though they'd probably tie it to something like sentinel if they did the 20%.)

EDIT: oh I bet I know what it's gonna be. I bet they're gonna change the order of power on Rampart so that Shining Ruby (Pro+shell) won't overwrite it...
Posts: 9,216
By SimonSes 2021-04-29 08:16:04
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FaeQueenCory said: »
12%? Gurl, you're dreaming small. Demand more:15~20% JA haste.

Martel wants 12%, because cap is 80% and PLD can only have 68.75% atm (78.75% with Haste Samba from main DNC).
Posts: 171
By Aricomfy 2021-05-10 20:09:45
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Well it seems Reprisal no longer requires HP equipment in midcast. Time to swap in them fast cast pieces!
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alphus
By Bahamut.Omegus 2021-05-11 09:53:36
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im thinking of a combo of enhancing duration and SIR
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alphus
By Bahamut.Omegus 2021-05-11 10:57:48
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ItemSet 379746

So i made this, 40% duration, capped SIR(merits), 28%FC(jse cape), 42DT and 8pdt. So take or add to it what you want, enmity might also be an option with its base 640ve.
Posts: 18
By Rankyaku 2021-05-11 11:57:27
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Been toying with the shield and I think it's bugged again;

Tested for Reprisal:
-With Shabti+1, Gauntlets, and Shield R15: Reprisal Duration 1:17
-With Shabti+1, Gauntlets, and no Shield: Reprisal Duration 1:17

Tried the same setup with other Enh. spells to see what would happen;
Shell IV; no increase in duration
Aquaveil; no increase in duration

Did one last test to see if there was a cap I was reaching;
-With Gauntlets, Shield R15, No Body: Aquaveil 11:59
-With Gauntlets, no Shield, Shabti+1: Aquaveil 12:59
If shield weren't broken, both of these should have been the same.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 368
By Pandemonium.Zeto 2021-05-11 12:10:02
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Aricomfy said: »
Well it seems Reprisal no longer requires HP equipment in midcast. Time to swap in them fast cast pieces!
I mean you almost certainly weren't hitting the cap anyway unless you were memeing in Abyssea. At 2x your HP and 3k min health on all your sets that was a 6k cap. You're doing what max 20 a hit maybe to stuff that matters? And that's being EXTREMELY generous. Realistically, it's doing single digit damage because we didn't gear to make it do damage. But even in the 20 damage average you need to get hit 300 times in the duration. We already geared reprisal so the recast was shorter than the duration over anything else because the cap didn't matter.

You don't even need much FC or Enhancing duration to get 100% uptime.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alphus
By Bahamut.Omegus 2021-05-11 12:16:06
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timers plugin is wrong and outdated its actually 1.24
Posts: 30
By Yzen 2021-05-19 02:13:51
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Anyone have a PLD lua that they would be willing to share -- many thanks!
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Khajit
Posts: 446
By Quetzalcoatl.Khajit 2021-05-27 15:11:38
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I've decided that now is the time to focus on getting back all of those block rate +9-10 DM augments I've tossed in favor of wsd/phalanx for pld. What slots are ideal for me to focus on for that? I"m also going for more spell interruption rate on ody feet. I'm currently at +8, but if I get back to that slot again I'm gonna be trying for 12+ on the aug.
Is there a handy chart to bookmark what skill/block rate gear I need for certain mobs like Run has? I'm considering making Block rate sets based on ilv in gearswap eventually since I don't see any lua that let me cycle through them when wearing Pirwen.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,281
By Bahamut.Lexouritis 2021-05-27 16:44:33
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Quetzalcoatl.Khajit said: »
I've decided that now is the time to focus on getting back all of those block rate +9-10 DM augments I've tossed in favor of wsd/phalanx for pld. What slots are ideal for me to focus on for that? I"m also going for more spell interruption rate on ody feet. I'm currently at +8, but if I get back to that slot again I'm gonna be trying for 12+ on the aug.
Is there a handy chart to bookmark what skill/block rate gear I need for certain mobs like Run has? I'm considering making Block rate sets based on ilv in gearswap eventually since I don't see any lua that let me cycle through them when wearing Pirwen.

Don't really need them if u use ochain, they are great if u use other shields, particularly srivatsa. This set below will cap your block rate on Ilvl 150 with reprisal up:


Edit: you can change out non block rate/skill ***in favor of other gear, newer gear, more defense w/e this was my set before odyssey.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Khronos
By Sylph.Brahmsz 2021-05-27 16:48:36
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Quetzalcoatl.Khajit said: »
I've decided that now is the time to focus on getting back all of those block rate +9-10 DM augments I've tossed in favor of wsd/phalanx for pld. What slots are ideal for me to focus on for that?

Ideally, Head & Leg slots work best for DM augmented "Block Chance +9~10" gear. My personal suggestion is Odyssean Helm and Valorous Hose, they both offer a decent amount of HP for those slots and a light amount of PDT-. Good luck!
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