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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-09 16:48:23
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Asura.Azagarth said: »
lets all stop using berserk and LR then... you know bc that's way the fuc more than 14%

If your using both berserk and LA then your doing it wrong, or doing really weak ***which nobody cares about.

LR by itself is already -35% defense which on harder content is gonna make you take some hits. TPing in +DT along with that is just being dumb.

Just because the gear has "DRK onry" on it, doesn't mean it's what you should be wearing. We don't care that you like to speak like Batman while playing and Cosplay as some emo rage filled anti-hero.

SE should create a DRK JSE neck that gives a permanent 5 count doom effect. Then we can watch people attempt to justify wearing it full time "cause DRK".
Posts: 2442
By eliroo 2017-05-09 16:52:10
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The idea is that the +% Damage is there to boost how much TP you get back. You would only use this in a fight where you know you can withstand an attack with our without Drain III.

I think what we need to point is how poor 10% of Damage taken to TP really is nothing when you aren't the one tanking the mob.

I really only see two uses for this item:

- Switch into it once you know a hard hitting move is coming that you can live through. Remember DRK has Drain III so these situations aren't uncommon for them.
- You are tanking something as DRK, or you pull hate.

We keep wanting to bring up that the DRK will die but three things:

- Drain III exists
- Dread Spikes Exist
- A Catastrophe DRK turns TP into HP while also dealing respectable damage.
By clearlyamule 2017-05-09 17:20:33
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Ruaumoko said: »
Asura.Syto said: »
I think SMN is going slip through untouched in this coming PUPdate..
Am I missing something? Is there some kind of PUP update in the wings?
Not that I've heard but they have been sneaking something in like every other update. Also there a few things broken with them that have been posted and accepted and some that haven't been posted yet since testing ongoing and something that was posted then deleted so who knows. Hopefully.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ganon8413
Posts: 127
By Asura.Ganno 2017-05-09 17:20:54
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Keep calm for now guys, they announced various jobs adjustments,
Scarlet Delirium might gonna change.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1325
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-05-09 17:27:00
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Asura.Saevel said: »
Asura.Azagarth said: »
lets all stop using berserk and LR then... you know bc that's way the fuc more than 14%

If your using both berserk and LA then your doing it wrong, or doing really weak ***which nobody cares about.

LR by itself is already -35% defense which on harder content is gonna make you take some hits. TPing in +DT along with that is just being dumb.

Just because the gear has "DRK onry" on it, doesn't mean it's what you should be wearing. We don't care that you like to speak like Batman while playing and Cosplay as some emo rage filled anti-hero.

SE should create a DRK JSE neck that gives a permanent 5 count doom effect. Then we can watch people attempt to justify wearing it full time "cause DRK".

The affects of JUST ONE OF the following - last resort or berserk will cause you to take more dmg than that +14%..... way to read however you felt on that one, especially when you know what I meant.

The body has its place and dont underplay scythe, the dps it has isnt terrible, its actually fairly high under certain situations. Cata isnt to terrible either when you can spam it full force tanking and not die. These situations arent as uncommon as you would think.

while I wont pay 500m on this body (100m would be my max), that isnt really a good reason to not include an item as being good. Lets face it anyone who has bought HQ emicho body/hands has in essence wasted a shitload on marginal gains, and there are a lot in that group. Thats fine too because lots of marginal gains = big gains.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Gerion
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-05-09 17:27:56
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Scarlet Delirium with a minimum damage trigger of 400 and 5 minute duration, please!
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sessho
Posts: 446
By Asura.Syto 2017-05-10 00:33:16
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Asura.Syto said: »
I think SMN is going slip through untouched in this coming PUPdate..

Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-10 07:47:03
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SMN temporarily dodged the bullet, though the massive rush of SMN's doing T4's last night was really funny to watch.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: dekusutaa
Posts: 495
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2017-05-10 09:09:09
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Aye it is possible they are just taking their time but i feel like someone saw job adjustments in the preview notes snd jumped to conclusions and the assumption became fact. Nothing has changed for smns except geo getting nerfed and strategies adapting to that. I think SE understands that.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-10 09:30:02
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Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »
Aye it is possible they are just taking their time but i feel like someone saw job adjustments in the preview notes snd jumped to conclusions and the assumption became fact.

Well we know it's coming based on past behaviors of identical situations. Long long time ago RNG's were doing this stuff and got nerfed pretty hard, most of us agree it was too severe a nerf. After them was DRK's with SEBW and various abuses, those got adjusted and one of which was the system wide 20% floor on delay reduction. THF's were doing stuff like this with RS and SE reduced the fTP on that. Then we had the BST's do exactly what SMN's are doing now, poping SP's and JA's then burning down the "highest" content in record time, they got a pretty harsh nerf. Not once has a game breaking (not just OP but fundamentally breaking game content) mechanic or ability not been nerfed.

So yeah it's coming, just a matter of when and by how much.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-05-10 10:10:43
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Again, for all the handwringing, SMN is really only good for NMs that can be physically damaged efficiently and are worth burning an SP on.

Here is a list of content that SMN is mediocre or bad at, because resetting an SP ability is annoying, SMN can only kill one monster every 22 seconds, and you expect to do these fights more often than once every 45 minutes:
* Omen
* Delve
* Vagary
* Sinister Reign
* Ambuscade
* Unity
* Most High Tier Battlefields
* Skirmish
* Incursion
* Dynamis
* Salvage
* Assault
* Every easier Aeonic NM

Here's a list of all the content that SMN is worth using for:
* Schah, Albumen, and maybe Teles/Onch/Erinys if you're particularly lazy
* Maybe some Job Master BCs

They would be justified looking at those two lists and saying "There's plenty of ilevel 119 content that SMN is mediocre or bad at. Why do we have to adjust anything?"
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: dekusutaa
Posts: 495
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2017-05-10 10:18:43
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My team is low man. We rely on scholar or pup scs and smn closing with pup tank on some of the stuff we do. We don't rely on mass burns and i use my SP for omen and such to speed the kills. I don't feel OP at all. Other times im on geo and our blu takes over dps depending on what we kill.

My biggest concern was they will nerf solo smns instead of maybe fixing the smn spam issue. so im happy that they have held back for now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-10 10:20:33
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
They would be justified looking at those two lists and saying "There's plenty of ilevel 119 content that SMN is mediocre or bad at. Why do we have to adjust anything?"

Exactly the same thing BST's said. Those abusing a game exploit never want to admit they are abusing a game exploit.

SMN AC zerg is broken, you know this.

* Omen
* Delve
* Vagary
* Sinister Reign
* Ambuscade
* Unity
* Most High Tier Battlefields
* Skirmish
* Incursion
* Dynamis
* Salvage
* Assault
* Every easier Aeonic NM

SMN's destroy all that, it's just too much hassle to bother with it and players are lazy.

Last night there was a huge rush of SMN's doing the T4's and Omen, they were even fighting over pop sets. Everyone was trying to get in their wins / mercs before the anticipated "nerf".

At this point in time anyone trying to defend SMN AC zerg just looks like a fool. Nobodies believing you.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: dekusutaa
Posts: 495
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2017-05-10 10:24:57
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Bst was aided by SEs addition of revit in reisen.

Even after the distance nerf Bst were still downing escha/reisen stuff in record time pre revit nerf. SE responded by buffing smns and pups pretty regularly and releasing less bst friendly content
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-10 10:33:05
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Bismarck.Dekusutaa said: »
Bst was aided by SEs addition of revit in reisen.

Even after the distance nerf Bst were still downing escha/reisen stuff in record time pre revit nerf. SE responded by buffing smns and pups pretty regularly and releasing less bst friendly content

Umm you didn't abuse the BST situation did you. I did and I can tell you that it had nothing to do with SP's.

Run Wild is what they were abusing with revits, and super revit didn't change this. By standing at 20+ feet away BST's could use their pets do kill stuff with the exact same setup SMN's are using now.

SMN is actually worse then BST because while they were super safe, it often took them a few minutes to kill things while SMN's do it in 30~60s.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-05-10 10:35:36
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How can using an ability as it was designed to be used be considered a game exploit? BST zerging ***wasn't abuse of an exploit and this isn't either. If the DPS is too high, SE should nerf it, but the current situation can't be described as an exploit.

SMN definitely doesn't "destroy" any event that involves killing multiple monsters. Doing 60k damage every 22 seconds isn't going to farm you very many points in Alluvion Yorcia Skirmish. It's not going to protect the tent in normal Yorcia Skirmish. It's going to get you at best a pretty normal clear time for Delve zones. I like it okay for Salvage, but it's probably not better than any other job I could bring. SP ability is a nice damage spike against the Omen boss, but my Omen clears as SMN when farming cards are slow and generally don't get me very many cards.

You just care too much about Aeonic NMs.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-10 10:38:44
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Keep trying to tell people it's not Game Breaking. Nobodies believing the *** your shoveling. It would be easier to sell Ocean front real estate in Oklahoma then the idea that SMN AC zerg isn't broken as ***.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Richybear
Posts: 1270
By Fenrir.Richybear 2017-05-10 10:46:57
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But Aeonics are the only content in the game!
Wah wah wah nerf SMN
This is Kiaru with GEO all over again, only with more sand
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-05-10 10:48:39
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r u a politician?

Recipe for political reply:
* Reframe the statement/question in your own terms
* Make an some stupid, distracting analogy that doesn't really even work
* Repeat

And you've pretty clearly never attempted to use SMN as a damage source for anything outside of Conduit.

As someone who has periodically attempted to go SMN for the last few years, I'm impressed when I see what this board's SMNs have used it for (Escha Genbu solo, using it as a damage source in Master BCs, etc.) because I know that the job isn't actually strong. The job is unique, but it's a pretty mediocre damage source outside of Conduit.
By clearlyamule 2017-05-10 10:57:31
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It might be pretty mediocre outside of conduit but then it goes from zero to super hero
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Stamos
Posts: 1239
By Leviathan.Stamos 2017-05-10 10:58:38
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If you miss Kiaru, you can find him on the OF
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-05-10 11:02:04
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The mediocre aspect is its kill speed. They can still reliably clear all of that content with obscene safety.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: dekusutaa
Posts: 495
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2017-05-10 11:11:08
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Sylph.Cherche said: »
The mediocre aspect is its kill speed. They can still reliably clear all of that content with obscene safety.

Unless you are very skilled this obscene safety includes a party and a tank

I can sort of see the argument against mass conduit burns but as a solo dps like we use it for smn clears content at the same pace as every other setup if not a little slower. We just get to drop a full time healer for a cor or a sch or puppet.

Seems like you want smn to be undesirable to any content.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1203
By Asura.Frod 2017-05-10 11:14:03
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
Again, for all the handwringing, SMN is really only good for NMs that can be physically damaged efficiently and are worth burning an SP on.

Here is a list of content that SMN is mediocre or bad at, because resetting an SP ability is annoying, SMN can only kill one monster every 22 seconds, and you expect to do these fights more often than once every 45 minutes:
* Omen
* Delve
* Vagary
* Sinister Reign
* Ambuscade
* Unity
* Most High Tier Battlefields
* Skirmish
* Incursion
* Dynamis
* Salvage
* Assault
* Every easier Aeonic NM

Here's a list of all the content that SMN is worth using for:
* Schah, Albumen, and maybe Teles/Onch/Erinys if you're particularly lazy
* Maybe some Job Master BCs

They would be justified looking at those two lists and saying "There's plenty of ilevel 119 content that SMN is mediocre or bad at. Why do we have to adjust anything?"

Omen: conduit the mid to drop it or conduit certain endbosses. Thunderspark all the trash to clear waves.
Delve: <10 minute yorcia
Vagary: conduit works well on 4 of the 5 bosses. Can kill fomor and leech zone bosses.
Sinister reign: Closing skillchains
Ambuscade: varies wildly each update
Unity: trash mobs are trash. Smn can probably conduit the toau kings, be a dps on tc.
Htbf: avatars we oddly suck on, but thats their innate dt. Conduit can wreck promathia.
Skirmish: trash mobs get wrecked. Thunderapark cleave or kite alluvion yorcia pops.
Incursion. Conduit higher level bosses, thunderspark trash.
Dynamis really? Who cares about thia?
$alvage/assault this isnt current content.

Aeonic nms: t1s in all zones get wrecked without conduit. T2s as well. T3s in resin all can be solo smn conduited.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Byrthnoth
Posts: 6168
By Lakshmi.Byrth 2017-05-10 11:22:28
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None of the things you listed male SMN superior to any other job
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2017-05-10 11:26:51
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It's not broken because of the time it takes. It's not broken because of the damage it does. It's broken because the entire package allows for a strategy that's many orders of magnitude simpler and more reliable than any other.

1. Do Beast and Drachen Roll.
2. Use apogee.
3. Pop NM.
4. RUN acquire hate while GEO does bolster frailty/torpor and dia2.
5. Volt Strike x4 with super revitalizer, use conduit. Volt strike for another 30 seconds. RUN uses Odyllic Subterfuge to make chance of any debuff or damage extremely minimal.

For Schah, WoC, Kirin, and Teles.. that is all you need.
You could bring a THF for teles if you want, but it seems to always SV for first 1hr.

For vinipata and albumen, add a brd to horde lullaby adds once at the start(or in albumens case, geo can sub blm and es sleepga).

For erinys, have one (potentially naked or even under 99) smn spam mewing lullaby.

I just wrote a comprehensive strategy for 7 of the hardest 9 NMs needed for aeonic weapons. It took less text and explaining than writing a comprehensive strategy for a single one of them sans SMN. The entire process could probably be done with a long windower macro using send if you wanted... that's how simple and consistant it is.

The primary argument against is the gear requirement, but as a party it's still a much lower gil requirement than the normal strategies. People see it as an additional cost because they hopped on the smn bandwagon and paid it all to gain that privilege. The reality is it's not any different than any other job's gear and is actually significantly cheaper than most.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1203
By Asura.Frod 2017-05-10 11:31:49
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Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
None of the things you listed male SMN superior to any other job

Several of them do, or at the very least put them on par with other current viable tactics, so nothing makes smn actively terrible at any of it.

Only exclusions are certain htbf and certain months ambuscade.

Dont know why you even listed 75/99 content, its disingenuous to your argument.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2017-05-10 11:42:00
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It just sounds like some people don't want SMN to great at anything. You have to admit that, by definition, there must be a job that is the 'best' at doing something. If SMN has pop their SP2 to achieve that on some content, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

My THF is incredibly powerful whenever I steal Mighty Strikes, but there's no reason for that to be nerfed just because I do particularly well in those specific fights.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9849
By Asura.Saevel 2017-05-10 11:46:35
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This is so funny seeing SMN's argue. One is deliberately trying to make SMN appear weaker then it is to as to deflect from how obscene broken it is. The other is career SMN-onry (literally all Frod plays is SMN) and takes offense to having his only job called mediocre, even if its in an attempt at deflection.

Also easy to see who played SMN before the AC zerg fest and who plans to drop it the moment they can no longer abuse AC zerg.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: dekusutaa
Posts: 495
By Bismarck.Dekusutaa 2017-05-10 11:51:10
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Breaking news: bandwagon job causes people to want to level job.
If it is not SMN it is something else.
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