Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium |
Killer Instinct: The Beastmaster Compendium
I wish I had a tenth of Falkirk's knowledge and skill at testing and presenting FFXI stuff.
Anyone with a pet DT set to share not using Nyame?
Ninja edit: Does it cap at 50%? Minaras84 said: » Anyone with a pet DT set to share not using Nyame? Ninja edit: Does it cap at 50%? Vaerix said: » Hey BST Bro's ItemSet 391276 Was chatting with a friend tonight about bst idle dt stuff for leech shenanigans in odyssey, this is the best I could come up with, without nyame path D. Pretty sure I didn't miss anything but please let me know if I did. Assuming R25 Path C mainhand, Pet DT+4 Dusk Aug on feet, and 10 mdt Aug on back, I belive it comes out to 87/87.5 mdt, 77pdt for pet, and over 50 on master, without adoulin ring 83/87.5, 73/87.5. Sucks that without nyame path D there's not a full cap dt set, but kinda awesome how close we can get. Fantastic, thank you!
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