This Is A Plus Size Model?

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This is a plus size model?
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By 2014-11-12 04:16:31
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Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-11-12 05:12:15
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Ahh fat assed westerners complaining about "body image" bullsh!t when the USA is 60%+ overweight with over 30% who are so overweight it cause's health problems. Yes your fat, we know your fat, we disapprove of your fatness and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop us from saying so. If being called "Fat" makes you feel bad then go out and do something constructive and become healthy.

And yes size "10" is "curvy" for the rest of the world. Of course a curvy girl who goes to the gym and lives a healthy lifestyle will have a body that won't resemble your average land whale in the USA.
Server: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-11-12 05:22:05
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Because if you were, you would know that over eating and not enough exercise are not the only means that lead to obesity

This is the dumbest thing every said on this forum, and considering this is a place where people actually though you could "burn" seawater into nothingness that's saying something.

It's not physically possible to gain fat weight without overeating. It's not possible to be obese without first gaining excess fat weight.

And so logically your statement is not only false but impossible. There is no extra-dimensional space that forms in a persons body that cause's mass from another universe to be sucked in and turned into fat tissue. Thus all fat tissue is put there by the person doing the eating and can be removed, often under great effort, by that same person.

This is the problem with spoiled first world children, they have no concept of personal responsibility and accountability. You guys would much rather refuse responsibility and then ignore the problem entirely in order to feel good about yourselves.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2014-11-12 05:38:52
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Cerberus.Kyka said: »
Are you a doctor with doctorate degrees with specialties in multiple dieses and different organs of the body? There are dieses that do cause weight gain on a large scale. Hypothyroidism, edema, Cushing's syndrome, Depression is a short list of conditions. There are medications that will cause weight gain - medications that you have to take to keep you alive. My ex-husband currently is taking 12 different prescriptions and 9 of them have the side effects of weight gain in the first 3 listed side effects.
Side effect of weight gain(both from disease and from medication) manifests itself in only two ways:

-You burn less calories(either as a result of slowed metabolism or decreased activity).
-You are hungry more often.

It doesn't matter which it is, the problem is solved by eating less calories than you burn. Energy in, energy out. Not rocket science, don't need any degrees, an apt sixth grader could follow this logic.

If you have cancer one of the main things they prescribe is medical grade steroids to help boost your system so that it helps your body as they bombard it with poison to kill of the cancer cells. Not only does the steroids ruin your teeth if you are exposed to them long term, they will cause excessive hunger and weight you are deathly ill with cancer - having poison pumped into your to kill off cancer cells - you are going to cut back on your food, get off the couch and go exercise to lose that excess weight to get yourself skinny?


You arm chair doctors make me sick. My sister died of cancer and had to deal with you people that sneered at her because she was overweight - overweight because she fought 10 long years for her life, being tortured with modern medicine that caused her to gain that weight.

So until you walk in my DEAD SISTER'S SHOES and live the hell she did - learn about what you are talking about first. Go to medical school before you open your mouth or type your drivel.
Disclaimer: I'm arguing with you and your shitty entitled attitude. I have nothing against your sister, and anyone's death to cancer is a tragedy. If she wanted to eat her sorrows away, she's more than welcome to and a dying person has nobody to impress or answer to.
If weight gain becomes a concern, talk with your doctor or a registered dietitian (RD) before starting a diet or changing your eating habits. They can help find out the possible cause of the weight gain and the best way to manage it. In addition, an RD can provide nutritional guidelines or a customized diet plan.

Consider the following ways to address weight gain through diet and physical activity:

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Limit fat, sugar, and refined flour.
Drink plenty of water.
Try to use healthier cooking methods whenever possible, such as steaming instead of frying.
Evaluate everyday eating habits, and try to identify behavior patterns that lead to overeating and inactivity. It may be helpful to meet with an RD to help you with this.
Find cardiovascular physical activities, such as walking or bicycling, that you enjoy, and do strength building exercises if you have lost muscle. However, check with your doctor before beginning a new type of exercise or increasing your amount of physical activity.

Calories in. Calories out.

While I recognize the possibility that your personal vendetta is solely on behalf of your sister, seems more likely it's about yourself. It's your choice to feel guilty and try to rationalize your bad habits. Plenty of people share similar habits and avoid self-hatred, take responsibility, or even try to improve upon them. Blaming external factors and whining on a forum doesn't make you any less fat. Fatty.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-11-12 05:38:54
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More full body shots so people can see who's being hated on. She's bigger then most models as she is quite tall at 5'11. Average American women is 5'4 and 166 lbs. What's difference about her is that her professional career rides on her ability to stay attractive and thus she needs to work out and maintain a good height to waist ratio. So this is what those "plus sized" women could look like, if they would get off their fat ***'s and get to the gym. Large breasts, large hips, medium waist with a flat stomach.

Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2014-11-12 05:39:03
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Cerberus.Kyka said: »
Why is this person so mad?
Server: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
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By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-11-12 06:05:17
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Cerberus.Kyka said: »
Why is this person so mad?
Didn't read the post, but when this subject comes up my guess would be sexual frustration.
Server: Cerberus
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user: anjisnu
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By Cerberus.Anjisnu 2014-11-12 08:18:03
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I only care about someone's fatness if they are looking atm me as food. Not much cannibalism goin on in the states sadly all our violence is the boring *** school shooting which irks me due to the fact if you had used a knife could've killed off the adults and had a blast after
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Nausi
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By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-11-12 09:12:21
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Asura.Calatilla said: »
What is everyone's idea of fat though, bet it isn't the same as the fashion industries idea of fat.

I think if you're outside your BMI range, you've got a 95% chance of me thinking you need to loose some weight without me even knowing what you weigh. Slightly overweight is not "thick", thick is what you look like on the upper half/third of the BMI range. "Thin/skinny" is the lower half/third of the range.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Nausi
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By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-11-12 09:20:29
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Altimaomega said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Altimaomega said: »
Jetackuu said: »
Asura.Kingnobody said: »
To be honest, what does it matter if a person is fat or not anyway?

It's their health, not yours. It's not like you or anyone else is affected by another person's weight.

If you are truly cacomorphobic, then there is no help for you at all. Go live in a cave and keep away from people, period.

Increased societal costs, America's obesity is a monetary issue, unfortunately if we taxed food then the poor would starve, so there's no easy fix for it.

Well maybe if we destroyed modern about everything and required people to work in fields and walk 10 miles to school in the snow uphill etc.

How exactly are the poor gonna starve with all the benefits they currently have? All your taxes are gonna do is make the middle class poor so they can then receive said benefits. Who you gonna tax then? The rich? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

1. lol, you and your tax the middle class delusions.

2. you and your "the poor have too many benefits" delusions

3. you need to reread what I said.


Jet in a nutshell:

I said something brilliant because I am Jet, if you don't agree, then you didn't understand my brilliance. Learn to read.
Server: Sylph
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user: Vegetto
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By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2014-11-12 09:22:51
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Idk what the whole plus size vs skinny vs average thing is about.

Everyone knows fit grills dabess
Server: Leviathan
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user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2014-11-12 09:23:14
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I thought Americans had a right to be fat? Freedom!
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11337
By Garuda.Chanti 2014-11-12 09:23:20
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Josiahkf said: »
Chanti you still here?
Not since my OP. Just catching up on the thread now.
Server: Garuda
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user: Chanti
Posts: 11337
By Garuda.Chanti 2014-11-12 09:36:02
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Jetackuu said: »
@OP: didn't you used to do fittings for people or something for a living?
I have often sewn for my living. I still read fashion magazines for fun. OK, full disclosure, I mostly just look at the pics.

The reason why the fashion industry is hooked on size 0 - 2 girls is actually quite simple and practical. The slim to skinny ones have fewer differences in shape. The garments will drape the same no mater which model wears them.

What raised my ire to the point of making that pose is calling a 5' 11" size 10 a plus size.
Server: Asura
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user: ivykyori
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By Asura.Ivykyori 2014-11-12 09:41:29
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I dunno, what I see is a beautiful woman who makes more money than most of us would in a lifetime.

If I weren't married and into dating models, I'd bang her.
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-11-12 09:54:54
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Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »

The whole notion that we label medications as causing "weight gain" is stupid. It only reinforces the idea that someone is powerless to address their own problems. "It's not me, it's the medication I'm on", we should label medications as making you tired or increasing your appetite.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-12 10:12:06
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: »

The whole notion that we label medications as causing "weight gain" is stupid. It only reinforces the idea that someone is powerless to address their own problems. "It's not me, it's the medication I'm on", we should label medications as making you tired or increasing your appetite.

Some medications actually affect the way your body metabolizes what you eat. Certain hormonal triggers tell your body to burn keytones or proteins instead of glucose, meaning that your body will metabolize muscle and store fat. It's not nearly as common as "may cause weight gain" labels, for sure, but those side effects do exist.
Server: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
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By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-11-12 10:18:21
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
To be honest, what does it matter if a person is fat or not anyway?

It's their health, not yours. It's not like you or anyone else is affected by another person's weight.

If you are truly cacomorphobic, then there is no help for you at all. Go live in a cave and keep away from people, period.
Wow, of all people, I'd figure you would not be the one to make this statement.

Here goes: the morbidly obese (the people we tend to think of in discussions like this, not the underwear model with a slightly jiggly butt) are lined up to have fewer years working, thereby fewer years paying taxes, and are more likely to have serious health problems during their working years, thereby more revenue lost and just a general drag on whatever industry they work in. There's also a correlation between being hugely overweight and earning less money. It can be a little chicken-and-egg to trace causes, but among them it wouldn't be unfair to point out that the many health issues caused by tipping 300 lbs. reduce someone's prospects (and there's the good ol' halo effect, too). Being habitually poor generally leads to seeking or relying on public assistance, either via government programs or charitable organizations.

Someone's ill health will affect you, albeit in a fairly infinitesimal way on an individual basis (which is to say that the fat guy who lives on your block is costing you personally maybe a few thousandths of a cent), but it does add up. This is true of virtually all widespread health problems, hence why clinicians have taken to referring to certain non-disease-vector issues as "epidemics." This is, incidentally, why we have things like seatbelt and anti-smoking laws, not that the firm fiscal conservatism that underlays them ever gets mentioned in normal discourse.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sapphire 2014-11-12 10:26:02
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
Jetackuu said: »
@OP: didn't you used to do fittings for people or something for a living?
I have often sewn for my living. I still read fashion magazines for fun. OK, full disclosure, I mostly just look at the pics.

The reason why the fashion industry is hooked on size 0 - 2 girls is actually quite simple and practical. The slim to skinny ones have fewer differences in shape. The garments will drape the same no mater which model wears them.

What raised my ire to the point of making that pose is calling a 5' 11" size 10 a plus size.
I'm 6' 1" and fluctuate size 10-12 and used to do modeling for a fashion designer (yay free clothes).
I was never referred to as 'plus size' , even when I did runway once, I was called 'statuesque' lol those french people.
She always said she enjoyed dressing me up because I was outside the normal size/height specification.
But yeah those short twiggy looking girls pretty much all dress up the same because its more about draping a skeleton with less fat/muscle on it.

Its pretty much physically impossible for me to be smaller than a 10 and working out harder just increases muscle mass and reduces bust size to a level I find personally unpleasant for my own body image.

Boiling size charts down to a single number in general is really awful, I really couldnt stand the company of many other women because they distilled their entire self worth down to their dress size.

For america I would say 14-16 is where realistic plus size would be. Anyone far past that is straight up obese.
inb4 dudes call me fat cause i'm a size 10-12.
By 2014-11-12 10:33:16
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By volkom 2014-11-12 10:36:11
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Server: Ragnarok
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user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2014-11-12 10:39:31
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Valefor.Sapphire said: »
Garuda.Chanti said: »
Jetackuu said: »
@OP: didn't you used to do fittings for people or something for a living?
I have often sewn for my living. I still read fashion magazines for fun. OK, full disclosure, I mostly just look at the pics.

The reason why the fashion industry is hooked on size 0 - 2 girls is actually quite simple and practical. The slim to skinny ones have fewer differences in shape. The garments will drape the same no mater which model wears them.

What raised my ire to the point of making that pose is calling a 5' 11" size 10 a plus size.
I'm 6' 1" and fluctuate size 10-12 and used to do modeling for a fashion designer (yay free clothes).
I was never referred to as 'plus size' , even when I did runway once, I was called 'statuesque' lol those french people.
She always said she enjoyed dressing me up because I was outside the normal size/height specification.
But yeah those short twiggy looking girls pretty much all dress up the same because its more about draping a skeleton with less fat/muscle on it.

Its pretty much physically impossible for me to be smaller than a 10 and working out harder just increases muscle mass and reduces bust size to a level I find personally unpleasant for my own body image.

Boiling size charts down to a single number in general is really awful, I really couldnt stand the company of many other women because they distilled their entire self worth down to their dress size.

For america I would say 14-16 is where realistic plus size would be. Anyone far past that is straight up obese.
inb4 dudes call me fat cause i'm a size 10-12.

I wouldn't call you fat because of your size, I would base that on what you weighed or your body fat %
By volkom 2014-11-12 10:43:00
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Could you say fatness is based on what an individual person perceives (to a certain limit... ex: being 400lbs wouldn't be considered healthy)
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-12 10:48:26
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I would say "fatness" is based on how much fat you carry around. But, more to the point, why would anyone have to contemplate or quantify what they would consider fat?
By volkom 2014-11-12 10:53:59
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because our society is visually stimulated by the looks of others and that shows in various media?
Server: Siren
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user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2014-11-12 10:55:39
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Odin.Jassik said: »
why would anyone have to contemplate or quantify what they would consider fat?

here here.

I don't give a ***, & couldn't imagine a world wherein I did. besides, if I ever quit smoking, I'd probably be a big fatty boombalaty too.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-11-12 11:01:06
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volkom said: »
Could you say fatness is based on what an individual person perceives (to a certain limit... ex: being 400lbs wouldn't be considered healthy)

Being fat is not subjective, there is a direct correlation between being over a certain fat (20~30% depending on gender) tissue percentage and deteriorating health effects. The further over that line someone is the worse the effects become. Also being overweight wouldn't be a problem if people would just own it instead of blaming everything except their own lifestyle choices and then demanding special treatment.

In all cases Height-To-Weight BMI and clothing size tends to be very generic guess's of health. A far better one is height to waist ratio with 1.5 being the cut off point. A person with a HtWr at 1.5 or higher has a high chance of having health problems and is generally considered overweight, someone under that 1.5 wouldn't be. This method allows for some of those more curvy female body shapes that store fat in the buttocks and can inflate her clothing size.
Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2014-11-12 11:01:11
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volkom said: »
because our society is visually stimulated by the looks of others and that shows in various media?

Why would you care if someone doesn't find you attractive? I, personally, do my best to stay in good shape and healthy for myself, not for others. When I broke my back and was down for 20 months, I gained a lot of weight, obviously, and I lost the weight because I wanted to, not because I was shamed or to make myself more attractive to others. I may be unusual having a positive self-image, but at no point in my life has the image of a more fit or attractive man on a magazine made me feel anything.
Server: Caitsith
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user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2014-11-12 11:04:00
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Jetackuu said: »
Or just redo the sizes like men's clothes to where it's the size of the clothes, instead of some arbitrary #

@OP: didn't you used to do fittings for people or something for a living?

So, are you asking the US to start sizing by actual measurements? Is that why you're asking Chanti if she was formerly a seamstress?




Do you know how much bitching would come from Americans if they actually had to see their real measurements? UK sizing is arbitrary too, but it's a lot better than US, even though it runs on the 2-4-6-8...scale.

EDIT: Also, Jassik, not disagreeing with you about shopping in the juniors section, but that's only in department stores. Brand name retailers like, Banana Republic, J Crew, Whitehouse Blackmarket, Anthropologie, BCBG Max Azria don't have junior sections, because they're not marketing to teens.

Teens that do start shopping there are the 0 and 2 range. I suspect that's why those are available. Not to mention, that models, for which designers fit the clothing, start careers in their teens.
Server: Lakshmi
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Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-11-12 11:05:34
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volkom said: »
because our society is visually stimulated by the looks of others and that shows in various media?

Has nothing to do with "society", it's human nature and how SMV is measured. A male will often do favors and give special treatment to an attractive female but will won't for unattractive females or other males. Conversely a female will do favors and give special treatment to an attractive male but won't for unattractive males and other females. Sexual attractiveness is measured drastically differently between men and women on an instinctual level, this is what cause's that "double standard" we often hear about. Anyways that's a totally different conversation.
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