Random Politics & Religion #00

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Random Politics & Religion #00
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Server: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-06-11 12:54:28
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Hey individuals whom I all respect deeply and am absolutely trying not to offend with this greeting, how was your day?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-06-11 12:55:16
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Ramyrez said: »
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Hey guys gang, saying "guys" is sexist and it's a big problem.

Vox magazine is apparently the central hub for PC-disgustingness.

My favorite part:

"You can think of the push to drop "guys" as political correctness run amok, or you can think of it as making a tiny change that doesn't cost you anything and will keep you from being a jerk to half the population — and help you make the world just a tiny bit more fair. "

See if you drop "guys" as accepted lexicon, you can get some good feelz!
I wanted to see what the alternative was. I was thinking, hey people, but this is what they have to offer:
Guys and girls
Isn't gang racist?

I don't know about racist, but saying "Hey gang!" has a very whitebread 50s Howdy-Doody feel to it for me.
Actually it always reminds me of Fred from Scooby-Doo.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-06-11 12:55:39
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Ramyrez said: »
I don't know about racist, but saying "Hey gang!" has a very whitebread 50s Howdy-Doody feel to it for me.

Golly, Mr. Ramyrez. I didn't know you felt this way. Gee whiz.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-06-11 12:56:10
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Leave it To Beaver senses tingling.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-06-11 12:57:11
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Who goes around calling every group of friends / persons a 'team'?

Were you tortured by management meetings or something?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 12:57:32
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I propose a compromise.

Any time you need to get a group's attention, you must shout, "Hey jerkwads!"
Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-06-11 12:58:02
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"You *** over there" sounds like a good compromise too.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 12:58:43
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
"You *** over there" sounds like a good compromise too.

Ah ah ah.

"You ***" insults the potential asexuals in the group.

*ducks the inevitable flatware aimed at his head*
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 12:59:59
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Bahamut.Ravael said: »
Ramyrez said: »
I don't know about racist, but saying "Hey gang!" has a very whitebread 50s Howdy-Doody feel to it for me.

Golly, Mr. Ramyrez. I didn't know you felt this way. Gee whiz.


Guide Maker
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-06-11 13:00:58
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Or like Nausi told us some days ago "my ***" is always acceptable too.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-06-11 13:01:04
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My favorite gendered term often thrown around by 20 somethings is when a guy uses the term 'females'.

Every hair on my body stands up at how *** awkward it sounds, like something that escaped from a NatGeo program.

"Yeah, me and the females are on the way, see you there."
"See those females over there? One of them is a jazz enthusiast."

Think I'll stick to 'ladies' 'dudes' or one of my profanity laced terms of endearment. It has elements of not sounding like a dipshit to it.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 13:02:10
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Or like Nausi told us some days ago "my ***" is always acceptable too.

No, it only works for comedic effect if I actually use the "er" version to my various friends from college, because I am openly acknowledged as the whitest honkey who has ever lived.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-06-11 13:03:07
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Me and the males are going down to the country club. Pip pip, jolly good show.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-06-11 13:04:42
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Americans need to steal the term 'sheila' from the Aussies.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ravael
Posts: 13638
By Bahamut.Ravael 2015-06-11 13:06:01
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
Americans need to steal the term 'sheila' from the Aussies.

Eh, we try to avoid Australian terms just in the off-chance that it may attract some of their wildlife.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-06-11 13:08:24
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Ramyrez said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Or like Nausi told us some days ago "my ***" is always acceptable too.

No, it only works for comedic effect if I actually use the "er" version to my various friends from college, because I am openly acknowledged as the whitest honkey who has ever lived.

"What's up ***?" is far better/safer at making people chuckle. No doubt a stunning testament to our bigoted homophobic society
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-06-11 13:08:49
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An update on the pool party in Texas:

While the primary focus of the incident in McKinney, TX has been calling for the termination of now resigned Corporal Eric Casebolt, Twitter launched an impromptu campaign to identify the two women confirmed to have made racist comments that led to the fight and the police being called in the first place. The video begins with an adult white woman and what appears to be a much younger African American girl locked in a fight, with each holding the others hair attempting to throw punches. A group of black teens initially act as observers but eventually try to separate the two. Another woman, now known as Tracey-Carver Allbritton, at first seems to be trying to break up the fight, but quickly decides to start throwing punches to the top of the younger girls head. After a few seconds the fight is broken up and both parties go their separate ways.

That video led activists on Twitter to ask who were the two women and why hadn't they been arrested, or at least questioned for their role in the fight. At this point they seemed to have slipped under the radar. It didn't take long for that video to be matched up with a Facebook profile linking Ms. Allbritton directly to the incident, and to her apparent employer listed on the account, Bank of America.

The tweet sent by Dallas Communities Organizing for Change, an organization who fights for racial justice and police reform, spread like wild fire and eventually forced the banking behomoth Bank of America to conduct an investigation of its own to determine whether or not Ms. Allbritton actually did work for her. Contrary to what is listed on her Facebook profile, Bank of America released a statement online confirming that in fact she didn't work for them, but that she did work for one of their vendors.

That vendor company is CoreLogic Inc, a major financial data and analytics firm closely aligned with Bank of America. CoreLogic has been providing various financial and home loan services to Bank of America since at least 2011, which is around the time the U.S. Department of Justice settled a $335 million suit for racially discriminating against African Americans and Latinos in home mortgage lending. While CoreLogic Inc. seems not to be directly responsible for the decision on whether or not to issue home mortgage loans or other financial products to individuals, they provide a comprehensive lender profile and all necessary information needed to make the decision. This includes providing services such as credit profiles, credit reports, home mortgage default services, and analytics on multifamily leasing among others.

According to a statement given to the Dallas Morning News, “CoreLogic does not condone violence, discrimination or harassment and takes conduct that is inconsistent with our values and expectations very seriously. As a result of these pending allegations, we have placed the employee in question on administrative leave while further investigations take place." Several calls to confirm if this was actually the case have yet to be answered by CoreLogic Inc.

This is seen as preliminary good news by some, but the question still remains as to what her role exactly is with the financial data firm, whether or not she has direct decision making authority over the issuance of loans, and if so, how many African Americans and Latino's may have been denied based on her personal racial bias.
Woman Involved in Starting McKinney Pool Fight Placed on Administrative Leave by CoreLogic Inc.

tl;dr people with no jobs have nothing better to do than get people with a job fired
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-06-11 13:10:11
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The politically incorrect are the new 1930s jews.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 13:12:39
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Ramyrez said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Or like Nausi told us some days ago "my ***" is always acceptable too.

No, it only works for comedic effect if I actually use the "er" version to my various friends from college, because I am openly acknowledged as the whitest honkey who has ever lived.

"What's up ***?" is far better/safer at making people chuckle. No doubt a stunning testament to our bigoted homophobic society

It is a bit, but...meh. I subscribe to the Louis CK usage of that word anyhow. But as they teach you in sexual harassment training; it's not how you intended something that matters, it's how it's interpreted!
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 13:15:04
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
quickly decides to start throwing punches to the top of the younger girls head.

ARRR. Now see, this is the kind of thing Rav was talking about; who did she start throwing haymakers at? "the younger girl's head" or "the younger girls' heads". In this case they even tried to describe the event, but through poor editing have muddied the water for those of us with scant time to waste on sensationalist internet videos.

Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-06-11 13:18:01
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Ramyrez said: »
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
quickly decides to start throwing punches to the top of the younger girls head.

ARRR. Now see, this is the kind of thing Rav was talking about; who did she start throwing haymakers at? "the younger girl's head" or "the younger girls' heads". In this case they even tried to describe the event, but through poor editing have muddied the water for those of us with scant time to waste on sensationalist internet videos.

I actually had to search for a better news article as the first one would have really wet your feels. (Is that even a term?)
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 13:18:19
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
tl;dr people with no jobs have nothing better to do than get people with a job fired

That said, your TL;DR is slightly misleading. Being seen nationally as a racist is certainly a problem given the situation of the employer and is certainly grounds to be fired.

Hell, I think anything is grounds to be fired in Texas, if not fired at.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2015-06-11 13:19:15
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Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
Ramyrez said: »
Leviathan.Chaosx said: »
quickly decides to start throwing punches to the top of the younger girls head.

ARRR. Now see, this is the kind of thing Rav was talking about; who did she start throwing haymakers at? "the younger girl's head" or "the younger girls' heads". In this case they even tried to describe the event, but through poor editing have muddied the water for those of us with scant time to waste on sensationalist internet videos.

I actually had to search for a better news article as the first one would have really wet your feels. (Is that even a term?)

Well, I mean, I guess if you romance me enough, but I'd really prefer we not use the term.

Which probably means we're going to see it every day now, but hey. Whatever. Cheap laughs are better than no laughs.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-06-11 13:19:28
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Ramyrez said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
Ramyrez said: »
Valefor.Sehachan said: »
Or like Nausi told us some days ago "my ***" is always acceptable too.

No, it only works for comedic effect if I actually use the "er" version to my various friends from college, because I am openly acknowledged as the whitest honkey who has ever lived.

"What's up ***?" is far better/safer at making people chuckle. No doubt a stunning testament to our bigoted homophobic society

It is a bit, but...meh. I subscribe to the Louis CK usage of that word anyhow. But as they teach you in sexual harassment training; it's not how you intended something that matters, it's how it's interpreted!

One of the smartest lessons about PCness is:

It's not about that you actually said, it about what someone thinks you meant. Which of course leads to the rampant victimization we see on our society today. We've glorified it.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2015-06-11 13:20:51
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Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
The politically incorrect are the new 1930s jews.

you're an idiot.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-06-11 13:22:37
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Yeah it does sound pretty gay. I think I'll try again next time.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-06-11 13:25:46
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Siren.Mosin said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
The politically incorrect are the new 1930s jews.

you're an idiot.
He might be onto something if they start putting those people in reeducation camps.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2015-06-11 13:29:48
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Siren.Mosin said: »
Ragnarok.Nausi said: »
The politically incorrect are the new 1930s jews.

you're an idiot.

Do we know why that woman was hitting the black teenager and shouting racial slurs at her? I mean is it at all possible that she did so and isn't a racist?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2015-06-11 13:32:09
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One one hand you have overly PC people parsing every conversation looking for offense, taking issue with any joke that approaches anything mildly controversial. Sadly, most of these types are SJW types with a victim complex.

On the other hand you have a cadre of anti-PC folk who merely want to continue being racist, sexist, ignorant pigs and feel that consequences for using certain phrases is all apart of the PC conspiracy. Sadly, most of these types are white guys with a victim complex.

Use your damn brain. Someone making a black joke in passing isn't automatically a racist but then you have people who can't help but make racial jokes about anything - or worse- someone who makes a pretty ignorant statement. Cue using the term 'orientals' for instance or '***' literally.

***is situational, yo.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2015-06-11 13:33:41
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Lakshmi.Sparthosx said: »
My favorite gendered term often thrown around by 20 somethings is when a guy uses the term 'females'.

Every hair on my body stands up at how *** awkward it sounds, like something that escaped from a NatGeo program.

"Yeah, me and the females are on the way, see you there."
"See those females over there? One of them is a jazz enthusiast."

Think I'll stick to 'ladies' 'dudes' or one of my profanity laced terms of endearment. It has elements of not sounding like a dipshit to it.

That's nuts! I have never heard of that. Must be a NE thing.

Boys/girls (Even though using either of those is starting to feel weird.)

Hmmm...Not sure what to think of "females" in that context. Sounds unnatural in casual conversation.
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