Planning to do a run this Sat night 10/26. i am helping friends get wins so most likely wont do more than 1 unless everyone stays for a 2nd. If you need/want the win please make sure you are caught up & have all CS done before /t me. Finish up any Tiers you may need before Sat (Jeuno I & II only take a few hours with low man group)
I'm not going to shout for hours so if i cant get enough people to farm KI's then i will just displace Prov & everyone can buy KI's to skip Mad/Sed/Beg & minimize all of our wait time.
Unsure how stupid easy this will be, its been like 8months since i did Prov so only looking for 8-12 people for Cat farm, or if everyone 3/3 then 4-6 people on a Displaced Prov.
If you interested contact me!
Drops = /seacom
Anyone welcome!