Hi guys.
I don't know if this is really gonna help, or turn out how it is in my head, but its worth a shot! I've seen some of the work you guys do, and its simply amazing. I wish I had even half the talent some of you guys do (and would make this easier if I could draw this myself...)
Back story:
My partner and I met on FFXI (Almost 5 years ago) I had transfered to Levi Server from Ifrit to specifically join the AU LS on there, and thats how I met her. 5yrs on, we have two kids, and have been married almost 1yr. We've both since moved on from FFXI (Not because of time, but because of the direction it went in, both of us being long time players (me 11yrs, her 8). I do love tattoo's, but they have to have meaning. I dont want some stupid crap posted on the tattooist wall, and just pick something out of his book without personal meaning, hence coming here.
I would REALLY love someone to do this for me. You'll have the satisfaction of having a piece of your art on someones skin forever.
My idea is this. She played a female hume, I played Mithra with white spikey hair.
I want her in WHM AF2 gear. Mine in the old school SMN AF1 gear, and YYR. I want us to have our arms together, and have mine jumping in the air, 1 arm up like a fist sorta deal, and the leg closest to her sort bent upwards. I also want Carbuncle next to me, both of us with the original Light staffs on our back.
I know this is alot to ask of people I dont know. But it would mean so much to us if someone could help.
Thanks guys :D