So BST Burn Delve Now?

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so BST burn delve now?
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2228
By Lakshmi.Saevel 2014-01-22 18:02:44
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Sylph.Peldin said: »
BST would stomp SMN completely for damage output, Ruinator is insane.
I was thinking more along the lines of full pet party, not just a substitute DD.

I took my BST in to Dynamis Tav the day before the update. GorefangHobs was hitting mobs with Razor Fangs for ~900ish. After the update, he was hittings mobs with Razor Fangs for ~4000ish, highest I saw being 4173. So the damage increase seems to be very substantial.

However, when it comes to higher tier bosses, the issue is accuracy. I would actually be interested in seeing what the accuracy of pets is like against Delve bosses or Ark Angels (normal+). I would guess that it would be terrible.

Players are still vastly superior then pets, it's because you can't buff pets with Song's, Rolls and Food. The reason I mentioned beasts is that Tojil's zone is all lizards so an Beast affinity pet would have a large advantage in there. Killer Instinct would give the BST, and else anyone in his party, a +15% damage done, -15% damage taken effect. One of the things I liked about Delve is how each area had a monster theme.
Server: Shiva
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user: Onorgul
Posts: 3618
By Shiva.Onorgul 2014-01-22 18:12:25
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Players are still vastly superior then pets, it's because you can't buff pets with Song's, Rolls and Food.
Not strictly true. Drachen Roll, Beast Roll, and Companion's Roll all boost pets. However, you're mostly correct in that pets still cannot reach the kind of buffs that players can and, moreover, pet rolls do nothing for players. It'd be nice if SE would get around to addressing this problem, but I'm about 99% certain they'll never bother.
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Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2014-01-22 18:13:53
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Sylph.Peldin said: »
I took my BST in to Dynamis Tav the day before the update. GorefangHobs was hitting mobs with Razor Fangs for ~900ish. After the update, he was hittings mobs with Razor Fangs for ~4000ish, highest I saw being 4173. So the damage increase seems to be very substantial.

It's a 2.3x increase in Ready move damage with a possible global attack bonus. Tiger has a natural 50% attack bonus so he's probably got a pretty high ratio on dynamis mobs (aside from demons).
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2014-01-22 18:45:22
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Shiva.Onorgul said: »
Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Players are still vastly superior then pets, it's because you can't buff pets with Song's, Rolls and Food.
Not strictly true. Drachen Roll, Beast Roll, and Companion's Roll all boost pets. However, you're mostly correct in that pets still cannot reach the kind of buffs that players can and, moreover, pet rolls do nothing for players. It'd be nice if SE would get around to addressing this problem, but I'm about 99% certain they'll never bother.

Also, wyverns can get any most* buffs the player gets, though limited by how many empathy merits you have. Wyvern's primary limitation is getting locked up constantly by breath activation and delay. If you could somehow lock the wyvern in to defensive mode and not use it's tp on breaths, it might actually do a decent chunk of damage from it's auto-attack with haste, double marches and AM3.

* Apparently there are a few they can't get. Embrava for one.
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2014-01-22 23:23:13
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Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Heimdel said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Boar pet with Haste TP move. Naturally caps at some level higher than 115.

I don't think the level caps on that page are correct anymore. I'm pretty sure the crab is a lot higher and obviously there are a lot of pets missing now. A taru bst is who used to keep it updated but I don't know where he is now.Actually after rereading the intro I think the whole page needs updating.

The caps on the page are correct - you may be thinking of the crab's level cap with Beast Affinity merits tacked on, but 113 is the natural cap for Herald (assuming that's the crab you're talking about).

Level cap/Max HP investigation for the newest pets started here. Someone with iLvl117/119 axe needs to pick up the torch on testing it.

Hmm does bst afinity/relic gloves apply before or after main hand weapons level?
Posts: 530
By Heimdel 2014-01-22 23:38:33
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Lakshmi.Saevel said: »
Sylph.Peldin said: »
BST would stomp SMN completely for damage output, Ruinator is insane.
I was thinking more along the lines of full pet party, not just a substitute DD.

I took my BST in to Dynamis Tav the day before the update. GorefangHobs was hitting mobs with Razor Fangs for ~900ish. After the update, he was hittings mobs with Razor Fangs for ~4000ish, highest I saw being 4173. So the damage increase seems to be very substantial.

However, when it comes to higher tier bosses, the issue is accuracy. I would actually be interested in seeing what the accuracy of pets is like against Delve bosses or Ark Angels (normal+). I would guess that it would be terrible.

Players are still vastly superior then pets, it's because you can't buff pets with Song's, Rolls and Food. The reason I mentioned beasts is that Tojil's zone is all lizards so an Beast affinity pet would have a large advantage in there. Killer Instinct would give the BST, and else anyone in his party, a +15% damage done, -15% damage taken effect. One of the things I liked about Delve is how each area had a monster theme.

Lol I can see it now. /yell delve run beastmaster 119 axe 5/5 killer instinct and corresponding pet do you have it.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 87
By Quetzalcoatl.Jamiemadrox 2014-01-23 01:34:12
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Sylph.Peldin said: »
BST would stomp SMN completely for damage output, Ruinator is insane.
I was thinking more along the lines of full pet party, not just a substitute DD.

I took my BST in to Dynamis Tav the day before the update. GorefangHobs was hitting mobs with Razor Fangs for ~900ish. After the update, he was hittings mobs with Razor Fangs for ~4000ish, highest I saw being 4173. So the damage increase seems to be very substantial.

However, when it comes to higher tier bosses, the issue is accuracy. I would actually be interested in seeing what the accuracy of pets is like against Delve bosses or Ark Angels (normal+). I would guess that it would be terrible.
I tried doing VE Taru on my mules BST with 117 axe, augmented af2 hands and 5/5 affinity merits. Neither falcorr or the boar had accuracy worth a ***on it.
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2014-01-23 09:00:02
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Quetzalcoatl.Jamiemadrox said: »
I tried doing VE Taru on my mules BST with 117 axe, augmented af2 hands and 5/5 affinity merits. Neither falcorr or the boar had accuracy worth a ***on it.

Ugh I was hoping it be better than that I have 119 axe and hoping to test out bst with using the pet as a 30 second hate dump but wondering if that even be worth it...
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Falkirk
Posts: 679
By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2014-01-23 09:04:29
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Heimdel said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Heimdel said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk said: »
Boar pet with Haste TP move. Naturally caps at some level higher than 115.

I don't think the level caps on that page are correct anymore. I'm pretty sure the crab is a lot higher and obviously there are a lot of pets missing now. A taru bst is who used to keep it updated but I don't know where he is now.Actually after rereading the intro I think the whole page needs updating.

The caps on the page are correct - you may be thinking of the crab's level cap with Beast Affinity merits tacked on, but 113 is the natural cap for Herald (assuming that's the crab you're talking about).

Level cap/Max HP investigation for the newest pets started here. Someone with iLvl117/119 axe needs to pick up the torch on testing it.

Hmm does bst afinity/relic gloves apply before or after main hand weapons level?

They apply before considering your main hand weapon's level. :)

The Beast Affinity/Augmented Monster Gloves +2 effects increase the pet's level beyond its natural cap, but the item level of your main hand places a hard cap on how high that can go. There are some examples here.
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