<set name="Twilight"> <head>Twilight Helm</head> <body>Twilight Mail</body> </set> <var name="Twilight">None</var> <if Equiphead = "Twilight Helm"> <if advanced='"$Twilight"="On"'> <equip when="all"> <head lock="true" /> <body lock="true" /> </equip> </if> </if> <if Equipbody = "Twilight Mail"> <if advanced='"$Twilight"="On"'> <equip when="all"> <head lock="true" /> <body lock="true" /> </equip> </if> </if> <else> <if advanced='"$Twilight" = "None"'> <var cmd="set Twilight Twilight"/> <addtochat>Twilight Set Active</addtochat> </if> <else> <var cmd="set Twilight None"/> <addtochat>Twilight Set Off</addtochat> </else> </else>
yes this is borrowed from nightfyre's, just trying to modify some things and one problem tends to be when i enable twilight i get caught in a spell or ws...
edit: i think i figured it out just staring at it here....
edit2: <if advanced='"$Twilight"="On"'> needed to be
<if advanced='"$Twilight"="Twilight"'>
ill leave this up for anyone else that wants to know how to lock twilight (head and body both set to cover for salvage etc)