[Dev] BLU: New Spells & Adjustments |
[Dev] BLU: New Spells & Adjustments
Yes, i learned it from one of the magic mobs, so can learn from any
Ok from what i saw in a screenshot some1 did 2-4k dmg per hit to the hurkan WKR with dart. Is dmg boosted on flying types?
it's piercing damage
Anyone figure out the mods for the new spells? was playing around with Dart and it seemed like i got more dmg with str/vit setup as opposed to str only, definately not MAB affected, dmg dropped alot with my Magic Hammer gears on
Mab would be a pretty odd mod for a physical spell.
I tried with Agi(being somewhat ranged and all, sort of made sense at the time) and Str/Dex set and damage was basically the same(700ish on some mobs). Both of those sets suck at the moment though and share way to much gear. It's a nice spell but I sort of wish it had kept the bind effect from the mob version. The mods for Dart are actually posted in this thread >_>;
Quick question: Has anyone unlocked CdC WS and found it slightly underwhelming with Buramenk'ah?
Was that a semi-recent edit on Proth's post? Don't remember seeing the mods there yesterday even. Think my crappy Str set is nearly identical to my Str/Vit at the moment so won't be seeing much of a change.
Lakshmi.Zerowone said: » Quick question: Has anyone unlocked CdC WS and found it slightly underwhelming with Buramenk'ah? Yep, it seems to shine if you can get all hits to critical but besides that its ok. Like I've been saying for a couple of weeks now, CDC is only good when you have 1.7~1.8 ratio or lower on Req, which is likely in most solo/low buff situations.
Valefor.Prothescar said: » Like I've been saying for a couple of weeks now, CDC is only good when you have 1.7~1.8 ratio or lower on Req, which is likely in most solo/low buff situations. Cerberus.Doctorugh said: » Valefor.Prothescar said: » Like I've been saying for a couple of weeks now, CDC is only good when you have 1.7~1.8 ratio or lower on Req, which is likely in most solo/low buff situations. Maybe the heirarchy of WS has changed a bit, but sanguine was also more of a survival ace in the hole than a goto WS. For those of us that didn't make a 90 almace or 99 woe yet, does it pull ahead enough significantly on pre expansion trash like loldynamis mobs where you easily outclass their defense? (is it going to let me farm dyna better)
It sounds like its a bit iffy on whether its better versus SoA/reive monsters. Valefor.Sapphire said: » For those of us that didn't make a 90 almace or 99 woe yet, does it pull ahead enough significantly on pre expansion trash like loldynamis mobs where you easily outclass their defense? (is it going to let me farm dyna better) It sounds like its a bit iffy on whether its better versus SoA/reive monsters. Trash favors Requiescat due to the attack advantage, CDC is more of an underbuffed on high level content WS or obviously Abyssea. So are we sure Glutinous Dart sets HP bonus on it's own? I just switched to a lv1 sub and removed all spells but dart and got nothing.
No, it doesn't get it on its own; I don't have the note saying that it makes HP Bonus by itself.
Dart + B.Tusk is Hp Bonus Trait. It's 5 set points for +60 HP (trait and HP from spells), so not a bad trade off if you need it.
CDC is for when your fighting something big and nasty and don't have eight songs, berserk up, angon on and someone /DNC. I've hit up to 8k req on the raptor and my set isn't even ideal.
I've hit 20k fastblade on raptor and this isn't even my final form.
Odin.Jassik said: » Cerberus.Doctorugh said: » Valefor.Prothescar said: » Like I've been saying for a couple of weeks now, CDC is only good when you have 1.7~1.8 ratio or lower on Req, which is likely in most solo/low buff situations. Maybe the heirarchy of WS has changed a bit, but sanguine was also more of a survival ace in the hole than a goto WS. Currently getting 3300 on SB and with only +15 mab augs on hagondes stuff, 4k+ shouldn't be an issue with close to max mab augs, new earring and new ammo Cerberus.Doctorugh said: » Odin.Jassik said: » Cerberus.Doctorugh said: » Valefor.Prothescar said: » Like I've been saying for a couple of weeks now, CDC is only good when you have 1.7~1.8 ratio or lower on Req, which is likely in most solo/low buff situations. Maybe the heirarchy of WS has changed a bit, but sanguine was also more of a survival ace in the hole than a goto WS. Currently getting 3300 on SB and with only +15 mab augs on hagondes stuff, 4k+ shouldn't be an issue with close to max mab augs, new earring and new ammo That's pretty impressive, I imagine mostly due to the Macc updates? Quetzalcoatl.Gencay said: » Ok from what i saw in a screenshot some1 did 2-4k dmg per hit to the hurkan WKR with dart. Is dmg boosted on flying types? flying are weak to piercing, and wkr and delve nm's seem to have damage weaknesses at different hp ranges and when their auras are up or down.
Odin.Jassik said: » flying are weak to piercing, and wkr and delve nm's seem to have damage weaknesses at different hp ranges and when their auras are up or down. |
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