Parrying, Battuta, and Swordplay. + some misc.
I've been sitting on some of this for awhile now, intending to post when I had more complete testing. But it's starting to seem unlikely that I'll ever get around to it, so I'll just post what I've got.
Level 109 mobs.
2013-08-14_Parry Test - RUN - Swollen Chigoe - 109 - 432 Skill - Terra's Staff
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 6157 100.00 % 222/17 0/77 23.55 13 0/195 95.00 5.86 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 17 6.20 % 35 13.62 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
2013-08-14_Parry Test - RUN - Swollen Chigoe - 109 - 545 Skill
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 4208 100.00 % 94/5 0/84 43.41 2 99/115 107.00 2.13 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 5 4.39 % 15 13.76 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
2013-08-14_Parry Test - RUN - Swollen Chigoe - 109 - 647 Skill
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 39486 100.00 % 803/72 0/120 44.45 38 0/264 144.24 4.73 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 72 5.71 % 385 32.41 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
Wep Skill Parry% #hits
Terra's 432 13.62% 257
Beorc 545 13.76% 110
Senbaak 647 32.41% 1187
The first two samples are tiny so don't rely on those values.
Duration 1:30. Recast 5:00. For some reason those haven't made it onto BGwiki.
With 4/5 Battuta Merits.
Battuta Data
2013-08-14_Parry Test - RUN - Swollen Chigoe - 109 - 432 Skill - Battuta - Undax3 - Terra Staff
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 1786 100.00 % 56/6 0/62 26.57 3 92/179 126.00 5.36 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 6 3.82 % 95 62.91 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
2013-08-14_Parry Test - RUN - Swollen Chigoe - 109 - 545 Skill - Battuta - Undax3 - Beorc
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 128 100.00 % 3/0 28/50 42.67 0 0/0 0.00 0.00 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 0 0.00 % 8 72.73 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
2013-08-14_Parry Test - RUN - Swollen Chigoe - 109 - 647 Skill - Battuta - Undax3
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 2028 100.00 % 43/13 0/87 45.57 1 114/114 114.00 2.33 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 13 5.65 % 174 80.18 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
These samples are
tiny so keep that in mind when considering the parry rates. But until I un-lazy/have more time, they're what we've got.
Wep Skill Parry% Gain #hits
Terra's 432 62.91% +49.29% 151
Senbaak 647 80.18% +47.77% 217
Battuta is, rather badass.
So, if I get +4% parry per additional merit, and got +47.77%(let's call it 48% for simplicity) at 4/5 merits then battuta's base increase should be +36% parry. Assuming it's a flat increase and not based on skill or anything. Don't think there's really enough data to say.
Too bad the duration/recast suck. You're almost untouchable while Battuta's up, even super tanking. Then once it's off you get shredded for the next 3:30. There's swordplay to use after battuta is down, but it's really not all that potent.
Note:I never tried using battuta with only 1~2 runes up. No idea if that has any effect on parry rates.
Battuta "counters"
Or more accurately, Battuta spikes. Seeing as that's how they appear in the log. And that's a far better way of thinking of them. Counters are physical dmg(barring formless/Twilight, etc) Battuta Spikes are magic damage of a rune dependent element.
So, some misc notes on battuta spikes, but nothing in depth.
-Magic DMG, Element based on runes.
-Affected by Day/weather, Affinity/ele staves, and MAB(calc'd on hit, not cast. Much like spikes spells.)
-Subject to resists. M.ACC may depend either on mainhand combat skill or parry skill. I got notably more resists when using a terra's staff(unda runes). But not floored resist rate, despite RUN's lack of any staff skill. This may point towards parry skill being the active skill.
I couldn't find anything that seemed to affect base spikes dmg. Changing base attributes(both on cast and on hit), and using weps of differing base dmg had no effect on base spikes dmg.
I did not try using 1~2 runes. All tests were with 3 runes. I suspect that may affect base spikes dmg.
I was going to post the parse data for spikes dmg, but for some reason the offense details section shows nothing. I think the total #spikes and avg dmg is pretty worthless for actually figuring anything out about this.
Swordplay Evasion
I had to go test this on 107 mobs, since the 109's were flooring my evasion. <,<;;
Base evasion
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 68843 100.00 % 1357/424 0/94 49.12 34 0/174 113.35 2.51 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 424 23.81 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
Swordplay up
Melee Damage Taken
Player Melee Dmg Melee % Hit/Miss M.Low/Hi M.Avg #Crit C.Low/Hi C.Avg Crit%
Martel 29985 100.00 % 696/387 0/100 40.98 16 87/218 132.50 2.30 %
Passive Defenses
Player Evasion Evasion % Parry Parry % Counter Counter % Intimidate Intimidate %
Martel 387 35.73 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 %
base swordplay difference
23.81 35.73 11.92
So, about +12% evade rate from using swordplay. Or +24 evasion. But +24 is a kinda weird number, so I'd be inclined to think it's actually +25.
I've only tested the evasion+ atm, but I'd suspect that acc+ mirrors it.
some misc. stuff, mostly for the wiki
Valiance AoE range, 8.0
One for All AoE range, 10.0
Runeist Coat - Valiance/Vallation duration + 15 seconds. Likewise increases the inspiration fast cast buff duration. I haven't tested for potency changes.