Bst Kraken Club TP Set

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Bst Kraken Club TP set
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: iKhaos
Posts: 150
By Siren.Kenesu 2013-03-06 22:20:49
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Looking for the best Kclub Tp set for BST in dyna. Also, how much store tp is needed?
By 2013-03-06 22:39:00
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Server: Lakshmi
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user: Arcaniz
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By Lakshmi.Arcaniz 2013-03-06 22:49:09
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BSTnamys need to GTFO
Server: Siren
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user: iKhaos
Posts: 150
By Siren.Kenesu 2013-03-06 23:01:12
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I main hand Guttler.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
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By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-03-06 23:41:28
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Is kclub actually a good option for damage as a sub weapon? Serious question, I know little about bst damage.
Posts: 1285
By mortontony1 2013-03-06 23:47:57
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IIRC there was a thread a while back showing Guttler and kclub doing good damage, maybe out doing STR offhand? Let me find it.


Siren.Thoraeon said: »
Because I was curious, I decided to throw around some numbers in the spreadsheets.

Using Attaxia's tp/ws set 1 (because I was lazy, and don't know/care to build a Bst tp set).

Guttler 99/Str-magain: WS 3748 / DPS 212.819
Guttler 99/DA-magain: WS 3754 / DPS 218.582
Guttler 99/OA2-4: WS 3496 / DPS 207.083
Guttler 99/Kraken*: WS 3420 / DPS 245.375

*Note: I was not able to adjust for Kraken Club skill difference, so these numbers are artificially high.

I will concede that Kraken Club might be good for BST due to the high ws damage ratio, but I agree with the points Attaxia made on the Octave club.
By 2013-03-06 23:48:20
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Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Falkirk
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By Quetzalcoatl.Falkirk 2013-03-06 23:50:22
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The numbers are slightly inflated, but this post gives some insight into it. For the types of content that BST does, it seems to be one of the better options.

Edit: Beaten to it! ; ;
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
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By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-03-06 23:56:24
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That's pretty cool, is ridill really a good offhand on fodder mobs? Would having lower attack on offhand be enough to have a large dps drop?
Server: Siren
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user: iKhaos
Posts: 150
By Siren.Kenesu 2013-03-07 00:43:57
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The set have atm is pretty good. i just wanna see sets other's have or can come up with. see what improvements i can make.
Server: Siren
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user: Attaxia
Posts: 118
By Siren.Attaxia 2013-03-07 02:44:12
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mortontony1 said: »
IIRC there was a thread a while back showing Guttler and kclub doing good damage, maybe out doing STR offhand? Let me find it.


Siren.Thoraeon said: »
Because I was curious, I decided to throw around some numbers in the spreadsheets.

Using Attaxia's tp/ws set 1 (because I was lazy, and don't know/care to build a Bst tp set).

Guttler 99/Str-magain: WS 3748 / DPS 212.819
Guttler 99/DA-magain: WS 3754 / DPS 218.582
Guttler 99/OA2-4: WS 3496 / DPS 207.083
Guttler 99/Kraken*: WS 3420 / DPS 245.375

*Note: I was not able to adjust for Kraken Club skill difference, so these numbers are artificially high.

I will concede that Kraken Club might be good for BST due to the high ws damage ratio, but I agree with the points Attaxia made on the Octave club.
These numbers give a good insight to the potential of BST/Kclub however keep in mind two things:
-He was not able to adjust for accuracy difference for mainhand (which is rather significant against higher levels - you will miss alot)
-He uses my TP set which is not good for a Kraken club settup (sTP and accuracy is favoured over DA etc)

I've got no actual numbers for you at the moment (Perhaps later, I'm in a rush) but I believe an optimal set given the level of targets to look something like this:

Of course, depending on what you fight, you will need to make adjustments to accuracy (Brutal instead of Kokou's if you can hit acc cap with offhand amongst one of the changes you can make).
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2013-03-07 03:00:54
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I can't imagine the mantle being too hot, wouldn't rancorous be much better?
Server: Bismarck
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user: Billzey
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By Bismarck.Helel 2013-03-07 04:19:33
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Double attack severely gimps kraken club, so I would never recommend using a brutal earring.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [39 days between previous and next post]
By Falafel 2013-04-15 14:18:45
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Assuming the aforementioned fodder mobs, no acc problems etc,

does Attaxia's posted set get TP faster than a similar set with Skadi+1 body/hands instead of Ogiers body/hands, and Sigyn feet instead of Wrathwing Nails?[I'm only concerned with what gets to 100TP faster]

Attaxia's Set:
328.1 delay(24.61%haste + suppa5% DW), 12-hit build

Skadi/Sigyn substitution Set:
297.84 delay (25% haste +suppa5%DW/skadi 7%DW), 14-hit build

(above values obtained using ffxi calculator)

Guttler/KClub: Average 4.8 hits per round(OAX spreadsheet)

I guess WS tp return might also be a determining factor. thoughts?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [61 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 2
By Chronochaos 2013-06-15 22:16:24
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with the new equipment out what currently be the best TP set for a bst with guttler/K. Club combo? Thanks!
Posts: 13
By Anesthesia 2013-06-27 21:26:08
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Currently this is what I use, and only in dynamis:

ItemSet 305119

Not really concerned with offhand damage output, as the idea behind my build is to get to 100 TP asap.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Gli2duS
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By Bahamut.Glizdus 2013-07-01 00:34:14
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omfg, with this you prolly go for WS procs? :P
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Ecaroh
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By Ragnarok.Ecaroh 2013-07-01 14:46:52
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I saw a BST off hand KC this past weekend.

WS was frequent but damage seemed to be lacking. Cant give any specifics on his gears as I dont like to check people. He was sub /DNC. His ladybug pet kept hate most the fight which I found funny AND he evently died when he pulled hate to many times and Koios 2hr him LOL

Server: Odin
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user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2013-07-01 15:11:18
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any bst that dies to koios should be use as an example of what not to do
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Neboh
Posts: 458
By Lakshmi.Neboh 2013-07-01 15:12:52
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Ragnarok.Ecaroh said: »
...His ladybug pet kept hate most the fight which I found funny ...

A good BST knows how to use snarl and stay alive... Have you ever played BST?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Attaxia
Posts: 118
By Siren.Attaxia 2013-07-01 17:09:46
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His ladybug pet kept hate most the fight which I found funny AND he evently died when he pulled hate to many times and Koios 2hr him LOL
I enjoyed how you decide that the BST pulls hate too many times despite ridiculing said BST for the exact opposite half a sentence ago.


K-club is in fact, for Abyssea content and a bit beyond, (Dynamis, Salvage etc) one of - if not - the best possible DPS weapon choice for a BST's offhand.

BST has an ability that allows them instantly offload their entire enmity and give it to their pet. After a few uses this ensures that hate does not shift from the pet in most cases.

Apart from keeping a distance from Koios' deadly 2hr he wasn't doing as much wrong as you thought.
Posts: 9
By stayingalive 2013-07-01 17:27:02
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While I don't have any numbers or parses to back it up, I used to BST in dyna with offhand kclub. Gear wasn't great, no phorcys or anyhting, goading, tactical mantle, tanaris harness, tyrant ring etc. I mostly used Breidox for mainhand, before all the recent updates.

I eventually sold the kclub and bought currency for an Aegis, and when I returned to dyna on BST one day I was amazed at how slow I killed. I could definitely optimize my gear for better non-stp use but without really great gear I don't see how it can make that much of a difference. And then of course that really great gear would also make the kclub version that much better...

Things felt twice as long to kill, often more.
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