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Forum » Windower » Spellcast Scripting » Bard » Nightingale/Troubadour
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-11-19 20:20:56
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My problem is that I try to double march myself, and the instrument isn't equipping fast enough so I can't get more than one song active. I have a castdelay of 2 which I thought should be plenty sufficient. Here's the code (only pasted the relevant portions) if someone doesn't mind pointing me in the right direction.

Code xml
    <equip when="idle|AfterCast" set="Idle"/>
	<if Type="BardSong">
		<castdelay delay="1"/>
		<equip when="precast" set="FastCast"/>
		<midcastdelay delay="1"/>	
		<if spell="*March" BuffActive="Nightingale">
			<castdelay delay="2"/>
			<equip when="precast" set="Marches"/>

And these are the sets associated with the above.
Code xml
		<set name="Idle">
			<main>Surya's Staff +2</main>
			<neck>Aoidos' matinee</neck>
			<lear>Aredan Earring</lear>
			<rear>Aoidos' Earring</rear>
			<body>Vermillion Cloak</body>
			<hands>Serpentes Cuffs</hands>
			<lring>Airy Ring</lring>
			<rring>Sheltered Ring</rring>
			<back>Mesmeric Cape</back>
			<waist>Cascade Belt</waist>
			<legs>Aoidos' Rhingrave +2</legs>
			<feet>Serpentes Sabots</feet>
		<set name="FastCast" BaseSet="Idle">
			<main>Felibre's Dague</main>
			<head>Aoidos' Calot +2</head>
			<body>Praeco Doublet</body>
			<waist>Aoidos' Belt</waist>
			<feet>Aoidos' Cothurnes +2</feet>
		<set name="Songs">
			<main>Felibre's Dague</main>
			<range>Iron Ram Horn</range>
			<head>Aoidos' Calot +2</head>
			<neck>Aoidos' matinee</neck>
			<lear>Aredan Earring</lear>
			<rear>Aoidos' Earring</rear>
			<body>Aoidos' Hongreline +2</body>
			<hands>Aoidos' Manchettes +2</hands>
			<lring>Airy Ring</lring>
			<rring>Sheltered Ring</rring>
			<back>Harmony Cape</back>
			<waist>Aoidos' Belt</waist>
			<legs>Aoidos' Rhingrave +2</legs>
			<feet>Aoidos' Cothrunes +2</feet>
		<set name="Marches" BaseSet="Songs">
			<range>Iron Ram Horn</range>

P.S. Please don't laugh at the gear too much. This is for my alt account.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4197
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-11-19 21:09:26
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Don't idle in a non-instrument, just isn't worth it. Plus, in your case, that 45 mp is lost the moment you take any action that equips anything else, which on brd happens every time you do anything ^^;

I can offer my xml for tips on modifying your own but if you would like to continue to idle in an mp ammo, you could precast your instrument.

Edit: derped that precast bit, as this is for your N/T section. I can do some testing for you though once my internet at my house stops acting up...
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-11-20 00:12:18
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The 45mp is pretty handy for idle because my bard only has 448mp even as a taru. So Strobilus ends up being a 10% mp bonus.

Although, if it really just makes N/T songs a hassle, then I won't bother. I'm sure there has to be an easy way around it though. Like I thought about just locking Iron Ram Horn when Nightingale is active, but that would kinda screw me up when I did minuets.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4197
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-11-20 00:57:32
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Well you don't have to lock it to one instrument. Just create a section of rules that will make a different idle ammo when N/T is used/active.

My point though on the 45 mp is that while you might have it at first, the moment you sing any song, it's gunna get swapped out, you loose that mp, you don't get to use it. Now granted, I can't see the rest of your xml so I can't say if you couldn't gain some other benefit like, on cures or other prebuffs but you'll have to be careful to use them first in order to use up that mp before you switch it out to something else.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-11-20 01:51:02
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I don't normally have my bard sing anything else but double march and a pianissimo'd ballad 3 to himself, which I only have to do every ~3 minutes (~6 after N/T).
So he's usually in his idle/cure potency set, and it only takes a few ticks to get that mp. It can come in handy when I get adds because that's the only time where his mp takes a drop.
Yes I know I could sleep adds, and sometimes I do, but a lot of times it's not worth the hassle.

I can show you the whole xml, I'm a little self-conscious about it because I just woke up on Saturday and decided to write one from scratch real quick. So yeah, not my best work, but here ya go.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4197
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-11-20 02:19:54
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Sylph.Peldin said: »
I don't normally have my bard sing anything else but double march and a pianissimo'd ballad 3 to himself, which I only have to do every ~3 minutes (~6 after N/T).
So he's usually in his idle/cure potency set, and it only takes a few ticks to get that mp. It can come in handy when I get adds because that's the only time where his mp takes a drop.
Yes I know I could sleep adds, and sometimes I do, but a lot of times it's not worth the hassle.

I can show you the whole xml, I'm a little self-conscious about it because I just woke up on Saturday and decided to write one from scratch real quick. So yeah, not my best work, but here ya go.
I'm honestly a bit self conscious of my xml and I've been working on it for years ^^;

Anyhow, if you find use of the extra mp my suggestion would be grab a gifted earring(r/ex drop) and an Ebullient Cape which will give you 90 mp and 45 hp and sell the ammo. You'll profit a good 100k and won't have to worry about messing up your songs and the one earring and back slot honestly don't have much going for them with the current sets I see here.

My xml is a bit weird but feel free to yoink some stuff if you find anything useful. If you have any questions about it, let me know as I didn't make it to hand out so not everything is notated or explained.

My alt's XML.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-11-21 01:45:43
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Thanks Sekundes. I don't want to try to go through your alt's xml because I don't fully understand how to use variables.

I ended up creating this rule though which helped solve my problems:
Code xml
	<if BuffActive="Nightingale">
		<equip when="idle|aftercast" set="Songs"/>
	<elseif NotBuffActive="Nightingale">
		<equip when="idle|afterCast" set="Idle"/>

This way, after I use Nightingale, I will have an instrument equipped instead of Strobilus, so I don't have to worry about the delay it has swapping between an ammo and ranged item.

Btw, what's the difference between <precastdelay> and <castdelay>??
I went to this post at and it says:

Sets the delay between processing a spell and executing precast actions.

Sets the delay between precast actions and casting the spell.

I just don't see the difference. It sounds like it says that precast sets a delay between the spell and the precast action, and that castdelay sets a delay between the precast action and the spell. Isn't that just the same thing?
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hitetsu
Posts: 2617
By Sylph.Hitetsu 2012-11-21 02:28:10
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Depends on how you look at it.

Could be,

precast delay 1.0
fire spell
wait 1
>>Precast action

Whereas castdelay would be,

cast delay 1.0
fire spell
wait 1
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Iryoku
Posts: 40
By Quetzalcoatl.Iryoku 2012-11-21 06:34:32
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Um... it's more like

  1. Command input recieved

  2. Wait for precast delay

  3. Perform precast actions

  4. Wait for cast delay

  5. Cast spell

  6. Wait for midcast delay

  7. Perform midcast actions

  8. Wait for spell to finish

  9. Wait for aftercast delay

  10. Perform aftercast actions

Precast delay causes Spellcast to wait before it starts doing anything at all. You really shouldn't ever set precast delay, unless you're doing something very advanced.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-11-22 02:07:07
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Thanks for the clarification Iryoku. I thought that this was perhaps the case. I've actually been thinking that I should use more castdelay commands in other spellcast scripts. Like for example, with my dancer xml, I've noticed that when I use reverse flourish, sometimes I get the bonus TP from the AF3+2 gloves, but sometimes I don't.

When I see something like this, it makes me wonder if perhaps the same thing is happening when I weaponskill, because I have seen some really large variance in my Exenterator damage. Sometimes I've done as high as 3k damage in dynamis. On the same mobs, with the same buffs/debuffs, I've done as little as 1.2k

I know this strays a little off-topic from BRD xml, but would it be a good rule of thumb to add a castdelay to ALL my JA and WS rules for all my jobs?

P.S. Sorry if anything I typed here sounds funky. I was drinking a lot before I typed this post. I will try and clarify anything weird tomorrow.
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Posts: 107
By Miang 2015-02-09 18:43:19
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Nightsage
Posts: 42
By Lakshmi.Nightsage 2015-02-09 19:13:14
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Miang said: »
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