Relic-wise Body is gonna be a nice TP body for DW sets and for Sange.
Legs too, another DW swap piece.
Maybe replace some other current DW options. But jeez, do we really need more DW gear? I don't even use DW legs in my typical delay-capped ZERO HASTE set now... Even when you do need DW, it's gonna be tough to beat Adhemar for a body option, though maybe legs could be worthwhile and free up other slots to not require DW gear you're currently using.
I'd actually be more hopeful that Relic body could end up as a decent WS piece if it gets enough attributes/acc/atk. In the past, the original/reforged body always was a pretty solid acc/atk option compared to pieces of the same era.
Can't say I'm all that optimistic about hands/feet getting worthwhile stats, based on the kind of boosts we saw with the AF updates, but I'd be pleased to end up wrong.
Head is gonna be BiS for nuking with SAN.
I would hope that aside from San, it gets enough MAB or burst to make it also tops for Ni. But yeah, the logical guess is that it should at least be far and away best for San nukes.
Let's just hope they don't go full retard again and make the relic head be a nuking piece with physical accuracy like the artifact's WS head with magic accuracy....
Are we 100% that's not a typo or a mistranslation?
That's really dumb... even for SE.
I don't find it that dumb. Hachiya+2/+3 head is overwhelmingly best in slot for enfeebling ninjutsu. And that's in keeping with the biggest strength of the piece back in original AF and reforged 109/119 AF days.
The WSD is just a newly introduced additional bonus, and makes for a very strong low-acc WS option on single hit WS (Hi, Ten, Metsu). +2 is decent, and +3 is really strong (again, assuming you have satisfactory acc).
If anything, that makes me SOMEWHAT optimistic that we may continue to get brand new stats on pieces that otherwise didn't have anything similar. Triple Attack or Store TP somewhere that those stats weren't present on previous versions, more WSD pieces, more Magic Burst II, etc.