The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide

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The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
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Server: Fenrir
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user: inkydo
Posts: 8
By Fenrir.Inkydo 2015-05-18 13:52:27
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Quetzalcoatl.Orestes said: »
Cerberus.Decimation said: »
Just wondering if anyone has an up to date Nin.lua they wouldn't mind sharing with things like, Gav helm/Lugra earring rules in it, also something with Utsusemi Rules etc for San (Shadow canceling/precast/endcast), and lastly I am finding most typical nin.lua's only have 3-4 haste tiers, and don't include Haste II in any of the tiers. Any help would be appreciated since I am fairly new to GS and lua's m(_ _)m

Mine has everything you mention, plus a bit more. You will also need my user-globals for it to work.

Gearswap can't determine the difference between haste I & II. My personal preference is to handle this with a toggle. By default haste sets are changed in/out under the assumption that "haste" is equal to 15%. If you toggle haste mode (window key + F9) it assumes haste = 30%. Both modes toggle between the same sets. (0/15/30/35/Max) This can be "clunky" when both spells are being cast on you, but it is what it is...

Otherwise, it handles ammo swaps for Sange with low ammo warning, Reive neck rules, has TH tagging mode from Mote's THF lua using Chaac Belt, has /run element cycles + activation key bindings, rules for Lugra earring, Capacity mantle, Trepidity Mantle, Tengu-No-Hane, Gav Helm, and custom AM timers + icons for kannagi.

I'm working on Nagi at the moment, but won't likely have any rules for it until it's complete.

Orestes, truthfully your LUA for NIN is a work of art... very impressive nice work. Very clean, and well thought out. Mine is no where as clean and laid out. Thanks for sharing such a nice setup!

I just started working on .lua files, as the in-game ones are OK, but i have found this to be much more fun, painful at times but allot of fun. Also, I found it can be allot of fun config them to your own personal needs. I have a long way to go before I really understand it all, but it has been allot of fun learning.

Also, thanks to everyone in the community willing to share!
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Decimation 2015-05-20 01:15:47
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Yes, thank you for your lua its pretty beast just glancing at it, cant wait to use it once we figure out my San Problem lol.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Kaeviathan 2015-06-02 22:04:48
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You know what would be a great ninjutsu for ninja? Some form of "Stoneskin".
Server: Siren
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user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-06-06 13:19:47
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Blade: Shun/Kamu - Rawhide r15 Type:A 4/5 w/ Gavialis w/ day and 5/5 w/o? Unable to get ss bk up for a while. Curious if it beats Taeon acc/att20 str/dex7 ta2 since won't make wsd3%.
Edit: Rawhide is trash for Shun/Kamu.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [67 days between previous and next post]
Server: Siren
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user: AKs0n
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By Siren.Akson 2015-08-12 11:04:32
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Posted but edited. Mythic sets.
ItemSet 336874To do list: TP ItemSet 336875Blade:Hi ItemSet 329775
Path:A — DEX/AGI+12 Acc+20
Server: Bismarck
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user: innit
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By Bismarck.Marmite 2015-08-15 16:50:04
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POL forum is currently in slow mode and I can't navigate it from UK. They implemented an update where nin shadows taken, would not take enmity reduction if either Yonin or Innin was active. Can you please confirm which?

Love you long time!
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-08-20 10:15:02
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Wouldn't the Obvious one be Yonin? What would be the point when Innin is a DD stance, and it would make perfect sence as SE are trying to push tank's to really be tanks, although nothing can touch PLD for tanking big nasties etc.

RE:NIN, the job has become a lot more appertising to a lot more people. I've come back to it and its the 4th job I'm gearing up. I thin it has amazing DD potential fighting from behing with Innin up. There is so much Crit rate+ Triple att+ & Crit DMG+ the is getting severly boosted by gear in the main 5 slots.

Getting some of that gear though... (Looking at you Adhemar+1).

When I returned to play since quitting at the cap rise to 95 and spending all my time on Nin or Mnk, and returning to see my SAM and COR and many other jobs are getting to live it up I didn't mind about NIN being left behind, but with recent updates, (Utsusemt:San and some very useful Job:point categoriesa and gifts) along with the recent gear additions, NIN is really looking up for those willing to open their minds.

I'm pretty sure I outDMG my MNK with Innin up, but I can't just put accross NIN > MNK for DD output now can I (or can I?).
Server: Siren
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user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-08-20 13:15:55
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Sandmaster said: »
Getting some of that gear though... (Looking at you Adhemar+1).
NQ has eliminated Taeon as is. You don't need HQ at all whatsoever and NQ should be well w/in reach of the vast majority. Those gear sets I posted still BiS even if NQ.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2015-08-21 05:10:38
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Here is my Question #1:

ItemSet 337232

Taeon Boots: STR+5 VIT+5 ACC+10 Triple Attack+2%


Loyalist Sabatons: STR+9 ATK+9 Haste+2%

-----------------------Also this are my SETS-----------------------

TP Normal:
ItemSet 337232

Ochu (DMG:+9 STR+4 DEX+6 Ninjutsu Skill +6) (x1)
Otronif Gloves +1 (ACC+4 PDT-4%)
Yokaze Mantle (STR+1 Skillchain Dmg. +1% Weapon Skill DMG+3%)
Taeon Boots: STR+5 VIT+5 ACC+10 Triple Attack+2%
ItemSet 337233

Ochu (DMG:+9 STR+4 DEX+6 Ninjutsu Skill +6) (x1)
Floral Gauntlets (ACC+15 R.ACC+15 Triple Attack +3 MDT-4%)
Taeon Boots: STR+5 VIT+5 ACC+10 Triple Attack+2%
Yokaze Mantle (STR+1 Skillchain Dmg. +1% Weapon Skill DMG+3%)
Blade: HI
ItemSet 337230

Ochu (DMG:+9 STR+4 DEX+6 Ninjutsu Skill +6) (x1)
Lilitu Headpiece (STR+9 DEX+6 Attack+13)
Moonshade Earring (TP Bonus+250 ACC+4)
Samnuha Coat (M.ACC+3 DW+4)
Samnuha Tights (STR+2 DEX+5)
Taeon Boots: STR+5 VIT+5 ACC+10 Triple Attack+2%
Yokaze Mantle (STR+1 Skillchain Dmg. +1% Weapon Skill DMG+3%)
Blade: Shun
ItemSet 337231

Ochu (DMG:+9 STR+4 DEX+6 Ninjutsu Skill +6) (x1)
Lilitu Headpiece (STR+9 DEX+6 Attack+13)
Moonshade Earring (TP Bonus+250 ACC+4)
Samnuha Coat (M.ACC+3 DW+4)
Leyline Gloves (Fast Cast +3% ACC+15 M.ACC+15 MAB+15)
Samnuha Tights (STR+2 DEX+5)
Taeon Boots: STR+5 VIT+5 ACC+10 Triple Attack+2%
Yokaze Mantle (STR+1 Skillchain Dmg. +1% Weapon Skill DMG+3%)
Fast Cast:
ItemSet 337236

Anwig Salade (Fast Cast+5%)
Mirke Wardecors (Fast Cast +5%)
Jeweled Collar (Fast Cast +2%)
Leyline Gloves (Fast Cast +3% ACC+15 M.ACC+15 MAB+15)
ItemSet 337237

Anwig Salade (Fast Cast+5%)
ItemSet 337238

Ochu (DMG:+9 STR+4 DEX+6 Ninjutsu Skill +6) (x1)
Samnuha Coat (M.ACC+3 DW+4)
Demon's Ring (MAB+3 Magic Crit hit DMG+2%)


Ochu (DMG:+9 STR+4 DEX+6 Ninjutsu Skill +6) (x1)
Samnuha Coat (M.ACC+3 DW+4)
Demon's Ring (MAB+3 Magic Crit hit DMG+2%)
Anwig Salade (Fast Cast+5%)
Mirke Wardecors (Fast Cast +5%)
Jeweled Collar (Fast Cast +2%)
Leyline Gloves (Fast Cast +3% ACC+15 M.ACC+15 MAB+15)
Lilitu Headpiece (STR+9 DEX+6 Attack+13)
Moonshade Earring (TP Bonus+250 ACC+4)
Samnuha Tights (STR+2 DEX+5)
Taeon Boots: STR+5 VIT+5 ACC+10 Triple Attack+2%
Floral Gauntlets (ACC+15 R.ACC+15 Triple Attack +3 MDT-4%)
Otronif Gloves +1 (ACC+4 PDT-4%)
Yokaze Mantle (STR+1 Skillchain Dmg. +1% Weapon Skill DMG+3%)
Loyalist Sabatons: STR+9 ATK+9 Haste+2%


I do know I need better Augments on a Few pieces, but please try to help me out so I can work with what I got currently while still farming for new Augments and Armor

************************Mainly Want****************************

Ochu (DMG:+15 STR+10 DEX+10 Ninjutsu Skill +10) (x2)
Samnuha Coat (M.ACC+15 DW+5 FC+5% MAB+15)
Samnuha Tights (STR+10 DEX+10 DA+3 TA+3)
Lilitu Headpiece (STR+10 DEX+10 Attack+15 WS DMG+3%)
Loyalist Sabatons: STR+10 ATK+13 Haste+3% PDT-5%
Yokaze Mantle (STR+x DEX+x AGI+x Skillchain Dmg. +x% WS DMG+3%)


If anybody got any SETS they wish to share, please do, I am Open to Suggestions too ^^

Thank you for the help Everyone!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2015-08-21 05:13:00
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one more Question

NIN AF FEET+1 (119) or Relic FEET+1 (119) for nuking ?

and HEAD Relic +1 (119) or AF +1 (119)

Which be best ?

MACC+ MAB+ OR Ninjutsu Skill +

Sorry forgot to ask that ><
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2015-08-21 08:18:49
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btw if anybody wants I also could get PM with sets and stuff ^^ IF you don't want to post here ^^/

Thank you
Posts: 115
By Sandmaster 2015-08-21 09:21:18
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Its been a long long time since I've played NIN, but I'm finding it the most fun CP-ing a job in a long time - SE were very kind to NIN in terms of its Job Gifts (high Eva, Att, Acc, Meva gifts and decent MACC, MAB gifts).

If their is a rise in melee DD jobs again, and it seems attacking from behind on mobs is usually better then attacking the front then NIN should be up there with the best - there is one thing however, gear and job points make a massive difference to the job.

To Kuro, Taeon feet need Acc & Att + 16-20, either chuck a coule of +2 stones and hope for the best (I currently melee in Taeon head/legs/feet Head and feet have ATT+25 TA+2 STR/DEX+6-7; I was happy with that becasue their is a lot of acc on Emph body/hands/legs which I have just finished and their obsolete.

I use Raicho+1 in main hand, its not a bad Katana all in all, I've managed to have around EVA+900 which increases in Escha and find I get a Very high Eva rate on anything DC there, lowers slightly as the mobs levels come in 3random levels (I'm guessing 118/119/120)

I know 1handers can cap their acc at 99% - but has anything changed regarding the base Eva rate you can get VS mobs? I'm trying to remember everything I learned years ago but it hasn't all come back to me. I'm sure however much EVA you put on for example mobs can still hit you 20?% of the time, I just wondered if that is still the case.

I noticed Ochu has no EVA on it. I'm not suprised, you have to have some trade off for the MD&MAB number's they have started putting on certain 1H Weapons - and now on a Katana! Its about time really and I'm not sure, but how much EVA would you need to tank a T1 Escha NM for example? That's saying fighting DC mobs in Escha I get a high Eva rate on 900-915 Eva (I could push it to ~950, and I could push it even higher with a second Katana with EVA+38 on it and Augment EVA routes on certain Quaxo/Rawhide pieces for example). I just wondered if its even worth considering for solo NM's, and I'm only saying that because Even with EVA on weapons and 5/5 Armor you still have decent amounts of Acc/Att/other stats mixed in).
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2015-08-21 09:34:16
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Sandmaster said: »
Its been a long long time since I've played NIN, but I'm finding it the most fun CP-ing a job in a long time - SE were very kind to NIN in terms of its Job Gifts (high Eva, Att, Acc, Meva gifts and decent MACC, MAB gifts).

If their is a rise in melee DD jobs again, and it seems attacking from behind on mobs is usually better then attacking the front then NIN should be up there with the best - there is one thing however, gear and job points make a massive difference to the job.

To Kuro, Taeon feet need Acc & Att + 16-20, either chuck a coule of +2 stones and hope for the best (I currently melee in Taeon head/legs/feet Head and feet have ATT+25 TA+2 STR/DEX+6-7; I was happy with that becasue their is a lot of acc on Emph body/hands/legs which I have just finished and their obsolete.

I use Raicho+1 in main hand, its not a bad Katana all in all, I've managed to have around EVA+900 which increases in Escha and find I get a Very high Eva rate on anything DC there, lowers slightly as the mobs levels come in 3random levels (I'm guessing 118/119/120)

I know 1handers can cap their acc at 99% - but has anything changed regarding the base Eva rate you can get VS mobs? I'm trying to remember everything I learned years ago but it hasn't all come back to me. I'm sure however much EVA you put on for example mobs can still hit you 20?% of the time, I just wondered if that is still the case.

I noticed Ochu has no EVA on it. I'm not suprised, you have to have some trade off for the MD&MAB number's they have started putting on certain 1H Weapons - and now on a Katana! Its about time really and I'm not sure, but how much EVA would you need to tank a T1 Escha NM for example? That's saying fighting DC mobs in Escha I get a high Eva rate on 900-915 Eva (I could push it to ~950, and I could push it even higher with a second Katana with EVA+38 on it and Augment EVA routes on certain Quaxo/Rawhide pieces for example). I just wondered if its even worth considering for solo NM's, and I'm only saying that because Even with EVA on weapons and 5/5 Armor you still have decent amounts of Acc/Att/other stats mixed in).

Ochu is Superior to Raicho +1 due to STATS+12 and also DMG:+135 STR+22 DEX+22 Ninjustsu Skill +10 (With CAP Augments)

It is NOT an EVA settup Katana ^^

Also I agree on Taeon with better ACC / ATK DEX STR TA+2% ^^

Right now my WS Rate is :

Blade: HI doing anywhere from 5-7 K DMG Spikes at 8-9,6 K
Blade: Shun doing anywhere from 5-8 K DMG and Spikes at 8,7 K
Blade: Ku doing 3-4 K DMG
Blade: Kamu doing 4 K
and YET To Try Metsu >< But hoping it does well :X (Stage 2) ^^

Also my Dual Wield is amazing ^^ Like I Hundread Fist the Enemy :D

and Utsusemi: SAN is amazing too ^^

I will check on the Taeon you told me about ^^

Ty bro :D

All this pointers gonna help a bunch :D
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Gippali
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2015-08-21 09:40:28
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Everything that I have covered with you still stands gear wise. Lack of decent augments on your Sinister pieces (head/body/legs) aren't doing you any good. Better off sticking with Taeon/EMP+1 in those slots until then. I am mainly speaking for your ws sets btw.

Also, AF+1 feet & Relic +1 head for nukes between the two options you mentioned.

Edit: Stop this "^^" after every sentence lol.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2015-08-21 09:44:30
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Bismarck.Gippali said: »

Everything that I have covered with you still stands gear wise. Lack of decent augments on your Sinister pieces (head/body/legs) aren't doing you any good. Better off sticking with Taeon/EMP+1 in those slots until then. I am mainly speaking for your ws sets btw.

Also, AF+1 feet & Relic +1 head for nukes between the two options you mentioned.
That is what i asking, What should be the SET I must be using and with the current armor Gip, Not gonna be able to pull out EMP+1 out of my Top Hat ^^;

So w/o that , I am limited to 109 EMP at this moement :D

also still working on Taeon , not perfect but getting there , dont got undles of gil like you do ^^;

so for me it is gonna be a Long Road of Hardships and Trial / Error

Til I can get to the destination

recall how before i did 2 K HI and 2,4 K Shuns ?

now it is up to 5-7 K normally :D

Much better, but I wanna to improve even Further

Any help be welcomed.

But Reasonable too, not gonna pay 25 M Like some ppl want me to , just to get 5/5 EMP+1 >.>

Not gonna happen, cuz I dont got that kind of Funds


P.S. the "^^/" is a habit , sorry, hard to quit doing it, just something I do XD

It is the KURO Signal !!!!!!!!!!!! :D (Like the Thundercats Signal)

Anyways, also just me Gip
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Gippali
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2015-08-21 09:51:08
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Aug'd Taeon will most likely be your best bet until you can get some of the new abj gear and better augs on your sinister items. There is not really ONE set you should be using. Should have a standard semi fodder set and an acc set for all your ws's. I havent really updated my gear page for nin since my other comp died but I think I have fodder/acc sets for all of them if you want to look there.

Edit: Akson has some pretty nice HQ sets if you want to know what your end goal should be.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2708
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2015-08-21 09:55:27
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The DPS spreadsheet is your friend. just input your gear and augments and see what does better.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2015-08-21 09:55:43
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Bismarck.Gippali said: »
Aug'd Taeon will most likely be your best bet until you can get some of the new abj gear and better augs on your sinister items. There is not really ONE set you should be using. Should have a standard semi fodder set and an acc set for all your ws's. I havent really updated my gear page for nin since my other comp died but I think I have fodder/acc sets for all of them if you want to look there.

Edit: Akson has some pretty nice HQ sets if you want to know what your end goal should be.
cool , will check it out Gip ^^

Also I just found out yesterday how to get new Abj stuff :D

So ya, Gonna research it further and be 100% sure on what to do and how to do it ^^

For now my Goal is :

Sinister Augments CAP for Ochu (x2) Samnuha Coat / Tights / Lilitu Headpiece

Meanwhile , I am trying my Yokaze Mantle Augments

Not sure what is the CAP on Mantle Augments tho :X

But I am sure mine is not IT

So gotta keep on trying til I get something Better (Decent)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Lawson
Posts: 45
By Ragnarok.Lawsonofabiotch 2015-08-26 17:03:54
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So glad I stumbled upon this. Updated guides are hard to come by these days. Thanks for all the gear posts Kuroganashi, just got back to the game, and it's nice someone outlined what I should be shooting for. Mained NIN for a while, and loving all the new goodies we get!
Server: Bismarck
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user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2708
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2015-08-26 18:03:04
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Ragnarok.Lawsonofabiotch said: »
So glad I stumbled upon this. Updated guides are hard to come by these days. Thanks for all the gear posts Kuroganashi, just got back to the game, and it's nice someone outlined what I should be shooting for. Mained NIN for a while, and loving all the new goodies we get!

Kuros sets are a place to start, but are not the goal for best gear sets

Refer to this link for up to date, best gear sets currently available.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Lawson
Posts: 45
By Ragnarok.Lawsonofabiotch 2015-08-26 18:10:29
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Appreciate it! Yeah, I'm still in the "starting phase", but every bit of info helps! Luckily I still have a few friends that play that can give a Ninja a hand.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 145
By Cerberus.Kaeviathan 2015-08-27 12:26:32
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Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Ragnarok.Lawsonofabiotch said: »
So glad I stumbled upon this. Updated guides are hard to come by these days. Thanks for all the gear posts Kuroganashi, just got back to the game, and it's nice someone outlined what I should be shooting for. Mained NIN for a while, and loving all the new goodies we get!

Kuros sets are a place to start, but are not the goal for best gear sets

Refer to this link for up to date, best gear sets currently available.

I wouldn't say best gear sets currently available. I haven't fully tested all fully augments available (and there are so many ><). The OP actually needs to be updated.

But the "Ochu set" is the set i have updated most recently (last week). Updated as of today (08/27/15)
Server: Siren
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user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-08-30 01:21:13
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Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
If you're planning on playing with Gearswap or you are micromanaging your gearsets, you will want more sets defined than those above. The sets above don't modify depending on how much haste you're getting which is a large factor to increased damage.

More haste? Less dual wield necessary. You get the idea.
Once upon a time, you had a very valid point. I never considered being hit w/ slow and swapping on more DW. With that said.... up until now... I couldn't get it to work for me being those DW swaps significantly jeopardized my acc and made doing such futile. With this update, atleast from what I have found, the whole idea works as perfectly as intended.

I'm now finally able to self-sc w/o trusts and zero m.haste at an extremely high rate as well.
ItemSet 337464
Taeon STR/DEX+7
DW +5
ItemSet 337465
Ryuo Path[A]
ItemSet 337466
Adhemar Path[A]
ItemSet 337534

Server: Asura
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user: Gotenn
Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2015-09-09 08:29:11
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On the update notes they meantioned changing the way Kakka: ichi works, hopefully this will be a buff and not a nerf, I ise the crap out of that spell.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 145
By Cerberus.Kaeviathan 2015-09-11 16:45:27
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Which gear increases Daken? I have not noticed this.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-09-11 21:46:56
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Cerberus.Kaeviathan said: »

Which gear increases Daken? I have not noticed this.
Wrong link.
Either an honest mistake or maybe gear in the works and spoken too soon? Interesting idea tho I can't imagine such gear becoming reality since Gifts give 49% max atm as is and possibly more w/ future Gifts.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-09-15 01:39:11
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After finishing all NQs and R15 them all ( missing Abnoda Kaftan still ) extremely happy with the dmg output over Taeon. Have been breaking 14~15k rather consistently on t1~2 Escha sky and finished one round above 10k wsavg w/ 15~20s all while using gimp Kujaku+1 offhand. Not such major news but I was def not hitting such like this w/ Taeon and the improvements seem noticeable enough.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Langly
Posts: 685
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2015-09-15 14:31:04
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Siren.Akson said: »
After finishing all NQs and R15 them all ( missing Abnoda Kaftan still ) extremely happy with the dmg output over Taeon. Have been breaking 14~15k rather consistently on t1~2 Escha sky and finished one round above 10k wsavg w/ 15~20s all while using gimp Kujaku+1 offhand. Not such major news but I was def not hitting such like this w/ Taeon and the improvements seem noticeable enough.

Nice, I don't do enough Escha to get my hands on those abjs yet.

No luck on Ochu's? :D
Server: Siren
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user: AKs0n
Posts: 2172
By Siren.Akson 2015-09-15 23:18:49
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Yeah idk about anyone else but I never did make an offhand Izuna. Only did main for when AM3 wasn't very practical and would def love to come across a perfect aug'ed Ochu one day >< Unlike Izuna offhand Ochu works for all WS equally.
Server: Asura
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user: Gotenn
Posts: 243
By Asura.Gotenn 2015-09-16 11:18:05
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That's an odd piece of equipment for NIN to be on.
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