[dev1135] New Special Job Abilities

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[dev1135] New Special Job Abilities
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user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2012-10-29 08:59:01
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10-29-2012 08:41 AM
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Regarding New SP Abilities

Translation (couple more coming after this one also). I was a little unclear on what they were saying about the WAR 2-hr duration, so that part of the translation is slightly fudged. The rest of it should be fairly accurate.

Thanks for all of the quick responses! We'd like to address some of the feedback we received for some jobs.

There has been feedback about a 60 second duration; the actual duration is 30 seconds. With respect to multi-attack weapon skills, since double attack does not apply to all hits, resulting damage cannot be simply calculated/compared. Please try this out under a variety of conditions on the test server.

White Mage
We will make adjustments to the effect and duration while watching the trends on the test server. We are considering increasing the effect (the types of negative status effects prevented) and/or possibly extending the duration. We look forward to more feedback regarding this.

Black Mage
Although the ability does not directly increase the maximum damage per hit, by raising elemental magic accuracy, the ability is designed to contribute to an overall increase in average damage. Additionally, since it is general magic accuracy, there are benefits to other types of magic as well, such as dark magic and enfeebling magic. We may consider further increasing the damage by eliminating the potential for half resists on elemental magic spells. (However, getting rid of half resists would grant a significant benefit for enfeebling magic, so we may need to adjust this case to be limited to specifically elemental magic).

Blue Mage
For blue mage, the power of this ability will grow as the amount of Unbridled Learning spells increases in the future. Of course, we do plan on increasing the amount of notorious monster spells in the future, so please stay tuned.

Please continue to provide us with your feedback--thanks!

Translated by: Slycer

10-29-2012 01:27 PM
Community Rep

Greetings everyone!

I have a bit of follow-up information to share about a couple of the new special abilities.

  • Warrior
    The new special ability’s effect duration is 30 seconds, and for multi-hit weapon skills, double attack will be calculated as usual so it will not be applied to every hit. We encourage you to try this out on the Test Server in a variety of conditions.

  • White mage
    We plan on adjusting the balance between the effect and the duration as we monitor test trends; however, if we extend one aspect the other would have to be reduced somewhat. Effect wise this would mean the types of status ailments that are resisted. With that said we would like to hear your feedback on this ability.

  • Black mage
    While this ability will not give large increases to the maximum damage dealt from a single spell, it will make it possible to increase the average damage output by gaining a magical accuracy boost that is on the same level as Elemental Seal.

    Also, this ability will benefit not only elemental magic, but enfeebling magic and dark magic as well. In terms of increasing damage, we are currently looking into making it easier to land elemental magic by removing half-resists or via other methods. (However, removing half-resists for enfeebling magic would be too much of a boon, so it will be necessary to make adjustments to limit it to elemental magic.)

  • Blue mage
    As we are planning to add spells to Unbridled Knowledge, in the future as the array of spells grow, the possibilities of this ability will also grow as well.

As always, please test out these abilities as much as possible on the Test Server and continue to give your feedback! We will be checking on the other questions we have seen in this thread, so until we get a response from the development team, sit tight!

10-31-2012 01:33 PM
Community Rep


Thank you for all the feedback, everyone! I would like to share some information that we received from Development Team:

Sylph.Fazira said: »
Here's a question to Camate and Co. Will DRK's TP drain work even if your attacks deal 0 damage, due to a physical shield or something like that?.

Because the absorbed amount of TP is not based on damage, so as long as you hit, even if the damage is 0, the ability will still absorb TP. To find out how much TP and in what cases, please try it out on the test server and let us know your feedback.

Lakshmi.Byrth said: »
I'd recommend making the White Mage 2-hour give immunity to Charm, Petrify, Death, Terror, and Dispel. It should last for 2 minutes.

We will be adding Dispel to the list of resists.
Whether we expand out to other status ailments depends on our discussions, so it would be really appreciated if you can let us know the specifics of why having a certain resistance would be good while keeping balance in mind so we can look into this. Of course having resistance against everything would be beneficial, but it's not the best course to just ignore how this will affect everything else.

While we can't go over every comment/question because the SP ability adjustments are still in progress, we are still reviewing your feedback and taking them into consideration so please keep them coming!

11-07-2012 6:55 AM
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Regarding the New SP Abilities

This is a follow-up regarding some of the new SP abilities.

  • Warrior
    Currently, the new WAR SP sets the double attack rate to 100%. This will be changed so that it instead adds 100% to the double attack rate. The ability will also be adjusted so that this +100% double attack rate decays over time.

    However, you will be able to maintain at high double attack rate by utilizing Double Attack effects, equipment, and traits. The effect duration will remain 30 seconds.

    Note that while the test server will be updated this week, the new WAR SP will not be changed at this time.

  • White Mage
    Since the previous announcement, we are considering the following two items:

    1. Leave the effect as is, and increase the duration from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
    2. Keep the duration at 30 seconds and add a strong resistance against doom, terror, amnesia, and death.

  • Black Mage
    The effects of the new BLM SP ability will be limited to elemental magic, and we will reduce the occurrence of resists.

    For monsters that are highly resistant to certain spells, a half resist always occurs. If a monster resists further from there (twice total) a quarter resist will occur. During the SP ability, the number of resists will be reduced by 1, to increase potential damage output.

    Note that while the test server will be updated this week, the new BLM SP will not be changed at this time.

The remainder of this post is about the new SP abilities which will be introduced to the test server this week. In this week's test server update, we will introduce the following SP abilities. Please check them out after the test server is updated.

  • Bard (BRD SP2)
    For the duration of the effect, one additional song can be applied to party members.

    {{Addendum post: They are checking into whether the effect works correctly with Daurdabla to allow the application of five songs, it may not currently, but they will follow-up tomorrow.}}

  • Ranger (RNG SP2)
    For the duration of the effect, ranged attack delay is cut by half. Furthermore, a double or triple shot will always occur.

  • Dragoon (DRG SP2)
    For the duration of the effect, "Jump" will have no recast.

Note that the help messages for ability effects and ability names are in a temporary state and will be changed in the future. Additionally, the effects of the SP abilities are subject to changes or adjustments.

Translated by: Slycer

11-07-2012 01:23 PM
Community Rep

Greetings everyone!

I’m back once again to share some more information about new special ability revamps for both those that have been implemented to the Test Server and those that will be implemented during this week’s Test Server update.

  • New special abilities already on the Test Server

    • Warrior
      Currently the effect for this ability makes the activation rate for double attack 100%; however, we will be adjusting this so that the 100% activation rate is added to your current double attack rate when the ability is executed and then decrease over time. It will still be possible to maintain a very high double attack rate when using equipment and other support effects. The effect duration time will remain as 30 seconds.

    • White mage
      Currently looking into the two below possibilities:

      1. Keep the effect as it is currently, but change the effect duration from 30 seconds to 60 seconds.
      2. Change effect so that you receive a strong resistance against Terror, Amnesia, and Death (Doom included). No changes to the 30 second effect duration.

    • Black mage
      We will be limiting the effects of the new special ability to elemental magic and will be easing up on resists. For monsters that have strong resistances, a half-resist is guaranteed. If they resist yet again, it will result in a quarter resist. While the special ability is active, the resist determinant will be lowered and it will be possible to deal steady damage.

  • New special abilities that will be implemented during this week’s Test Server update

    During this week’s Test Server update we will be implementing the below new special abilities. Please take a moment and try them out when you can!

Job Ability Name Effect
Bard BRD SP2 While effect is active, the number of songs that can be cast on party members will be increased by 1.
Ranger RNG SP2 While effect is active, ranged attack delay will be halved.Additionally, Double Shot or Triple Shot activation is guaranteed.
Dragoon DRG SP2 While effect is active, there will be no cool down timer for Jump.

*Names, help text, and animations for abilities on the Test Server are still in-development. Effects are also subject to change and adjustment.

11-08-2012 8:08 AM
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Thank you for posting your opinions regarding yesterday's update. The thread has become long, but please take a look when you have the chance.

Bahamut.Zwel (JP Player, SakuraEbi) said: »
Let's not get excited just yet... is it just "Jump" or is it general jump abilities of DRG?

All jump abilities are considered.

Although it hasn't been implemented yet, we are considering these further adjustments to the new DRG SP ability:

  • Extend Jump recast timers from 0 to 10 seconds.

  • Extend ability duration from 30 to 45 seconds.
    ※ Upon activation of the ability, reset the recast of all jumps.

This change is intended to encourage the use of different types of jump ability, while timing them appropriately between WSes and normal attacks. While you will not be able to use the same jump repeatedly in succession, with the extension of the overall duration of the effect, the overall number of jumps that you can use should not be significantly lower.

Also, the plan is that in the future the recast can be further shortened via merit points.

※ Note that this week's test server update will include the new DRG SP as described yesterday with no recast on the jump timers.

Mocchi (JP Community Rep) said: »
Self-quoted stuff about the BRD SP's interaction with Daurdabla

Just following up from yesterday, we are currently working on verifying the assumption that the ability can be used with Daurdabla to yield up to five songs. Although it's a lot of work to get five songs up, we have no intention of impairing the benefits of added songs from Daurdabla. It's possible that we may make adjustments in the future on the assumption that the five songs land first. We can confirm this after the test server update this Friday.

Sylph.Nte (JP Player, Elemoi) said: »
I would like the new WHM SP, in addition to providing high status immunity, to also clear all status effects on targets upon use.

Benediction is already a powerful recovery effect which includes status treatment. We believe that we should segregate the preventive effect to a separate ability. Therefore, we are not planning to add a status removal effect comparable to Benediction.

Siren.Momama (JP Player, Acerola) said: »
I'm happy about these new SP abilities, but I don't want to get to excited until I know the duration...

For now, I can tell you the duration of the abilities that you can try out on the test server. Since this is a work in progress, these will be validated later on.

Job Time Duration
WAR 30 Seconds++
WHM 30 Seconds
BLM 60 Seconds
DRK 30 Seconds
BRD 180 Seconds
RNG 60 Seconds
SAM 45 Seconds
DRG 30 Seconds
SMN 30 Seconds
BLU 60 Seconds
PUP Mighty Strikes: 45 seconds
Invincible: 30 seconds
EES: No duration
Manafont: 60 seconds
Chainspell: 60 seconds
Benediction: No duration
DNC 30 Seconds /
or until 3 Flourishes are used
SCH No Duration

++Note that due to a bug, the WAR SP duration is currently 60 seconds on the test server.

After reviewing the information above, please provide us with feedback based on your experiences on the test server.

Translated by: Slycer

11-08-2012 01:21 PM
Community Rep


We’ve noticed a couple pretty good questions floating around in various places, so I’d like to follow-up a bit about the new special abilities we introduced yesterday for bard and dragoon.

  • Dragoon
    The big question on everyone’s mind is “does this new special ability remove the recast timer on Jump only or all jump abilities?”

    This ability is still in-development, and the development team is currently looking into making the below adjustments:

    • Recast time will be increased from 0 to 10 seconds.
    • Effect duration will be increased from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.

    HOWEVER! The ability will affect all jumps and when activating the special ability, any recast timers that are up for jumps will be reset. While it will no longer be possible to spam the same jump in succession with no delay in between, we feel that the adjusted effect will quite beneficial with the increase duration.

    We are also planning to make it possible to reduce the recast time further via merit points in the future.

    *This ability will be implemented on the Test Server this week with the effect that was announced yesterday, and will not reflect the above adjustments

  • Bard
    There was a question as to whether it would be possible to have a total of 5 songs when using the new special ability with the level 99 Daurdabla.

    While there is a possibility that adjustments are made in the future due to testing or other factors, the ability was designed to allow for a maximum of 5 songs when using the bonus granted from Daurdabla.

As we find out more about other new special abilities for jobs that have not been mentioned yet, we will be sure to share the information with you all.

11-09-2012 7:02 AM
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Regarding the new DRG SP Ability and Jump Recasts

Valefor.Kirick (JP Player, Greg) said: »
Lots of questions/comments about new DRG SP ability, including suggestion to unlink the recast timers of jumps, increase WS damage based on Jumps, etc.

The performance of this new SP ability has been based on the assumption that the jump timer is shared.

If we decide to separate the recast timers of Jump/High Jump and Spirit Jump/Soul Jump, it may be adjusted as follows:

  • New SP Ability

    • Duration: 45 seconds (no change)
    • Recast time of each jump extended from 10 to 15 seconds.

  • Jump Timers

    • Jump: 60 seconds (no change)
    • High Jump: 120 seconds (no change)
    • Spirit Jump: Extended from 60 to 90 seconds
    • Soul Jump: Extended from 120 to 180 seconds
    • Spirit Jump/Soul Jump will be changed so they do not reflect the recast timer reductions given by Jump/High Jump merits.

The extended timers are based on the fact that when the timers are split, the number of available jumps will double.

Translated by: Slycer

11-13-2012 12:11 PM
Community Rep


The post made on the Japanese forums the other day in regards to dragoon was a response to a player asking to have the timers split. This response was not mentioning that the development team would definitely be splitting the timers, it was only illustrating what would have to happen to the new special ability as well as the current jump cool down timers in the event that they were to change. I apologize for there not being an official translation of this and for any confusion.

Basically, IF they were to split the timers the below changes would have to be made to the new special ability and jump abilities:

  • New special ability

    • Effect duration: 45 seconds (no change)
    • Recast time for each jump: Increase time from 10 seconds to 15 seconds

  • Recast time for each jump

    • Jump: 60 seconds (no change)
    • High Jump: 120 seconds (no change)
    • Spirit Jump: Increase from 60 seconds to 90 seconds
    • Soul Jump: Increase from 120 seconds to 180 seconds
    • Merit points used to reduce Jump/High Jump recast timers will be changed so the effect does not apply to Spirit Jump/Soul Jump

If you feel strongly or have feedback to give on this we would be happy to pass it on to the development team.

11-13-2012 07:05 AM
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Regarding New SP Abilities

Please base your testing and feedback on the current effects of jobs which have abilities currently introduced on the test server.

Regarding the automaton's Eagle Eye Shot, we are not considering adjustments to the new individual automaton SP abilities. However, we are considering an overall review on the power of Eagle Eye Shot in the future, in which case any adjustments will also be reflected in the automaton's version of this ability.

For COR, RDM, NIN, and MNK - we are currently making final adjustments to the new SP abilities and plan to introduce them to the test server this week. We will have more information for you on the abilities' effects very soon, so please stay tuned.

Translated by: Slycer

11-13-2012 07:03 AM
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Regarding Sacrosanctity's Targeting

Odin.Amplifier (JP Player) said: »
I tried using the new WHM SP ability to prevent the petrify gaze of Grim Glower from Abyssea - Misareaux's peistes and I got petrified. I think the effect of gaze-based and probably all AoE debuff auras isn't prevented while this new SP is in effect.

{{Couple other quotes with similar ideas}}

The effect imparts a strong debuff resistance equivalent to the PLD job ability Fealty. As far as preventable effects, they are also similar to the ability Fealty, but based on the discussion recently, I believe that most people would also like us to pursue the route where we add resistances to amnesia, terror, death, and doom.

However, it does not prevent status abnormalities that are given by a field effect such as a sphere effect. As in the feedback above, this includes Grim Glower (a gaze effect which debuffs in the target area).

Translated by: Slycer

11-15-2012 07:15 AM
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New SP Abilities to Be Introduced on the Test Server This Week

Hello! In this post, we're announcing the new SP ability effects for corsair, ninja, monk, and red mage, that we plan to introduce on the test server this week. Please review this information and note that it will be reflected on the test server update scheduled for tomorrow. Please test them out and give us your feedback!

For the duration of the effect, maximum HP is doubled, and HP is fully recovered on activation (duration: 60 seconds). The effect is cumulative with other maximum HP increase effects, such as those from medication. During testing, we confirmed that there were significant issues with the counter ability, so we restructured this ability while maintaining the defensive concept. By increasing the HP it will raise the MNK's endurance as a response to highly damaging abilities.

Red Mage
The next casted enfeebling magic spell will have a significant accuracy boost (duration: 60 seconds).
  • As long as the monster is not completely immune, the spell will be guaranteed to hit (there is still a possibility of half resist).

  • There will be no effect if the monster is completely immune.

  • The effect ends when an enfeebling spell is cast or when 60 seconds have passed.
    Although this ability cannot be used frequently, it can be used to significantly inhibit the actions of more powerful monsters when you choose to use it.

For the duration of the effect, depending on the number of shadow images, the number of attacks per round are increased (duration: 30 seconds).
  • The cumulative effect of this ability, job traits, and equipment will still be limited to a maximum of 8 attacks per round.

  • This ability does not apply to weapon skills.

Number of attacks per round is increased based on number of shadow images:

Number of Shadow Images Increase in additional attacks
1 shadow image +1 additional attack
2 shadow images +1~2 additional attacks
3 shadow images +1~3 additional attacks
4 shadow images +1~4 additional attacks
5 shadow images +1~5 additional attacks

We have decided to readjust this ability to focus on attack power. A higher number of shadow images while you are not the current target will allow you to concentrate your attacks more effectively on a target during this SP ability.

The recast time of SP abilities will be reduced for target party members within range (instantaneous effect).
  • The amount of reduction depends on the outcome of the roll, with the maximum reduction being half.

Roll results and SP ability recast reduction:

Roll Results SP Ability Recast Reduction
1 -5%
2 -10%
3 -20%
4 -30%
5 -40%
6 -50%

We have changed the effect of this ability to specialize totally in other SP abilities, specifically the ability to use them more frequently. At the moment, there is even a chance that Wild Card can reset the recast on this SP ability. Note that this ability also reduces the recast time of Wild Card, but we have not yet decided for sure whether we want this ability to affect Wild Card or not.

In next week's test server update we plan to introduce the remaining abilities for beastmaster, thief, and paladin.

Translated by: Slycer

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Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 09:02:07
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Ooooh! More UL Blue mage spells? I'm a sucker for learning spells but PLEASE Square Enix... not something like Tourbillion again -.-; Dang spell took almost a year to get...
Can't wait until they actually make the abilities learnable; is there any information on when that will happen? Or maybe these are released with the new expansion?
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-10-29 09:05:26
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They will release them when they are done making up their minds. They've received a lot of feedback on the new abilities so they are trying to meet some of the players expectations on this update.
Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 09:09:23
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Siren.Kalilla said: »
They will release them when they are done making up their minds. They've received a lot of feedback on the new abilities so they are trying to meet some of the players expectations on this update.

Fair enough =) I like the fact there's close communication between SE and the players for this update.
Posts: 657
By Gimp 2012-10-29 09:10:35
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More UL Spells? I don't wanna get my hopes up but

Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 09:14:06
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Gimp said: »
More UL Spells? I don't wanna get my hopes up but


I didn't even think of that one O_O;

What I really hope to get is a Caturae spell. They have some funky stuff. Stygian Sphere anyone?
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Seha
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By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-10-29 09:16:06
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Caturae, mantis, iron giant, harpeia, naraka, there's still a few mob families that haven't been picked!
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-10-29 09:22:33
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BLU will get Frog Song next, giving you a 1% chance to turn foes checking as "Too Weak to be Worthwhile" to you into a frog.


edit: you'll do the frog dance as well
Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 09:31:40
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Phoenix.Sehachan said: »
Caturae, mantis, iron giant, harpeia, naraka, there's still a few mob families that haven't been picked!

To add to that list:

Orobon, Spheroids, Gears, Chariots, Ramparts, Acrolith, Zilant, Gallu, Yovra, Pixies, Meebles...

Not saying every family has something useful to add though. Oh and don't forget the many new monsters that will arrive with Seekers as well =)
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Server: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Sehachan 2012-10-29 09:33:06
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Those aren't hnm though, except zilant and gallu.
Posts: 657
By Gimp 2012-10-29 09:34:18
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Something that would be nice for UL is more spells of Disserverment's flavor giving powerful debuffs and damage. Bilgestorm is great(but expensive) and gave blu a real powerful tool. More of those abilities would be great and even better if we got two charges for ul instead of one. Edit: also physical and/or magical buffs that stack on top of common job abilities would also be a boon

I don't think Square would care since they've already confused Sch with being the masters of enfeebling and long buried Rdm
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-10-29 09:34:26
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Isn't it dependent on if and when they are able to extend the spell list capacity?

If they aren't able to it's unlikely that blu will get much even with the expansion.
Server: Siren
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user: Thoraeon
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By Siren.Thoraeon 2012-10-29 09:36:39
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What Kalilla said:
BLU will get Frog Song next, giving you a 1% chance to turn foes checking as "Too Weak to be Worthwhile" to you into a frog.

What I thought Kalilla said:
BLU will get Frog Song next, giving you a 1% chance to turn you into a frog.

I need coffee >.>
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-10-29 09:38:17
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:O that sounds so much better!
Posts: 657
By Gimp 2012-10-29 09:39:23
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Not sure what you're asking. UL spells don't take up spell list space or set points in the blue mage menu and aren't affected by cooldown from changing spells. (if that answers your question)

Definitely would like more points though
Server: Fenrir
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user: Leoheart
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By Fenrir.Leoheart 2012-10-29 09:39:25
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I'd be happy if BLU got Preying Posture and with Caturae there's a ton of spells I'd like off of them... probably Diabolic claw, I doubt BLU would get the specific ones like shadow wreck or banneret charge though.
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-10-29 09:41:20
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Gimp said: »
Not sure what you're asking. UL spells don't take up spell list space or set points in the blue mage menu and aren't affected by cooldown from changing spells. (if that answers your question)

Definitely would like more points though
I don't know anything about BLU, so maybe I'm wrong then :x
Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 09:42:33
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Phoenix.Sehachan said: »
Those aren't hnm though, except zilant and gallu.

Yeah you're right.. I got a bit ahead of myself and just listed families from which BLU doesn't learn yet ^^;
Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 09:44:54
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Fenrir.Leoheart said: »
I'd be happy if BLU got Preying Posture and with Caturae there's a ton of spells I'd like off of them... probably Diabolic claw, I doubt BLU would get the specific ones like shadow wreck or banneret charge though.

If we get Shadow Wreck then Blue mage will finally have a Dark-based spell that actually hurts... Not saying Eyes on Me or Dark Orb are bad but we definitely could use some more elemental power (mainly ice, earth, light and dark).
Heck, ice in general.. we haven't had ANY Ice-based spell since level 75 (part from Pyric Bulwark...)
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 46
By Valefor.Surivere 2012-10-29 09:57:37
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Dark Star from the Zilant's would be the most awesome spell ever. I've always loved how it looked (and hurt).
Server: Fenrir
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user: Mefuki
Posts: 157
By Fenrir.Mefuki 2012-10-29 09:59:57
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I think we have enough Dark element nukes but, yes, we still don't have a good ice nuke and not a single earth and light nuke. (not including breath spells, of course)
Server: Ragnarok
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user: Sekundes
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By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-10-29 10:02:34
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I'm always up for new spells. Here's to hoping they don't gimp them to oblivion or completely change what they do.

I wouldn't mind some adjustments to trait costs or the introduction of new spells that are good that also go toward traits. Setting traits takes most of a blu's points, so either doubling up on spells that are both useful and serve a trait purpose or reducing costs of setting traits would be great. There are some spells that have a set cost that does not warrant their use, nor the trait they gain.

Adjustments to magical blu spells' mp cost and/or cast time would also be wonderful since they are inhibiting to cast.

Edit: Realize they say UL spells here but I hope they don't JUST add UL spells of course.
Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 10:10:24
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Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
I'm always up for new spells. Here's to hoping they don't gimp them to oblivion or completely change what they do.

I wouldn't mind some adjustments to trait costs or the introduction of new spells that are good that also go toward traits. Setting traits takes most of a blu's points, so either doubling up on spells that are both useful and serve a trait purpose or reducing costs of setting traits would be great. There are some spells that have a set cost that does not warrant their use, nor the trait they gain.

Adjustments to magical blu spells' mp cost and/or cast time would also be wonderful since they are inhibiting to cast.

Edit: Realize they say UL spells here but I hope they don't JUST add UL spells of course.

I'm pretty sure that when Seekers comes out there will be several point-using spells, next to some new UL spells. As for changing the magical spells, I agree. However actually lowering points on already existing spells would be silly. Part of the charm of BLU is having a point limit and setting spells according to the challenge(s) you face.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-10-29 11:28:12
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Gameesh said: »
I'm pretty sure that when Seekers comes out there will be several point-using spells, next to some new UL spells. As for changing the magical spells, I agree. However actually lowering points on already existing spells would be silly. Part of the charm of BLU is having a point limit and setting spells according to the challenge(s) you face.
That challenge would not be diminished by reducing some of the high point costing spells, also realize that you still have to worry about the total set slots, that number is not unlimited. Maelstrom... 5 points? WHY?! Many were too high to begin with, but some have just aged and have fallen in to disuse due to the point cost being too high to value wearing. There is a balance between the value of a spell and this value is countered by point cost, mp cost, cast time, effect, stat bonuses, trait combos, ect. I just think there are some cases where things need to be looked at.
Posts: 932
By Gameesh 2012-10-29 12:17:31
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Ragnarok.Sekundes said: »
Gameesh said: »
I'm pretty sure that when Seekers comes out there will be several point-using spells, next to some new UL spells. As for changing the magical spells, I agree. However actually lowering points on already existing spells would be silly. Part of the charm of BLU is having a point limit and setting spells according to the challenge(s) you face.
That challenge would not be diminished by reducing some of the high point costing spells, also realize that you still have to worry about the total set slots, that number is not unlimited. Maelstrom... 5 points? WHY?! Many were too high to begin with, but some have just aged and have fallen in to disuse due to the point cost being too high to value wearing. There is a balance between the value of a spell and this value is countered by point cost, mp cost, cast time, effect, stat bonuses, trait combos, ect. I just think there are some cases where things need to be looked at.

If you put it that way, you make a valid argument. As long as not all spells become 1~3 points all of a sudden :P
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2012-10-29 12:34:02
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Nah, there are spells that are worth 5 points, and as long as they make the set cost worth the spell, I'm happy. I love my blu but I don't need it to be broken nor the best job ever, I just want some of the unbalanced parts of the job to be fixed so we can do what we do best.
Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-10-29 13:31:17
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Here is the official post:

10-29-2012 01:27 PM
Community Rep

Greetings everyone!

I have a bit of follow-up information to share about a couple of the new special abilities.

  • Warrior
    The new special ability’s effect duration is 30 seconds, and for multi-hit weapon skills, double attack will be calculated as usual so it will not be applied to every hit. We encourage you to try this out on the Test Server in a variety of conditions.

  • White mage
    We plan on adjusting the balance between the effect and the duration as we monitor test trends; however, if we extend one aspect the other would have to be reduced somewhat. Effect wise this would mean the types of status ailments that are resisted. With that said we would like to hear your feedback on this ability.

  • Black mage
    While this ability will not give large increases to the maximum damage dealt from a single spell, it will make it possible to increase the average damage output by gaining a magical accuracy boost that is on the same level as Elemental Seal.

    Also, this ability will benefit not only elemental magic, but enfeebling magic and dark magic as well. In terms of increasing damage, we are currently looking into making it easier to land elemental magic by removing half-resists or via other methods. (However, removing half-resists for enfeebling magic would be too much of a boon, so it will be necessary to make adjustments to limit it to elemental magic.)

  • Blue mage
    As we are planning to add spells to Unbridled Knowledge, in the future as the array of spells grow, the possibilities of this ability will also grow as well.

As always, please test out these abilities as much as possible on the Test Server and continue to give your feedback! We will be checking on the other questions we have seen in this thread, so until we get a response from the development team, sit tight!
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: analgesia
Posts: 845
By Carbuncle.Anesthesia 2012-10-29 13:35:26
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Well, ***.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2012-10-29 13:48:31
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I'm pretty nuke-happy on my blm so the idea of sitting back and nuking away without getting hate already makes me giddy. Extra macc on top of that is just icing on top.
Guide Master
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2012-10-29 14:19:24
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Would make UL and the new 2hr totally interesting and useful.
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