Attacking Monsters With An Avatar While Being AFK

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Attacking Monsters with an Avatar While Being AFK
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2012-04-21 12:03:21
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EDIT: Misread quoted post ~.~ wall-o-text was removed :x
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aequis
Posts: 35
By Lakshmi.Aequis 2012-04-21 12:46:21
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Just make it so, like someone said, if the summoner performs no action on the mob, you get no exp / drops / gil. Even Assault incurs enmity.

That said, the most frustrating thing is that SE waste time fixing issues like this, but there are so many other things that need looking at with summoner and the game in general. Taking auto-attack away will change the dynamic of the job in a big way and I hope they don't do this, but I haven't been optimistic in SE's ability to know their own game for a very long time now.

Summoners have paper defence at the best of times and no way of ditching enmity onto our pets like BST or DRG do (not sure if PUP can), so we aren't really built for situations like solo endurance fights. Each pet job has their niche and their specialities, weaknesses and strengths. "Balance" isn't making them all the same, but then we as players already know this. :/
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2012-04-21 13:03:11
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I wouldn't trust SE when it comes to understanding SMN. Time and time again they've missed the reason that SMN is weak in general situations and updated the job in the wrong way instead.
Server: Phoenix
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user: Darkmagi1
Posts: 1285
By Phoenix.Dramatica 2012-04-21 13:17:46
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Late response, but RDM is fine as a make shift healer post cure update, I'd even prefer it on some old content.
Server: Valefor
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Posts: 331
By Valefor.Zolan 2012-04-21 13:27:02
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Bahamut.Raenryong said: »
I wouldn't trust SE when it comes to understanding SMN. Time and time again they've missed the reason that SMN is weak in general situations and updated the job in the wrong way instead.

This over, and over again... Do I know the correct path on how to fix summoner no.. is SE on the correct path, no.

I am very curious in what they were killing why specify that zone name?
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10
By Odin.Celestria 2012-04-21 15:55:07
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Lakshmi.Aequis said: »
Just make it so, like someone said, if the summoner performs no action on the mob, you get no exp / drops / gil.

This is the answer. It just makes the "problem" quietly go away by making the offending behavior unproductive. Apply this to all mobs in the game - if 100% of the hate is on one avatar, there is no reward for killing it.

Other acceptable solutions exist. They could make chigoes not spawn if a player is standing within 20' of the spawn point. Can't AFK farm them if they won't pop on you.

This new rule is ridiculous. We're supposed to narc on each other to the SSTF, who will not even give us 0.3 seconds to reply to "[GM Dave]>> Are?" before pulling the trigger on a ten-year paying customer who had to take a leak. SE's death threats for minor offenses have always annoyed me; this one needs to rebound on them.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Salmijr
Posts: 206
By Phoenix.Salmijr 2012-04-21 16:36:24
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Seriously, them calling attention to such a minor "abuse" just opened alot of people's eyes to the posible other uses of this. Morbolger was already mentioned, as has bugbear strongman now. This couldnt have posibly been such a big deal as to be singlesd out like this.

But this is SE afterall, and their solution to ironclad abuse was to completely kill Z-axis checks. Totally expecting avatars to despawn now if the smn is attacked and no action is taken in say 10 seconds.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Eluveitie
Posts: 190
By Ragnarok.Eluveitie 2012-04-21 17:41:29
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"Lost my account the other day man"

"O dam what for?"

"I got bad diarrhea and just ran off where i left my char"

"SE said I was exploiting the system because i was on the john when GM sent me a /tell"
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 165
By Sylph.Timepassesbye 2012-04-21 17:48:30
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there are many possible actions Se could take. hopefully what they choose to do disrupts the job as little as possible. what i suggested was simply disabling pet counter agro from claiming the mob. if the mob isnt red at the time of death no one gets exp/items.

it would solve the problem without doing anything to harm the way smn is played. doing any action- blood pact, assault, retreat, anything that causes emnity will trigger a claim like it always has. but the simple auto counter wont. as it is right now, when an avitar auto counters, the mob doesnt turn yellow for a little bit. so simply preventing the transition without an action would help
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Salmijr
Posts: 206
By Phoenix.Salmijr 2012-04-21 18:50:38
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Sylph.Timepassesbye said: »
. if the mob isnt red at the time of death no one gets exp/items.

You HAVE been to a fell cleave or a smn burn right? Mobs can be yellow and give xp/items. If they die without hate/aggro then they dont. The auto attack would have to be hate/aggro free for this to work.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2012-04-21 19:38:28
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Bahamut.Mizuharu said: »
Dear Summoners,

Good night,

Insanity Fenrir Wolf.
I had to.

Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Mizuharu
Posts: 1988
By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2012-04-21 19:40:25
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Ragnarok.Anye said: »
Bahamut.Mizuharu said: »
Dear Summoners,

Good night,

Insanity Fenrir Wolf.
I had to.

I love you.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Anye
Posts: 5449
By Ragnarok.Anye 2012-04-21 19:46:41
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lmao <3

Here's the template. Many lols are expected--so make me proud, FFXIAH summoners! :D
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11417
By Odin.Minefield 2012-04-21 19:59:06
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That is simply brilliant.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-04-21 20:06:59
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Just found this out!! Going to go on SMN and AFK/ gil farm!'
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-04-21 20:19:27
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Had to do it :x
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Calamity
Posts: 172
By Fenrir.Calamity 2012-04-21 20:26:08
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So the entire world goes ape ***ballistic over having TH3, but smns using a clear and inarguable exploit to farm stacks and stacks of wind geodes to sell while they're asleep and people are up in arms defending it? I just don't understand. I don't understand at all.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2012-04-21 20:44:21
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Bahamut.Raenryong said: »
I wouldn't trust SE when it comes to understanding SMN. Time and time again they've missed the reason that SMN is weak in general situations and updated the job in the wrong way instead.


Odin.Celestria said: »
Lakshmi.Aequis said: »
Just make it so, like someone said, if the summoner performs no action on the mob, you get no exp / drops / gil.

This is the answer. It just makes the "problem" quietly go away by making the offending behavior unproductive. Apply this to all mobs in the game - if 100% of the hate is on one avatar, there is no reward for killing it.

this isn't the answer, one doesn't understand that if one uses "Assault" properly that they don't get aggro in the first place, not to mention to the other comment of "hate all on avatar" this is initiated by the summoner getting hit then the avatar laying the smack down on the mob, so the character is on the hate list of the mob, so please go play some SMN before you comment/try to come up with "solutions" (that so far would only break the job).

SE just needs to overlook it, or change the mob pattern in those areas, not actually play with the job itself, unless it's giving it a MP cost reduction/avatar buffs/damage increase.
Other acceptable solutions exist. They could make chigoes not spawn if a player is standing within 20' of the spawn point. Can't AFK farm them if they won't pop on you.

This new rule is ridiculous. We're supposed to narc on each other to the SSTF, who will not even give us 0.3 seconds to reply to "[GM Dave]>> Are?" before pulling the trigger on a ten-year paying customer who had to take a leak. SE's death threats for minor offenses have always annoyed me; this one needs to rebound on them.
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2012-04-21 20:45:42
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Fenrir.Calamity said: »
So the entire world goes ape ***ballistic over having TH3, but smns using a clear and inarguable exploit to farm stacks and stacks of wind geodes to sell while they're asleep and people are up in arms defending it? I just don't understand. I don't understand at all.

how exactly is it an exploit?

and I play BST and it having th3 was unbalanced.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Calamity
Posts: 172
By Fenrir.Calamity 2012-04-21 21:01:50
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What part of farming limitless supplies of gil on auto pilot while you're asleep using an in game function in a way that was clearly never intended not an exploit? It'll be over soon though. Those people who decided to run with this money making scheme have all but guarenteed the future loss of auto counter for smns.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: gorby
Posts: 39
By Odin.Gorby 2012-04-21 21:03:35
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Hey Squeenix, I see people loitering around Upper Jeuno all the time, like 24/7. They have the nerve to put items in their bazaars and get gil for them WHILE AFK! Can you believe it? I know they're AFK because I often say thank you when I buy stuff, but they never reply. This is soooooo not fair to those of us who park our main characters there and actually wait for people to buy our stuff. I believe this seriously affects game balance, so while you're figuring out how to deal with these unscrupulous Summoners, maybe you could figure out how to deal with these bazaar loafers too?
Posts: 42660
By Jetackuu 2012-04-21 21:04:01
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Fenrir.Calamity said: »
What part of farming limitless supplies of gil on auto pilot while you're asleep using an in game function in a way that was clearly never intended not an exploit? It'll be over soon though. Those people who decided to run with this money making scheme have all but guarenteed the future loss of auto counter for smns.

people worry about gil anymore?

soon you'll be saying using Utsu to blink tank (in a way which was never intended) is an exploit.

edit: I know SE is daft but I doubt that they're that daft
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2012-04-21 21:17:21
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I just find it amusing SE constantly uses the 'working as intended' line to brush off doing anything people bring up yet when players turn around and find a way to polish that turd, they get extremely upset.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Calamity
Posts: 172
By Fenrir.Calamity 2012-04-21 21:18:04
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So you're saying that farming while asleep is not an exploit?
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2012-04-21 21:21:30
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It's not an exploit because you aren't abusing a bug, you are using a designed system as intended. Avatars are suppose to auto-attack anything that aggro's you.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Emerii1
Posts: 198
By Fenrir.Emirii 2012-04-21 21:30:31
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Just saw someone in grauberg doing this. I sorta lol'd. Other people in my ally said they were gonna report em. I guess see how long he'll stay online.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Calamity
Posts: 172
By Fenrir.Calamity 2012-04-21 21:36:40
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Leviathan.Draylo said: »
It's not an exploit because you aren't abusing a bug, you are using a designed system as intended. Avatars are suppose to auto-attack anything that aggro's you.

It's not the using this that's the exploit, it's the using this to generate a limitless ammount of money that's the exploit. And the ban hammer will come down. Everyone knows SE well enough to know that this is soon to be classified as rmt activity.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sparthosx
Posts: 10394
By Lakshmi.Sparthosx 2012-04-21 21:41:06
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How long till AFKing for hours while someone PL burns you in Abyssea is considered an exploit?

You're making gil and you arent at the controls. Exploit.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-04-21 22:10:13
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I don't consider this topic a issue. If there AFK pull there mob if you want. SMN does not have a ton going for it. Please let it be!!
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 331
By Valefor.Zolan 2012-04-22 10:05:11
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Fenrir.Calamity said: »
What part of farming limitless supplies of gil on auto pilot while you're asleep using an in game function in a way that was clearly never intended not an exploit? It'll be over soon though. Those people who decided to run with this money making scheme have all but guarenteed the future loss of auto counter for smns.

Who the hell was defending it? No one even admitted to what was actually addressed but offered similar experiences. I personally did strongman and accidentally (my mule got the item that will never be a monk so was accidentally) did Morbolger once when I fell asleep waiting.. (wish I had set quartermaster....) So I am assuming you are a lonely individual who is trolling trying to turn this thread into something its not. Hell more then anything there have been suggestions to fix it.

As far as fixing it goes don't change it so your avatar can't claim red, I claim all the time with sound agro. Also do not take away auto attack (do not think that would ever happen) I like the idea that if the smn takes no action no exp/items are given. If on smn I usally leave carby out in case of agro for protection not to farm gil. (well not in the last 6 years lol...)
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