Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-25 19:48:24
I have been wondering about Null Belt vs. Carrier's Sash for magic evasion.
Null: Magic Evasion +30 + MDB +3
Carrier's: Elemental Resistances +15
For jobs with Engraved Belt, I'm guessing they should go with that for anything using elemental magic, but what about jobs that can't? I'm aware there's an additional resist state that can only be reached by adding elemental resistances, but is +35 (including Warder's Charm +1) enough? Wouldn't Null's +30 magic evasion be more consistent?
By Nariont 2025-01-25 21:08:33
You need only +1 ele resist to hit the final resist state for dmg related magic, so that's why carrier's/engraved/warders is in most of those sets. You can shift the ele resist to warder's but that leaves you light/dark to fill elsewhere such as earrings
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-25 21:24:37
You need only +1 ele resist to hit the final resist state for dmg related magic, so that's why carrier's/engraved/warders is in most of those sets. You can shift the ele resist to warder's but that leaves you light/dark to fill elsewhere such as earrings
What does a MDT set look like now? What are these earrings?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2025-01-25 21:42:06
Arete del luna+1 is a good light resist earring option, and has various status resists(+augs).
For dark resist earrings... there's really not much but basic old elemental earrings. Pluto's earring/pearl, etc.
Wuji ring is also a good non-earring option as it covers both light and dark in one slot. Also has resist sleep and charm.
But personally, I'd rather just use carrier's and get other stats on neck/earrings/rings
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-25 21:54:23
I guess it depends on the job. For the jobs that can use it, Moonlight Necklace + Eabani + Flashward (or Lugalbanda for +2 more) = 30-32 Magic Evasion. Makes sense to use Engraved/Carrier's.
If a job cannot use Moonlight, you're only getting +16-18 Magic Evasion from the earrings compared to Null Belt +30. So, it may be worth using other earrings for the Light/Dark elements. Wuji Ring is a solid choice because then you're only losing the +9 MEVA from Vengeful, as opposed to the +16-18 from the earrings.
But thinking about this. If you're not a Rune Fencer (neck +2 has +30 MEVA), aren't you better off using Warder's/Null Belt/Wuji? You wouldn't need to switch the earrings.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,026
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-25 22:52:17
How often are you guys being hit by dark- and light-based nukes?
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-25 22:54:54
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »How often are you guys being hit by dark- and light-based nukes?
This isn't just about nukes? There are plenty of light and dark magic based TP moves.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,026
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-25 23:10:57
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »How often are you guys being hit by dark- and light-based nukes?
This isn't just about nukes? There are plenty of light and dark magic based TP moves.
Ok, for your engaged set against...Cait sith? Or an idle set in case you walk by a teammate engaged against an unexpected defiant?
Thinking about most content that is going to kill you with magic damage, I think there are vanishing few cases where light or darkness damage is going to be a threat.
I have 0 dark resist in any engaged set on any job and I've never noticed my HP suddenly tanking from cruel joke, I guess is what I'm getting at. Build sets for the majority, not the corner cases.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4,577
By Cerberus.Kylos 2025-01-26 15:05:03
MDT sets for anything outside of a tank job is for reacting to, or knowing when a high magic damage move is coming, and there are enough moves to consider that for Light and Dark. Not many for light, but plenty for dark. Take Omen as one example, everything the Caturae's do are dark based.
The original question was about deciding what is optimum for magic damage (and possibly status resist) sets in any given situation. Magic damage sets outside of tanking are niche, but they are made so you're prepared for if/when the situations arise. It's better to have them, than have to worry about making something mid-run. From what you are saying, it would mean Null Belt would always be used with Warder's Charm for any job, including Rune Fencer, as this nets the most MEVA and some extra MBD without adding Light/Dark elemental resistances.
I believe Martel answered the question. I'll probably get a Wuji Ring and use that in MDT sets except for Rune Fencer for the extra magic evasion. This means I won't need Carrier's, so I can send that to my mule. I'm not having to use more equipment to do this. I just like to optimize sets when we get new equipment providing possible ways to improve.
Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 1,869
By Phoenix.Iocus 2025-01-26 15:48:46
I opened 93 old cases and got a single +1. I feel entitled to monetary compensation. Which tarutaru legal firm thinks it's my money and I want it now?
Also I notice most people are attracted to meva and pretend mdb doesn't exist. Or at least that's my perception. I personally like looking at meva/mdb/INT all at the same time for MDT sets. That being said, Null Shawl is just amazing and I try to fit it in as many engaged or idle sets as possible.
By Dodik 2025-01-26 19:25:48
Null Belt would always be used with Warder's Charm for any job, including Rune Fencer, as this nets the most MEVA and some extra MBD without adding Light/Dark elemental resistances.
Run can wear engraved belt, and that has 20 elemental resistance and 30 for dark/light. Elemental resistance works like meva too.
Engraved belt + null shawl is more combined meva+ele resistance than null belt + warder's for the jobs that can wear engraved belt.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,026
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2025-01-26 19:37:03
Null Belt would always be used with Warder's Charm for any job, including Rune Fencer, as this nets the most MEVA and some extra MBD without adding Light/Dark elemental resistances.
Run can wear engraved belt, and that has 20 elemental resistance and 30 for dark/light. Elemental resistance works like meva too.
Engraved belt + null shawl is more combined meva+ele resistance than null belt + warder's for the jobs that can wear engraved belt.
RUN also has empy feet which are insanely strong and already come with all resistance built in.
RUN also has runes which are undispellable and include resistance against whatever element you want.
I never even consider putting resistance in my RUN idle set unless it outweighs the meva equivalent.
By Dodik 2025-01-26 19:42:34
When you do need elemental resistance, you should go with the highest piece. That's engraved, nor warder.
More ele resistance is better than less ele resistance, regardless how much of it you have already. Unlike straight meva, for example, ele resistance also adds mdb.
By Nariont 2025-01-26 19:50:07
ele resistance also adds mdb.
Unless im mistaken its just 1:1 meva apart from that whole final resistance tier for magical dmg of that element
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-26 20:09:09
It's solace that adds mdb to the resist only
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 550
By Fenrir.Jinxs 2025-01-27 15:15:13
During my private server experimentations I found a setting for 1:1 subjob
At first I tried mnk/war which gave me access to brazen rush which shared a recast with inner release.
Also had access to retaliation and restraint which I have not tried yet.
I think the next combo I want to try is mnk/drk for dread spikes and soul enslavement.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I was curious how majesty if it works properly in this environment would work on whm or RSM main
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Server: Asura
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Posts: 15,971
By Asura.Vyre 2025-01-28 13:23:33
What are the best targets for Heavy Metal Plate farming?
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-28 13:28:44
(and then buying not hmp to sell, to buy hmp)
Then using boxes/mules to get more.
Sky pouches are 6% with ~8 in a pouch. takes 3000 stones
Then kaggen/akvan/pil 30% takes 5000 stones.
Bis/Morta are the best money to buy hmp, but the worst to get hmp direct. So it's all about how you phrase the question.
Direct farming with no buying. Sky.
Fastest route to get them via selling cinder/dross/skin. Bis/morta.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2025-01-29 22:22:25
Dumb question but, how do I travel to all the different staging points from whitegate. I have them all, but it's been a long time. I tried taking an assault but you can't leave the staging point while you have orders.
By Asura.Eiryl 2025-01-29 22:27:45
All the paths drawn out, except Alzadaal. Alzadaal is just enter with a silver coin and warp up to the main floor.
(he never went and filled in mamook after all this time lol... 2007, but its pretty straight forward...)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,124
By Bahamut.Bojack 2025-01-29 23:00:03
Turns out it was a dumb question lol. I actually meant how do I teleport to them from Whitegate. Last time I tried I didn't realize I had Nyzul orders so I couldn't just pick which one I wanted.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,726
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2025-01-30 01:02:21
Mythic AM3 can proc on weapon skills, but can it proc on the initial 3000tp WS that puts the AM3 up?
By SimonSes 2025-01-30 01:08:19
Mythic AM3 can proc on weapon skills, but can it proc on the initial 3000tp WS that puts the AM3 up?
Yes, it can.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2025-01-30 01:08:34
Mythic AM3 can proc on weapon skills, but can it proc on the initial 3000tp WS that puts the AM3 up? Yes, it does. Link to ooold testing.
By Shichishito 2025-01-31 20:44:28
What are the difference between the individual resist messages?
On the example of Slimy Proposal I've today seen:
"No effect on Name."
"Name evades."
And I also think I've seen messages with "resists." and "resists!" at the end.
Wouldn't mean the "Name evades." line that slimy proposal is a physical attack? It's listed as light elemental magical damage on bgwiki but is it like a BLU spell where it has to land both the physical and magical part in order for the magic resist check to trigger?
If that's the case would it be smart to also incorporate evasion or even focus on evasion over magic evasion, maybe coupled with specific "Resist Charm" equipment since evasion caps at 80%?
By Nariont 2025-01-31 20:55:27
If im remembering right;
No effect is just as it says, the effect either wasnt able to overwrite itself, or was blocked by something i.e a higher priority haste blocking a slow effect
Evades means you passed the meva check, this usually only comes up during TP moves, typically later ones i wanna say, older TP moves would just say player resists iirc
Resist is another meva check you passed, while Resist! is a trait proc i.e resist slow will have that pop up occasionally
By Shichishito 2025-01-31 21:22:02
No effect is just as it says, the effect either wasnt able to overwrite itself, or was blocked by something i.e a higher priority haste blocking a slow effect Slimy Proposal charms, but I wasn't charmed, what could be the debuff that has higher priority than charm?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2025-02-01 00:55:37
What are the difference between the individual resist messages?
On the example of Slimy Proposal I've today seen:
"No effect on Name."
"Name evades."
And I also think I've seen messages with "resists." and "resists!" at the end.
Wouldn't mean the "Name evades." line that slimy proposal is a physical attack? It's listed as light elemental magical damage on bgwiki but is it like a BLU spell where it has to land both the physical and magical part in order for the magic resist check to trigger?
If that's the case would it be smart to also incorporate evasion or even focus on evasion over magic evasion, maybe coupled with specific "Resist Charm" equipment since evasion caps at 80%? There are numerous magical attacks that can be 'evaded' in this sense. Mostly debuff only, non-damaging effects.
For AoEs in these cases the direct target gets a 'misses' message, while other targets say they evaded.
A few examples from my logs. Code [14:45:10]The Transcended・Tiger uses Roar, but misses Martel.
[14:45:10]Zavera evades.
[15:32:06]The Transcended・Mandragora uses Scream, but misses Roskva.
[15:32:07]Martel evades.
[21:41:28]Arduwyn uses Random Deal, but misses Arduwyn.
[21:41:28]Martel evades.
[08:19:14]The Gorgimera uses Fossilizing Breath, but misses Arduwyn.
[08:19:14]Martel evades.
[08:19:14]The Luopan evades.
So, Slimy proposal is certainly not physical. The miss/evade message just does not indicate physical or magical in and of itself. Now, if an attack deals damage and can miss, then it has to at least be hybrid with a physical component, or entirely physical.
Although, there are a few.. veeery niche exceptions to this, like conditional attacks where it can deal dmg or only apply an effect. Think Tidal Guillotine, where it can either be damage, or death depending on current HP%. When it selects Death, resist Death gear can proc, resulting a 'miss'.
Regarding resisting Slimy Proposal. You'd gear for meva+, light ele resist, resist charm and resist all ailments.
"Resist"(without the !) is only used for spells. So magical attacks used by mobs will not generally say resist unless they actual cast a spell. Code [21:50:40]Martel casts Jettatura.The Nostos・Korrigan resists the spell.
[21:50:40]The Nostos・Korrigan resists the effects of the spell!
[22:34:21]Martel casts Flash.Mboze resists the spell.
[13:14:32]The Orderly・Imp casts Poisonga II.Martel resists the spell.
[13:14:32]Arduwyn resists the effects of the spell!
Resist!(with a ! this time) at the beginning of a message, indicates a resist trait/gear proc was the reason that the spell/attack failed. This can display on both spells and debuff only mob ws. Although, if an attaack deals damage as well as a debuff, then you will never see the Resist! prefix, even if the debuff was prevented via a trait proc. Code [07:57:38]The Colibri casts Poisonga.Martel resists the spell. <-- Normal resist
[07:57:38]Resist! Arduwyn resists the effects of the spell! <- trait proc resist
[00:03:49]The Beholder casts Sleep.Resist! Martel resists the spell.
Note that the logs for some of these messages put things on a single line that would display as 2 lines ingame. So the beholder sleep/resist message in the example would actually look like this ingame(assuming no battlemod) Code The Beholder casts Sleep.
Resist! Martel resists the spell.
No effect is just as it says, the effect either wasnt able to overwrite itself, or was blocked by something i.e a higher priority haste blocking a slow effect Slimy Proposal charms, but I wasn't charmed, what could be the debuff that has higher priority than charm? So far as I'm aware no other debuff will prevent charm. I'm also uncertain if a Charm buffer vs slimy proposal would result in a miss message, or a No effect message.
Regarding the No Effect message, was that message on a player character? Or a trust/pet? A no effect message can also occur when the effect being applied is simply invalid for the target. Like charm vs Trusts or pets, which cannot be charmed. Example logs. Code [19:33:16]The Esurient・Botulus uses Slimy Proposal, but misses Rejiin.
[19:33:16]Martel evades.
[19:33:16]No effect on the Luopan. Luopan there getting the No effect message, since charm is invalid.
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 411
By Sylph.Reain 2025-02-01 01:23:34
I think it was probably an occasionally nullifies damage vorseal proc.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,994
By Ragnarok.Martel 2025-02-01 02:06:41
I think it was probably an occasionally nullifies damage vorseal proc. If this occurrence was in Escha, then yeah, that's quite possible. And those procs also have atypical log messages for some attacks. Like, damaging spells will say resisted rather than just doing 0 dmg. Which is something that otherwise would only happen via a fools drink type magic shield effect.
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