maybe, but if it looks like a dupe and quacks like a dupe, it's probably a dupe.
not convinced? try
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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
maybe, but if it looks like a dupe and quacks like a dupe, it's probably a dupe.
not convinced? try Typically a dupe is found because they're greedy and crash the price.
If the cells go to half price then sure. 24/7 vagary and dienamis botting isn't new. If you think it's a dupe, stalk them and look for who they're trading and then stalk that person. I am not convinced based on that history; everything sold there is at least 25% mark up (some close to 100%) vs what it'd cost to buy anywhere besides Asura. Simplest explanation is that someone is buying out small servers to sell on Asura for a profit.
If you look through XIAH right now, it seems likely you could get 11 stacks of beastmen's for ~470m just visiting carbuncle and siren. Those sold for 637.51m, a profit of ~167m for what amounts to 20 minutes of work. We had the dynamis campaign last month too, so it was the best time to buy up medals and shards/voids to resell later/elsewhere for a profit. The pulse:AS existing 5 years later is reasonable, because you could hoard thousands of them and they move at a rate of 1/day. I don't think it's likely there are still duped medals floating around, even if you completely filled an account or two they'd have been gone years past. i don't think it a new one necessarily, and i don't know much about server hopping large quantities of goods to mark up elsewhere, so you guys are probably right. ffxi is still a big business to a lot people other than SE, it seems.
Mutually beneficial, they look the other way and collect subs/xfers
win:win Once someone is in a position to collect and upgrade T3/T4 Odyssey equipment as well as +2/+3 Empyrean gear and other top-level JSE, how many pieces of Ambuscade gear are worth spending those Metal and Fiber to upgrade to +2?
I'm aware that some pieces have their place, I'm curious which pieces still really hold up. Especially since not every guide on here is necessarily up-to-date. Uhm...
Inyanga+2 legs for sure (on BRD). But hands have a use on some jobs too. Ayanmo+2 legs for BRD, especially if you lack Volte, but even on other jobs are a decent piece with FC and some DT. The rest of the stats suck but it's still okaysh if you want FC and DT. Flamma+2 head is a bit of a glasscannon piece but it's still very nice for pure DPS purposes. Mummu+2 hands can be a nice option for AGI/DEX multi hit crit based WS, but no att on it. There's probably more stuff I can't remember right now. Asura.Sechs said: » Uhm... Inyanga+2 legs for sure (on BRD). But hands have a use on some jobs too. Ayanmo+2 legs for BRD, especially if you lack Volte, but even on other jobs are a decent piece with FC and some DT. The rest of the stats suck but it's still okaysh if you want FC and DT. Flamma+2 head is a bit of a glasscannon piece but it's still very nice for pure DPS purposes. Mummu+2 hands can be a nice option for AGI/DEX multi hit crit based WS, but no att on it. There's probably more stuff I can't remember right now. Jhakri +2 bod has 4 refresh and is kinda nice for idle piece, iirc most of the Empy bodies don't replace it til +3? The pieces with WSD generally tend to hold up kind of well in WS sets, at least until you augment the Odyssey gear, I guess? That's Meganahda Hands, Jhakri hands, Sulevia feet etc. WSD+7% I'm sure they fall to some armor's augment, Nyame for everything right? Duhhh... A lot of pieces also tend to have uniquely high weirder stats, like how Flamma bod has +17 Subtle Blow. Not usually a concern for the jobs that can wear it, but idk, seems like a lot of pieces could have specific one slot use for weird stat builds like that maybe for specific Ambu's or something. Asura.Vyre said: » Jhakri +2 bod has 4 refresh and is kinda nice for idle piece, iirc most of the Empy bodies don't replace it til +3? Asura.Vyre said: » The pieces with WSD generally tend to hold up kind of well in WS sets, at least until you augment the Odyssey gear, I guess? That's Meganahda Hands, Jhakri hands, Sulevia feet etc. WSD+7% I'm sure they fall to some armor's augment, Nyame for everything right? Asura.Vyre said: » Duhhh... A lot of pieces also tend to have uniquely high weirder stats, like how Flamma bod has +17 Subtle Blow. Not usually a concern for the jobs that can wear it, but idk, seems like a lot of pieces could have specific one slot use for weird stat builds like that maybe for specific Ambu's or something. The reason I'm asking this now is because only now am I starting to collect Ambuscade gear for jobs that I'm not yet totally familiar with. Only on jobs like Blue Mage and Corsair (so far) can I really look at a piece of gear and imagine how I'd fit it into a set. I don't want to waste the few vials of metal and threads of fiber I get for free every month upgrading something that I'm going to end up regretting. But I also don't want to not upgrade anything. Don't forget Meghanada head and body, for crit stuff. Meghanada feet for snapshot.
Did you descend when you entered MMM?
You need to enter once before the counter starts Running the JP Rhapsody in Mauve page through google, it may be "CC points accumulate at 1/24th normal time" rather than "CC points every 24 minutes". Try at 1hr 20min (32hrs/24) for 1 CC, with additional points every 20 minutes after that.
How good is Morgelai for RUN?
Asura.Vyre said: » How good is Morgelai for RUN? Imo the Peord Claymore path C is a solid tool to have in the toolbox for regen rec. without breaking the bank on the SU5. With sacro neck, sroda belt and regen set, can hit over ~~70/tic self target regen IV iirc. (Would have to check actual numbers, not finished augmenting my su4) Its regen Rec, so can also boost received regen V with a toggle set (Along with Sortie Earring). Anyone know the title of the music that plays in Odyssey? Thanks if you do and can share it with me!
For Crooked Cards on COR, you use it before the roll right, and then you still Double Up the roll, right? I'm kind of confused about it, and constantly forgetting to make use of it, because I'm terribad.
The Samurai's second 2hr, Yaegasumi... what's that all about? I keep reading things about popping it at a certain point, and it carries the rest of a short burst type fight, but like... how does it function, what does it do precisely? What's good about it, what's bad about it? Crooked boosts the roll itself and any doubleups are counted
Yaegesumi is avoid all tp moves gain tp and gain WSD+ for each evasion. Stupidly OP move when used correctly. The boost in dmg is nice, but Yaegasumi main strength (IMO) is the “Perfect Dodge for tp moves”.
Given main danger for current mobs is the tp move spam or one shot tp move, then Yaegasumi is like becoming Superman for 45 secs. The increase in WSD for tp move avoided is nicely tied with many *** of a mob that make its melee swing being considered tp move also (Lilith is prime example of that) Asura.Vyre said: » The Samurai's second 2hr, Yaegasumi... what's that all about? I keep reading things about popping it at a certain point, and it carries the rest of a short burst type fight, but like... how does it function, what does it do precisely? What's good about it, what's bad about it? For current content it's basically invincible/PD as a lot of bosses have AA's that count as TP moves, so those you just evade and you get 500+(~30*20 depending on jp category) TP for every single one evaded, 20% WSD that you cap in 3 of those evasions which is quickly done on this stuff that is a seperate wsd boost, and everything else does 0 dmg. There's not really anything bad about it As far as crafting and guild points Key Items go, about how long does it take to get the GP needed to get the KIs you need for each craft?
Maybe 3~4 days on the 40k ones depending on what the GP item ends up being for those days
There is a daily cap of guild points you can get, and it varies depending on the items requested.
Some items will be higher level, meaning you need to be of that level to craft it (or just buy it). Roughly 15-20 days or so to get the 100k items, finger in the air. Asura.Vyre said: » As far as crafting and guild points Key Items go, about how long does it take to get the GP needed to get the KIs you need for each craft? Depends what you mean by "need". Most of the KIs are entirely or almost entirely useless in this day & age. The multi-synth ones like tanning, spinning, etc. are nice, but the ensorcellment and purification ones and a lot of the extra stuff like stewpots are not needed by most people's definitions. If you want to know how long it would take to get them, I'd say add up the GP cost for all the KIs you want and divide by...12k or so. It varies by craft and by how high level your craft is, but I'd say on average you get about 10-12k/day. You'd need the skill items and ex items to make the stalls more than the crafting KIs, I'd imagine. Those are still expensive.
I was just wondering because I took Cooking to 110, and the only KI I did for it was the Way of The Culinarian, because of needing it to get to 110.
But I reckon I need Raw Fishing Handling, Noodle, and a couple of other ones to make certain foods that look kind of interesting to me. 2 or 3 days each KI depending. Sometimes the cook items are impossible. Sometimes they're low.
Today was 13k, tomorrow will be 13k again, and tomorrow, but then it resets back to the low end 8k Today also happens to be one of those items that may be literally impossible to make. Coral fungus is for all intents and purposes impossible to obtain in 202X. (Not literally, if the kupower is up you can get it) And if it does come up, being a cook, you should get 10 stacks and store them. |
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