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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
could a mog tablet theoretically stay undiscovered if someone got to it but didn't go to ru'lude moogle? i've been pretty thorough on the remaining zones for our last missing tablet and haven't had any luck.
It's considered found when it's found, going to the moogle is only an afterthought, otherwise obviously someone would hold it hostage.
someone else gonna have to be the hero then, not gonna spend any more time looking lol
Truly an outdated system. Unfortunate.
Ain't no one running around zones anymore. Miracle they ever get found at all sometimes. Small servers probably go weeks without it lol. You missed Valkurm, apparently. interestingly the powers msg didn't pop until it was returned 6min later
![]() Asura.Eiryl said: » otherwise obviously someone would hold it hostage. Somehow i felt the vibe that you surely would There is literally only one server where that would potentially happen.
Pantafernando said: » Asura.Eiryl said: » otherwise obviously someone would hold it hostage. Somehow i felt the vibe that you surely would Yes, if I were campaigning for it to be modernized, abso-***-lutely Lazy *** won't advocate on their own behalf and require being forced and/or motivated for your own good. But, the only one I really care about is BotV to make KC runs slightly simpler with refresh. jubes said: » interestingly the powers msg didn't pop until it was returned 6min later ![]() I mean, "interesting" not really, just server delay. https://ffxiclopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Mog-Tablet Quote: You do not have to return to the Explorer Moogle after finding a Mog-Tablet in order for the Super Kupowers to be granted. Are the Vagary boss Turris fights the best place to learn those BLU spells?
Asura.Vyre said: » Are the Vagary boss Turris fights the best place to learn those BLU spells? Hint 4
[Thanks, kupo.] wonder what the new word will be. already pulled out all my garbage egg items from the npc so i can get it over with more quickly and so i don't forget. Is there a cap to Critical Hit Rate +%?
What color would you call the Warrior's Empyrean armor? It's like a grayish brown. It's gotta have some name, right?
Asura.Vyre said: » What color would you call the Warrior's Empyrean armor? It's like a grayish brown. It's gotta have some name, right? Just to double check, spell interrupt on Odyssean gear only comes from dark matter?
K123 said: » Or is it 103%?! (Genuine question) Would critical hit rate +100% mean you'd be guaranteed to crit with every attack, or simply double your current critical hit rate? Like, if your base crit rate against a target was 20% and you had +70% Critical Hit Rate, does it bring it up to 90% or 34%? Criticals were found to hit 100% and be 100% equals 100% not double current when abyssea came out.
No one ever verified 100% exact is 100% though, just that being over 100% was 100% It could be 103, easy enough to check just have to put on atmas and nerf your gear to be exact (Someone may have done it already, it was like 15 years ago at this point, I don't remember) Ragnarok.Jessikah said: » K123 said: » Or is it 103%?! (Genuine question) Would critical hit rate +100% mean you'd be guaranteed to crit with every attack, or simply double your current critical hit rate? Like, if your base crit rate against a target was 20% and you had +70% Critical Hit Rate, does it bring it up to 90% or 34%? K123 said: » Ragnarok.Jessikah said: » K123 said: » Or is it 103%?! (Genuine question) Would critical hit rate +100% mean you'd be guaranteed to crit with every attack, or simply double your current critical hit rate? Like, if your base crit rate against a target was 20% and you had +70% Critical Hit Rate, does it bring it up to 90% or 34%? Asura.Thunderjet said: » K123 said: » Ragnarok.Jessikah said: » K123 said: » Or is it 103%?! (Genuine question) Would critical hit rate +100% mean you'd be guaranteed to crit with every attack, or simply double your current critical hit rate? Like, if your base crit rate against a target was 20% and you had +70% Critical Hit Rate, does it bring it up to 90% or 34%? Is anyone else having issues logging in lately?
Web browser and anything else that uses internet all work fine. I get one account logged in with no problems. Second and third I get all sorts of errors trying to log in. Either while it is "retrieving messages" or on the character select screen. Or I select a character and it logs in and then just sits on black screen with the "downloading data" in the corner then kicks me back. I have never had such problems just logging in.... Just curious if anyone else experiences these things. .... I got a message from myself when I crashed earlier.
As in. Character X crashed, a phantom message was received from character Y. No message exists, except the message saying I sent myself a message. Two instances of logging to swap character black screen crashes, both got the phantom message. I found that super *** odd. I got logged into a mule on my account that got booted on the "downloading data."
I can do a /sea all Name and the game says that character is logged in, these are on the same account... (hey, three minutes later they are finally not in game lol) Still can't log in this character. Every time it just gets stuck on the black screen and downloading data forever. I guess it's just not my day. Ask a friend to log you in and move you, or VPN over somewhere else and log in.
Odin.Boogs said: » I got logged into a mule on my account that got booted on the "downloading data." I can do a /sea all Name and the game says that character is logged in, these are on the same account... (hey, three minutes later they are finally not in game lol) Still can't log in this character. Every time it just gets stuck on the black screen and downloading data forever. I guess it's just not my day. Restart router, restart connection (leave router off for 10 mins) to get a new IP, login from different PC, ask a friend to log you in or just wait 24 hours. It's some kind of lockout system. |
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