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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Does Orvail Ring affect fishing skill ups?
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Do we know how stats based on Unity ranking are calculated? My initial guess is (max-min)*(1-(rank-1)/10)+min, but I don't know if that's how it's actually handled. Would appreciate confirmation/corrections. Fenrir.Nightfyre said: » Crossposting for visibility: Do we know how stats based on Unity ranking are calculated? My initial guess is (max-min)*(1-(rank-1)/10)+min, but I don't know if that's how it's actually handled. Would appreciate confirmation/corrections. I think is either max for rank1 or min for rank2, 3rd place gets nothing. Unless they have separate formula for refresh pants and w/e 1-10 stat gear. Never bothered testing but is easy to do. You still get 1/tic in third. The item description is pretty clear that everyone gets at least a certain minimum value, not sure why you'd think otherwise.
Hmm... my alt's in third right now, and her Gelatinous +1 gives 25 HP. If my equation was right she'd get 30. That's unfortunate, means they're probably using tables instead of a single linear equation. How many alexandrites can a well geared blue Mage farm in an hour? Or how many salvage runs can be done in an hour? Looking to farm some Gil solo while attending to kids In case they wake up. Thanks
Doing Bhaflau (? The cerb one) took me 20mins to clear, doing the big room of triple gears. CDC > Sinker Drill > MB floe takes 70% of nq cerb and 50% of Orthrus, and the MB makes him take obscene melee damage after. No real danger, and if you're worried just set magic barrier or saline coat.
Totally missed that, Apururu ranked first, sorry cant test stuff now.
Asura.Foreverj said: » How many alexandrites can a well geared blue Mage farm in an hour? Or how many salvage runs can be done in an hour? Looking to farm some Gil solo while attending to kids In case they wake up. Thanks Asura.Foreverj said: » How many alexandrites can a well geared blue Mage farm in an hour? Or how many salvage runs can be done in an hour? Looking to farm some Gil solo while attending to kids In case they wake up. Thanks Well, you're limited to buying one permit in a game day. So you might wind up being able to do three runs back to back (start with permit, finish mid game day to buy another, finish that run after the game change), or you might wind up buying a permit right after the day change. SSR2 can be done in 20-30 minutes, with most of the variation coming down to how far out of your way you want to go for singles or the slim chance of cotton pouches. Between the two, I'd say guesstimating two SSR2 runs in an hour is fair. It's not usually worth trying to run Salvage as fast possible, since at some point or another, you'll wind up waiting on permit cooldown. 'course, if you're working on a Mythic, you can use the time between to work on Assaults/tokens/ichor. SSR2 is quite simple to run as a BLU, since nearly all of it is very quick to nuke down. If you're reasonably thorough, you'll net 30-35+ singles per run, plus a linen purse (50-99). You do have the chance of a second linen purse, along with (potentially) some cotton purses, but I wouldn't bank on those. More or less, a reliable 80-130something Alex per run, comfortably done inside 30 minutes. If you're pressed for time, you can beeline to the boss and just get a linen. Thanks all for your quick responses
Does Hachirin-no-obi work for all spells cast on any day? For example, do I get the weather bonus for a fire spell on earthsday?
It is meant to serve as a space saver in that you don't have to carry one obi for each element, but the spell you use still has to match the current weather/day for the bonus to kick in. Similarly, using a spell of the direct opposite element from the current weather/day will still incur a penalty, and because the obis are now all combined in one, you will *always* have that penalty when wearing it. For that reason, some people still prefer to carry individual obis.
Can the 5th floor Poroggo Madame in Zhayolm Remnants spawn if you only enter with 2 people and unlock their Pathos or do you have to bring 3?
Odin.Llewelyn said: » Can the 5th floor Poroggo Madame in Zhayolm Remnants spawn if you only enter with 2 people and unlock their Pathos or do you have to bring 3? How does "potency of banish vs. undead" effect work?
Banish III already lowers the physical resistances of undeads by 97% afaik and there are items which have this effect at levels higher than 3 so I assume this "potency" can't be "even less physical resistance". I also tested damage, it doesn't add anything. That leaves either duration or magical resistances (or do banish spells already lower magical resistances as well as physical ones?). Was this ever tested recently? I found a test for some ring over at BG from years ago and it seems this "potency of banish vs. undead" lowers resistance even further but it was only tested up to banish II (I guess banish III wasn't added to the game). So... I missed the salvage bus the first time... and second time around and am just now doing 75 salvage. I am trying to get movement speed boots for BST and have all the dorps I need, minus arrapago.
Last night I had an AWFUL run. I went through nearly to the boss with only my weapon, and body armor unlocked. This sucked hardsauce because with no pet, I could not kill the little *** qiqirn dudes who run around and/or warp. What did I hose up? Is there a guaranteed way to unlock more/all gear slots when doing this that I missed? Do GEO-debuff spells stack? Like 2x frailty on a mob?
Asura.Calatilla said: » Do GEO-debuff spells stack? Like 2x frailty on a mob? Nope, and Indi+Geo of the same type don't either. Much past 2 GEO and you're starting to really lose their usefulness. Thanks, I didn't think they did, but I read a post lastnight from someone who said both their geo's used frailty, and I was a little confused as to why.
Does the Shinryu abjuration gear retain the Dragon Affinity that Wyrmal abjuration gear has?
Asura.Isiolia said: » Does the Shinryu abjuration gear retain the Dragon Affinity that Wyrmal abjuration gear has? Titan.Lillica said: » So... I missed the salvage bus the first time... and second time around and am just now doing 75 salvage. I am trying to get movement speed boots for BST and have all the dorps I need, minus arrapago. Last night I had an AWFUL run. I went through nearly to the boss with only my weapon, and body armor unlocked. This sucked hardsauce because with no pet, I could not kill the little *** qiqirn dudes who run around and/or warp. What did I hose up? Is there a guaranteed way to unlock more/all gear slots when doing this that I missed? Ranged cells only drop from certain lamia and 5f/6f triple gears. You can spectral jig around the first floor to specifically target them and get your pet. There's no way to increase the droprate, but you should be able to get at least one ranged if you kill all the appropriate lamia on 1f. Does anyone have the Japanese version of FFXI installed? I found something that can extract the area models but it seems to only work with the JP client. I'm trying to convert some areas to Unity to bring into VR.
The JP client files are included in the NA client, as far as I know. Does the program allow you to select files or locate them automatically? Perhaps you could just add the JP registry entry for install location and it'd work.
Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: » The JP client files are included in the NA client, as far as I know. Does the program allow you to select files or locate them automatically? Perhaps you could just add the JP registry entry for install location and it'd work. Tried the registry thing, but no such luck. I was able to install the JP client, though. Do we know the skillchain damage multipliers for radiance/umbra skillchains?
I think it's 200% before modifications.
Need info on 3-6 step skillchains too, though knowing the multipliers for 3/4 step is probably enough to infer values for 5/6 step. ie:
Need the ?s resolved. Does Mujin Band break cap on SC Bonus as well as MBB? Do any other items break cap? Where does "Shukuyu Ring" drop from?
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