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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
Higher tiers have nothing to do with ranking up. Each rank requires 20 imps to be used to rank up.
Draylo said: » No no way sadly, it takes 8 months total from scratch iirc. So like a month per coalition? Yeah people were complaining about it on the forums and SE said "no plans" to change it. Sucks
Quote: Higher tiers have nothing to do with ranking up. Each rank requires 20 imps to be used to rank up. Hm really, guess you can just spam the lowest tier one then. No you can't.
It takes 20 if you use the "current rank" ones. The further down below you go the more it's required. That's why at the beginning people thought that increasing rank implied a higher number completed to rank up; because they were using lower rank. If you use current rank assignments it always requires only 20 to rank up. Okay that is what I thought originally.
Asura.Sechs said: » No you can't. It takes 20 if you use the "current rank" ones. The further down below you go the more it's required. That's why at the beginning people thought that increasing rank implied a higher number completed to rank up; because they were using lower rank. If you use current rank assignments it always requires only 20 to rank up. I did do one of every Op anyway though. So technically, I did each new rank OP once, then spammed the highest Boost op. still ended up tanking 20 per as I recall. Asura.Sechs said: » No you can't. It takes 20 if you use the "current rank" ones. The further down below you go the more it's required. That's why at the beginning people thought that increasing rank implied a higher number completed to rank up; because they were using lower rank. If you use current rank assignments it always requires only 20 to rank up. If you can show me evidence otherwise I'll personally go fix BGWiki since I regularly update that. @Martel
Not sure if something changed, I got my legend very early on (basically a few days after it became available). Afaik no, even using 1 rank below meant more than 20. Not 100% sure but pretty confident that's at least the way it worked back then, maybe something changed though. Either way, if you use current rank you can be 100% sure it's gona take just 20 imprimaturs. (yes, 20 imprimaturs, not 20 assignments) @Darvamos Not sure what you're asking me D: It's 20 imprimaturs successfully spent to rank up in a Coalition. For this number to be 20 it has to be "current rank" Assignments. If you use ones from rank below it's gonna require more than 20, and the further below you go, the more it will take. I remember early on having to spend like ~50/60 Imprimaturs to receive a rank up (because I was spamming the lowest rank possible). Back then people didn't know this mechanic of "only 20 if you use current rank" so we all believed that every successive rank up required more than the previous one. Alright so we are semi on the same page then. Your saying if you use lower ranks "quests" it takes more then 20 other wise it takes 20. That I can't say is right or wrong since like I said I tend to do highest I can do for S.R. points.
I still have one coalition i haven't touched once I do start doing it I will try spamming lowest and see if it takes more then 20 after first rank up. I rather have BGWiki with complete info then half *** info. Asura.Darvamos said: » I will try spamming lowest and see if it takes more then 20 after first rank up. Before we found out the "20 to rank up but only if you use current rank ones" rule, it took me ages to get rank ups. It was 20 at first, going up to 30, then 40 and even higher. Still some people were reporting "I got rank up with 36!" or strange numbers that we couldn't understand on BG or FFXIAH. We all believed "you just miscounted!" but in hindsight the truth was that those people did low ranks plus a couple of current ranks, and that's why the numbers were different. I mean, feel free to spend your time doing your test, but it 100% used to be like this and I'm skeptic on SE changing anything big about it. Does anyone happen to have info about the stats on apex mobs? specifically apex crabs/jagils. I'd like to add them into my spreadsheet.
Any way to remove augments off Amalric Gages? I want to send it to another character on my account.
Shiva.Hiep said: » Any way to remove augments off Amalric Gages? I want to send it to another character on my account. Was recently asked of SE, with an answer of "no". Can anyone help with setup for Khun. How can I get past the aura/drawin it can be very annoying. Sorry again for noob questions. Thanks for reading.
With the next campaign announced, does anyone have more info on the Vagary campaign? Will you have more options by trading the KI or will you need less KI?
Quetzalcoatl.Drkstr said: » With the next campaign announced, does anyone have more info on the Vagary campaign? Will you have more options by trading the KI or will you need less KI? You will obtain one more item when you trade all KIs. Quetzalcoatl.Drkstr said: » With the next campaign announced, does anyone have more info on the Vagary campaign? Will you have more options by trading the KI or will you need less KI? It is the same as the last campaign, trading all 5 boss ki's will allow you to choose 1 non tartarus mail item (or choose the random item option which can include tartarus mail) and you will receive a random vagary drop as a bonus. What's the best option for farming zeni these days?
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: » What's the best option for farming zeni these days? Abyssea-Tahrongi mini-wyrms. Can you complete Mythic without learning mythic WS? Likes does the mythic weapon grant you the WS even without learning through the traditional way.
I don't think anyone has tested anything in Adoulin that I know of.
What's the trick (other than killing Pakecet) to getting Jbody/Vbody abj to drop? 16 and counting.
Millionaire Desk in your mog house, 4Leaf Mandra Bud and Wild rabbit tail in inventory. Face west on watersday during full moon while kneeling to Altana.
Knew it was semi silly asking here.
Caitsith.Mahayaya said: » Can you complete Mythic without learning mythic WS? Likes does the mythic weapon grant you the WS even without learning through the traditional way. Yes. Once you get the non-final weapon, the one you use in the final fight, you get access to the WS. Draylo said: » Millionaire Desk in your mog house, 4Leaf Mandra Bud and Wild rabbit tail in inventory. Face west on watersday during full moon while kneeling to Altana. Whats the best way to farm Eschalixirs or Beads for them I've got 3 pieces of gear I need to augment to rank to 15 with Nolan.
Maybe the best way is to find a easy T1 zitah who can be done with solo and trust.
Depend on your job. If you have a middle/good nuke job, try Vidala, pop it (with blink to avoid break à start) then let your trust tank/heal and nuke to death. If you have a DD job (middle/good acc set) you can try the harpie or the wyvern maybe, stay in back and WS to death. If your server is actively killing Azi Dahaka and Naga Raja, go to those fights. If you can manage a maximum evaluation, you'll get a guaranteed +2 as well as 500 or 1000 beads (depending on whether the zone has the double bead effect going). Lots of things help the score, but the big ones that I've noticed are:
- Crits and attacking frequently - Resists/evasion - Healing and status removal (target a trust with aoe so it hits everybody) - Buff support (especially from SCH or SMN targeting everyone) - Being the first person to hit the summons with anything (such as an aoe spell or WS) Carefully select your trusts to ensure your survival but also help your evaluation by capping attack speed, etc. |
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