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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
I looked on ffxiclopedia but couldn't find it, is there anywhere I can find a map to get to gurfurlur? Ffxiclopedia says I need 6 people to get there but where does the 6 people have to go to exactly?
Go past heavy plate door in zhayolm, follow blue path to second part of zhayolm. Go down second part of zhayolm and reenter zhayolm at 6. Follow green path to door. May be incorrect at I/J-8 clearing, not sure if its the left path to get there or right. 6 People needed where green path turns to red. Gurfurlur at big X. Leviathan.Comeatmebro said: » Go past heavy plate door in zhayolm, follow blue path to second part of zhayolm. Go down second part of zhayolm and reenter zhayolm at 6. Follow green path to door. May be incorrect at I/J-8 clearing, not sure if its the left path to get there or right. 6 People needed where green path turns to red. Gurfurlur at big X. That was very helpful, thanks! When are referring to zhayolm are you referring to mount zhayolm or halvung?
mount zhayolm, you need to exit at 5 to zhayolm then reenter at 6
Working on my fame and I was wondering if there was a way to trade more than one item at a time with windower. I've looked around a bit and so far the answer is no just hoping something has changed.
Posts: 970
I remember running across a thread that discussed aftermath on empy weapons, but I'm unable to locate it. I was wondering if higher level empy weapon's aftermath procs more frequently, or are upgrades simply to up the base damage on the weapon?
Odin.Sawtelle said: » Only base dmg sadly :/ Well and the important stat mod. Question, can toau kings specifically been seen on wide scan? I'm somewhat near gurfurlur's gate but can't see any enemies past it.
They can, yes. If you're still by the six-man gate, you're too far to see him on scan though. There's a large stone bridge past there with several true sight trolls, then you get to his gate. You should be able to wide scan him from outside the door, along with several other trolls that are inside.
Does Scherzo mitigate damage/aoe from ADL?
I've never done ADL and no derpaderp empy harp so wondering what 2 songs are used in this case. Minuets. ADL has ***for evasion and he's either going to Death you with Tera Slash or terror you and slowly hit you to death with single target swings.
Can Banish's special defense down be overwritten by itself or do you have to wait for the effect to wear off?
What's the highest TH proc anyone has seen? I was killing NQ behemoth yesterday with nothing but feet, hands and knife on, I proc'd up to TH12 fairly quickly, but it refused to go any higher than this even with SA/TA every time they were up.
Brief TH upgrade summary:
Nynja ran a test here that seems to confirm what we were (in Engrish) told by the community reps. TH upgrade rates going from TH7 (in gear) to TH8 seem the same as the TH upgrade rate going from TH3 (in gear) to TH4. Mojo also ran a test using Bounty Shot on Ranger to raise TH that he summarized to me in a PM. He made a character spam Bounty Shot on the same monster over and over (doesn't do damage) and eventually did get up to TH11 (with AF3+2 hands on, so TH3+8), but going from TH10 to TH11 took him over 600 shots. We don't know how potent Bounty Shot's ability to raise TH level is, but if it's comparable to SA/TA's then this would explain why you almost never see TH levels above 12, let alone TH15. Ragnarok.Erikthecleric
Is cooking: heating smarts (from cooking guild body) the only way to lower impurity rates during synergy?
Ragnarok.Erikthecleric said: » Is cooking: heating smarts (from cooking guild body) the only way to lower impurity rates during synergy? Need to farm an attestation for my relic gun, first time I do such nm, specifically Mildaunegeux. Is it soloable, or do I need more than one person help?
Phoenix.Sehachan said: » Need to farm an attestation for my relic gun, first time I do such nm, specifically Mildaunegeux. Is it soloable, or do I need more than one person help? BST can solo. my mnk got it's *** kicked. Guess I'll ask a bst friend if he can lend a paw then :<
Phoenix.Sehachan said: » Guess I'll ask a bst friend if he can lend a paw then :< I would if we were on the same server. getting my bst friend to kill x5 for the trial was like pulling teeth. Offline
Posts: 148
blah beaten lol but initial response is now spoilered
Currently working on an OAT polearm and hunting silver mirrors down.
Better to use the OAT polearm stuck at lvl 90 Corsesca +2 or use the AH Patientia Lance until I've gotten all the mirrors and riftsands (these are almost done). Thanks! Edit: for link idiocy for WotG Manifest Destiny. Wiki says each member must have the poet god key.
Does that include my friend whose already done the quest?? Bahamut.Baconwrap said: » for WotG Manifest Destiny. Wiki says each member must have the poet god key. Does that include my friend whose already done the quest?? also: just got a new hdd (320g) for my xbox360s..trying to install my old 2008 vana'diel collection on it and it gets to 34min remaining each time and then says "error during installation; cancelling installation" i've tried uninstalling/reinstalling but no luck. should i format my hdd? bump.
formatting also did not work. is the 08 version outdated and might need to get newest ultimate collection one or something? |
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