By anik 2015-08-26 23:49:22
My name is Anik. I have played this game with many people, none of which I have actually met in real life. I have made strong friendships with quite a few people over the years, although all exclusively online. I have been successful at this game, which means whenever an object stood in the way, I have been able to organize strategies that lead to success. I have never had many people to throw at an NM, or fill slots for widely used strategies. I am also a joker, who at times, role plays. I have experienced waves of frivolity, and waves of hardcore game play. I feel that I am a good judge of who is good at this game. I know who uses 3rd party tools and who uses bots in an effort to "easy button" the game. With all this said, I am the best player in ffxi history, hands down I have the highest aptitude for accomplishing what many have deemed, impossible.