/welcome To Fenrir, Unicorn Peoples =^^=

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/welcome to Fenrir, Unicorn Peoples =^^=
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Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: FireDeath
Posts: 466
By Fenrir.Ilax 2011-03-02 15:43:28
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Unicorn.Eriaxa said:
This will be interesting. I was starting to enjoy having all the old content to myself ( Soloing most of Sea, sky, etc.) got like 3 pops sets for AV and working on some for PW. But at the same time it will be sad to see the only home Ive ever know vanish to darkness forever. It looks like you guys have alot of active players though. Hope someone makes me so I can change my name lol.

If you wan change your name that easy =) just create a mule on fenrir with your name, and bam free name change on transfer ^^
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kadaj
Posts: 4
By Unicorn.Kadaj 2011-03-02 16:01:19
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Well they put a temp suspension on character creation for all merge worlds, I wonder if they'll lift it when the merge happens. Novelty of my ff7 fanboi name wore off years ago.

Anyways, yeah. Kinda looking forward to it I guess, especially if it means they're going to do something about abyssea NM's like they mentioned apparently.

One of you guys linked us to a Total Chaos website for Dynamis scheduling, you guys go wednesday/sunday then? Is there a section or another website for typical Monday/Thursday evening shells? (NA Time)
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 9
By Unicorn.Unleashhell 2011-03-02 16:15:56
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Hello all of Fenrir,

Looking forward to meeting all of you. We got a lot of good people on this server and from what I'm reading it looks to be the same on Fenrir. Thanks for the welcoming to Fenrir.
Posts: 9
By Chafujimura 2011-03-02 16:18:48
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Oooo! So many warm welcomes. I was kinda "meh" when I first read about this today. But with so many people offering so many positive messages from the new server, I'm actually looking forward to it more now.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 38
By Unicorn.Strigoi 2011-03-02 16:28:21
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Fenrir.Ilax said:
Unicorn.Eriaxa said:
This will be interesting. I was starting to enjoy having all the old content to myself ( Soloing most of Sea, sky, etc.) got like 3 pops sets for AV and working on some for PW. But at the same time it will be sad to see the only home Ive ever know vanish to darkness forever. It looks like you guys have alot of active players though. Hope someone makes me so I can change my name lol.

If you wan change your name that easy =) just create a mule on fenrir with your name, and bam free name change on transfer ^^

Nope you won't be able to make a mule now on any of those servers being transferred unless you've already done it.

Unicorn.Kadaj said:
Well they put a temp suspension on character creation for all merge worlds, I wonder if they'll lift it when the merge happens. Novelty of my ff7 fanboi name wore off years ago.

Anyways, yeah. Kinda looking forward to it I guess, especially if it means they're going to do something about abyssea NM's like they mentioned apparently.

One of you guys linked us to a Total Chaos website for Dynamis scheduling, you guys go wednesday/sunday then? Is there a section or another website for typical Monday/Thursday evening shells? (NA Time)

/Facepalm you can have this. You won't be allowed to change names at all at this point unless someone already has the name on server were heading too, as they allow mules to be made until after the world merge.

And really Dynamis schedule? I haven't used one of those in about 5 years we always. Don't see why everyone has the panties in a twist about when everyone goes for dynamis, there's more than enough zones out there and not many people doing dynamis anyway. Only way it could be an issue is if everyone is trying to upgrade to 90 relics at same time.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Lecaud
Posts: 3
By Fenrir.Lecaud 2011-03-02 16:36:30
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Welcome to Fenrir!!!!!!!
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kadaj
Posts: 4
By Unicorn.Kadaj 2011-03-02 16:36:53
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Unicorn.Strigoi said:

/Facepalm you can have this. You won't be allowed to change names at all at this point unless someone already has the name on server were heading too, as they allow mules to be made until after the world merge.

Yeah, have to see when they open it up I guess.

Unicorn.Strigoi said:

And really Dynamis schedule? I haven't used one of those in about 5 years we always. Don't see why everyone has the panties in a twist about when everyone goes for dynamis, there's more than enough zones out there and not many people doing dynamis anyway. Only way it could be an issue is if everyone is trying to upgrade to 90 relics at same time.

Yeah you'd be surprised. I wouldn't worry too much about glacier currently but if the next trial is 5 fragment NM's, going to be a lot of people wanting to get that done.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Ryuchan
Posts: 69
By Unicorn.Ryuchan 2011-03-02 16:38:35
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Unicorn.Strigoi said:
Unicorn.Kadaj said:
Well they put a temp suspension on character creation for all merge worlds, I wonder if they'll lift it when the merge happens. Novelty of my ff7 fanboi name wore off years ago.

Anyways, yeah. Kinda looking forward to it I guess, especially if it means they're going to do something about abyssea NM's like they mentioned apparently.

One of you guys linked us to a Total Chaos website for Dynamis scheduling, you guys go wednesday/sunday then? Is there a section or another website for typical Monday/Thursday evening shells? (NA Time)

/Facepalm you can have this. You won't be allowed to change names at all at this point unless someone already has the name on server were heading too, as they allow mules to be made until after the world merge.

And really Dynamis schedule? I haven't used one of those in about 5 years we always. Don't see why everyone has the panties in a twist about when everyone goes for dynamis, there's more than enough zones out there and not many people doing dynamis anyway. Only way it could be an issue is if everyone is trying to upgrade to 90 relics at same time.

He was saying because we're guessing via a player search that someone has the name Kadaj on Fenrir; thus, he can change his name when he moves. And we keep inquiring about a schedule for Dynamis because we'd really like to not step on peoples' toes the first couple of days we're there. Your statement that "not many people" are doing Dynamis only shows me that you haven't done Dynamis on a Monday/Thursday on Unicorn lately. Yes, there are significantly fewer people doing Dynamis, but there ARE still scheduling conflicts. When a certain shell spams one zone for three weeks straight, preventing two or three other shells from being able to do it, you get a little annoyed. So asking about a dynamis schedule is a formality that we'd like to get cleared up as soon as we can, because we'd like to work peacefully with others, rather than just run around jacking zones because "there's plenty other zones they can do."
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 38
By Unicorn.Strigoi 2011-03-02 17:39:49
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Unicorn.Kadaj said:
Unicorn.Strigoi said:

/Facepalm you can have this. You won't be allowed to change names at all at this point unless someone already has the name on server were heading too, as they allow mules to be made until after the world merge.

Yeah, have to see when they open it up I guess.

Unicorn.Strigoi said:

And really Dynamis schedule? I haven't used one of those in about 5 years we always. Don't see why everyone has the panties in a twist about when everyone goes for dynamis, there's more than enough zones out there and not many people doing dynamis anyway. Only way it could be an issue is if everyone is trying to upgrade to 90 relics at same time.

Yeah you'd be surprised. I wouldn't worry too much about glacier currently but if the next trial is 5 fragment NM's, going to be a lot of people wanting to get that done.

They won't it up until after the fact. Trust me I was on sylph when they did a merge last time.

It's not going to be as big of a deal as people think most people do it in groups of linkshells and after 5 runs they'd be done with it anyway.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Rekial
Posts: 15
By Unicorn.Rekial 2011-03-02 18:00:48
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I wonder if Fenrir Jp will hate Unicorn Jp, and we'll see some civil wars going on.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kadaj
Posts: 4
By Unicorn.Kadaj 2011-03-02 18:15:19
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Unicorn.Strigoi said:

They won't it up until after the fact. Trust me I was on sylph when they did a merge last time.

Gotcha. Guess I'll have to wait and see if this guy deleted his dude after ... his last AH record in '06 lol. Thanks.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: noriko
Posts: 201
By Fenrir.Momohko 2011-03-02 19:32:04
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Unicorn.Kadaj said:
Unicorn.Strigoi said:

They won't it up until after the fact. Trust me I was on sylph when they did a merge last time.

Gotcha. Guess I'll have to wait and see if this guy deleted his dude after ... his last AH record in '06 lol. Thanks.

same sorta thing kinda happened to me when i moved servers I found out someone on fenrir had my name ... it was a lvl 5 mule and i think they are inactive but not deleted i was sad T.T but Im used to being momo now lol
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 251
By Unicorn.Ducea 2011-03-02 21:08:18
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my friend and I would both like a chance to change our character names after being on unicorn since USA release. can someone snag them up on so we can change them? I'm willing to deal. PM me please, this is not the one I'm asking about
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Almiise
Posts: 37
By Fenrir.Almiise 2011-03-02 21:42:37
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Cerberus.Kvazz said:
Fenrir.Gradd said:
Totally Harmless You try to be friends with a person :/ Was like a year ago when I was camping Khim x:
Lol xD

Rotflmfao Gradd. And welcome all to Fenrir. From reading it looks like we all will get along just fine.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Nympha
Posts: 676
By Unicorn.Nymphadora 2011-03-02 22:20:48
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Unicorn.Kadaj said:
Unicorn.Strigoi said:

They won't it up until after the fact. Trust me I was on sylph when they did a merge last time.

Gotcha. Guess I'll have to wait and see if this guy deleted his dude after ... his last AH record in '06 lol. Thanks.

Yeah, looks like I've got the exact same problem. Last transaction Dec. 06.

But knowing what I know now, it was pretty nutty to name a character from Harry Potter fandom. Even if that character is long deleted, there's almost definitely a mule somewhere with my name... grrr.

Also, because I just HAD to answer this:
Unicorn.Ixn said:
i would like to know one very important question from everyone on both servers....
what's for dinner?

Spaghettios (:
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: melphina
Posts: 1410
By Fenrir.Melphina 2011-03-02 22:43:11
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Gee, and here I thought we were having waffles for dinner (I know several people from Unicorn will smile at that).

Also, Unleashhell!! Heya, How've ya been man. I haven't heard from you in forever. I can't wait to see you again. Same goes for all my old friends. It's good to hear that Unicorn still has its old heart. I'm really excited to be seeing you guys again.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Eneas
Posts: 630
By Fenrir.Eneas 2011-03-03 01:01:08
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Fenrir.Almiise said:
Cerberus.Kvazz said:
Fenrir.Gradd said:
Totally Harmless You try to be friends with a person :/ Was like a year ago when I was camping Khim x:
Lol xD

Rotflmfao Gradd. And welcome all to Fenrir. From reading it looks like we all will get along just fine.

Ohai Almii!!! do You still play?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Rinnsi
Posts: 773
By Fenrir.Rinnsi 2011-03-03 02:45:08
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good, having lulled them into a false sense of security, we can rob their mog houses!
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Ryuchan
Posts: 69
By Unicorn.Ryuchan 2011-03-03 02:47:22
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Fenrir.Rinnsi said:
good, having lulled them into a false sense of security, we can rob their mog houses!

:o You can visit mine! I have a jungle of shiny trees! And some statues, too! Vx has like, a freaking personal Goldsmithing guild in his though, which is so much cooler than mine. :(
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Rinnsi
Posts: 773
By Fenrir.Rinnsi 2011-03-03 02:52:20
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sweet, im being invited into a kitties moghouse!
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: noriko
Posts: 201
By Fenrir.Momohko 2011-03-03 02:53:18
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Unicorn.Ryuchan said:
Fenrir.Rinnsi said:
good, having lulled them into a false sense of security, we can rob their mog houses!

:o You can visit mine! I have a jungle of shiny trees! And some statues, too! Vx has like, a freaking personal Goldsmithing guild in his though, which is so much cooler than mine. :(
oohhh yey peoples who like to decorate their mog houses :D mine is all pretty to ^_^ we should all post pics lol or invite each other over lol after the server merge lolz <3 i been decorating my house since i got my first furnishing I always wished for the day SE would allow us to bring our friends inside i was so happy once you could ^_^ my friends looked at my house and were like O_O jeebuz momo xD
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Marrs
Posts: 359
By Unicorn.Marrs 2011-03-03 02:53:20
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QQ waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh - I don't want to. No seriously. I don't. Although don't take that the wrong way, I still appreciate the welcomes, for sure, its more or so the matter of having to deal with x2 the delay/competition that already existed in trying to pop tier2 nms, or snag a 10-15min pop type nm for the ki, or just any nm that pops 21-24 hours and an assortment of other things.

As much as they may do it to keep populations high, I bet they like the added effect of slowing down peoples progress (thus causing them to play more - ie it takes you longer to obtain a certain goal you've set.) vie population, this game has sort of always been like that though, pre 76 it was, wanna pt? Nope, sorry, bird camp is full, no lvling for you today, tonight ffxi = go stand lfp for 2 hours of your life staring at a small chat box waiting for purple letters to pop up that say {party?}. Now its, go on with two hours play time, decide to get a pop set for a +2 and get beat out by an ls everytime, two hours have now passed, nothing has been accomplished, log off, go to bed. Yea its QQ, yea its whining, but with a logical point. SE loves to hate the casual player.
Posts: 9
By Chafujimura 2011-03-03 10:40:56
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Fenrir.Momohko said:

oohhh yey peoples who like to decorate their mog houses :D mine is all pretty to ^_^ we should all post pics lol or invite each other over lol after the server merge lolz <3 i been decorating my house since i got my first furnishing I always wished for the day SE would allow us to bring our friends inside i was so happy once you could ^_^ my friends looked at my house and were like O_O jeebuz momo xD

Here ya go Momo, to prove you are not alone with hording in your mog!

I've got enough beds for a sleepover!

Proof that I have too much time on my hands for multicolored chocobo raising, along side with my blu/pup/dnc hybrid mannequin XD

Shiny trees and lanterns abound!

I have more in my storage and safe, and with the taru in Windy Waters. I really have problems with throwing event things away. ^^;;
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: framerate
Posts: 159
By Unicorn.Nitsuj 2011-03-03 17:53:16
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Looks like I'll have to make some new friends o.O.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-03-03 17:56:53
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A wild Nitsuj appears!

Is Alex really 4k there or is that something you've just been keeping in your wanted list? It's been 5k+ here for months o_O
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: framerate
Posts: 159
By Unicorn.Nitsuj 2011-03-03 17:58:44
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
A wild Nitsuj appears!

Is Alex really 4k there or is that something you've just been keeping in your wanted list? It's been 5k+ here for months o_O

People bazaar it for up to 9k! Doesn't mean there isn't someone with a large stock that will sell for a fair price :).

I actually had it 3k until about a month ago. I usually only buy when people are trying to unload it to clear up inventory space, or from friends :).

How is the Alexandrite/Salvage action on Fenrir?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11680
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-03-03 18:06:53
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9k, christ...

There's a few bazaars in PJ that generally have some but it's always 5k. I don't know of anyone that still does Salvage on a regular basis, just the occasional run. Maybe things will pick up after the update.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Almiise
Posts: 37
By Fenrir.Almiise 2011-03-03 20:23:45
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Fenrir.Eneas said:
Fenrir.Almiise said:
Cerberus.Kvazz said:
Fenrir.Gradd said:
Totally Harmless You try to be friends with a person :/ Was like a year ago when I was camping Khim x:
Lol xD
Rotflmfao Gradd. And welcome all to Fenrir. From reading it looks like we all will get along just fine.
Ohai Almii!!! do You still play?
Yeppers E, Just friggin time limited now because of work. Always on weekends tho.
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: framerate
Posts: 159
By Unicorn.Nitsuj 2011-03-03 20:54:10
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
9k, christ...

There's a few bazaars in PJ that generally have some but it's always 5k. I don't know of anyone that still does Salvage on a regular basis, just the occasional run. Maybe things will pick up after the update.

Well, I still do it regularly :P. Here's to hoping alexandrite falls from the sky like double rainbows on Fenrir!
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Kerayu2
Posts: 6
By Unicorn.Kerayu 2011-03-04 02:20:34
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~sigh~ Even if it is a warm welcome, I don't want to leave Unicorn. I like my gay little server ;;

I don't suspect too much trouble with the merger other than having to adjust to having twice the number of people again x.x hasn't been that many on this server in quite a few years. Up until about a year ago we held decent numbers in the 1200 range too, but now average is around 800~1000 when I do /sea all

~sigh~ Won't be able to say my server fits me perfectly anymore ;;
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