Government Drops Defense Of Anti-gay-marriage Law

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Government drops defense of anti-gay-marriage law
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Server: Ramuh
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user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-02-24 15:34:04
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Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
Bismarck.Angeleus said:
Pandemonium.Spicyryan said:
This may be a civil war!

So, whose side are you on everyone..

I am on my side, everyone else can do their thing.
Server: Bismarck
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user: Munky
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By Bismarck.Angeleus 2011-02-24 15:36:49
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Server: Odin
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user: gosuapple
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By Odin.Gosuapple 2011-02-24 15:58:47
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Bismarck.Magnuss said:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama still is "grappling" with his personal views on whether gays should be allowed to marry [...]

What in the hell? What's so hard to comprehend about this? I just... I don't understand the fear in it all. Some people are homosexual. They have intercourse. This is natural. In doing so, you accept the fact that they are in fact homosexuals.

What I don't understand is why is this so hard to "grapple" with? Why can't they get married? They're already having sex. Why does it matter if they want to have a ceremony and be allowed the same rights as other married heterosexual couples? What's the big goddamn deal, here? It's not like if you give them marriage that they'll cavort in the streets and bump uglies in broad daylight in front of the whole neighborhood or anything.

Can someone with a Conservative point of view please explain to me what the big *** deal is?

Marriage is a tax subsidized union. Many of the conservatives who oppose this are not opposed to gay rights per se. What they are opposed to lies in the fact that we have decided as a society, for whatever reason (usually creating an environment to effectively rear children is sited), that marriage is beneficial to society and should be subsidized with our tax dollars; thus many who, though not opposed to gay rights, have no desire to pay taxes to subsidize their lifestyle either.
Server: Ramuh
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user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-02-24 16:35:06
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Odin.Gosuapple said:
Bismarck.Magnuss said:
WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama still is "grappling" with his personal views on whether gays should be allowed to marry [...]

What in the hell? What's so hard to comprehend about this? I just... I don't understand the fear in it all. Some people are homosexual. They have intercourse. This is natural. In doing so, you accept the fact that they are in fact homosexuals.

What I don't understand is why is this so hard to "grapple" with? Why can't they get married? They're already having sex. Why does it matter if they want to have a ceremony and be allowed the same rights as other married heterosexual couples? What's the big goddamn deal, here? It's not like if you give them marriage that they'll cavort in the streets and bump uglies in broad daylight in front of the whole neighborhood or anything.

Can someone with a Conservative point of view please explain to me what the big *** deal is?

Marriage is a tax subsidized union. Many of the conservatives who oppose this are not opposed to gay rights per se. What they are opposed to lies in the fact that we have decided as a society, for whatever reason (usually creating an environment to effectively rear children is sited), that marriage is beneficial to society and should be subsidized with our tax dollars; thus many who, though not opposed to gay rights, have no desire to pay taxes to subsidize their lifestyle either.
IE when they think about paying taxes for gay marriage their mind instantly leads to perverse fantasies of gay sex.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 189
By Bismarck.Bigheadkitty 2011-02-24 17:26:26
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In summary:
I like Starr. He is one angry christian dude!

Maybe some of you guys evolved from a monkey but as for me I was created in a lab via the Genetic Organism Development program. Christ was put here and after he told us what was up he got beamed back to the mothership.

As for the big bang its just as likely that all of this is an illusion caused by time being warped at the edge of a blackhole. We probably will never know how or why we are here.

True christians dont judge.

Can't force a church to marry a gay couple just as you cant force the government to bend to a chruches will.

Spicyran, but from where did he run and what is he heading toward.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-02-24 18:54:23
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So wait...what are you summarizing?
By 2011-02-24 19:58:22
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Server: Ramuh
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user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-02-24 20:18:17
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Sylph.Dobrusi said:
Now if only the gov't would drop or stop giving healthcare to illegal immigrants....another topic i suppose but it has to do with the gov't dropping things so why not?
yep and if they repealed bushs tax cuts we'd have a more plausible government budget.
but our government not really doing their jobs has been apparent for years.
By 2011-02-24 20:19:54
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Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-02-24 20:29:15
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Sylph.Dobrusi said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
Sylph.Dobrusi said:
Now if only the gov't would drop or stop giving healthcare to illegal immigrants....another topic i suppose but it has to do with the gov't dropping things so why not?
yep and if they repealed bushs tax cuts we'd have a more plausible government budget. but our government not really doing their jobs has been apparent for years.

Yep, brutal! Who looks good in 2012? I like the IDEA of Trump from a budgeting/business perspective but he lacks foreign policy. Eh, we'll see.
it'll be the same *** republican/democrat back and forths as usual.
Unless either part works on strong arming for seats.
senates going to be completely different on their next term supposedly, 27 some senators are decided to not run for re-election all that lol.
i'd honestly say our election system needs some sort of overhaul to work on quashing these large political groups so that state representatives....actually represent the state for once in Washington.
i guess that's my general message when it comes to washington though...they need to be accountable for their actions or we need to force em to be accountable.
but i guess things haven't escalated to that point yet.
but i guess we'll have to deal with our government being a game for years to come as we have already for decades.

i just hate that it's been put to choosing between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the government.

last tidbit on party politics in general:
it's easy to slip a little bit of BS in frequently while band wagoning if your general public isn't paying full attention at the *** slung.
united we stand divided we fall?
i find party politics to be in complete contradiction with that.
not that a motto like that is pliable in reality.
but the rhetoric is contradictory none-the less.
By 2011-02-24 20:33:16
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Server: Phoenix
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user: Fredjan
Posts: 2326
By Phoenix.Fredjan 2011-02-24 20:52:50
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Ramuh.Vinvv said:

united we stand divided we fall?
Leonardo da Clippi
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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By Quetzalcoatl.Crystalchan 2011-02-24 21:06:19
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Sorry to drop in randomly, but I thought I remember hearing in school or something, (I don't really remember) that marriage was to help the women and children so that they were taken care of in the event of a divorce or if the man died or something? I guess since women couldn't own their own property/etcetc, therefore not having the necessary resources to take care of the children? I'm not saying gay marriage is wrong or anything, just that it wasn't purely a religious ceremony therefore religion shouldn't dictate who can/can't marry. :\
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 189
By Bismarck.Bigheadkitty 2011-02-24 21:07:29
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Trump can't win because when laws were lax he claimed bankruptcy multiple times. Not an option for an entire country. Obama is reelected just like Bush was. Low approval but incumbents are hard to beat.
Server: Bismarck
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Posts: 189
By Bismarck.Bigheadkitty 2011-02-24 21:09:47
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The party system creates a division of the people. Its like one team vs another instead of one team called America.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 415
By Asura.Silvaria 2011-02-24 21:17:32
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Glad to see my thread sparked such a lively debate. I know, some think it's just rehashing the same stuff over and over...well, as my mom used to say, there's nothing new under the sun, and frankly, this is an issue that needs to be debated. Most minds won't change, but some do.

I find it interesting that when pressed for an answer to the question, "Why should the rest of the us be subjected to laws based on your personal religious beliefs?", none of the religious people were willing to answer with anything other than a variation of, "It's God's will". The fact is, when it comes to civil rights, we shouldn't be subjected to laws based on religious outrage. Civil rights should be based on equality, and I still believe this is a step in the right direction.

In any case, thanks to everyone for their input. 8)
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Behar
Posts: 89
By Quetzalcoatl.Behar 2011-02-24 21:20:14
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@ OP I'm so happy to hear this it's a step in the right direction !
Server: Cerberus
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user: wolftamer
Posts: 31
By Cerberus.Littlewolftamer 2011-02-26 08:29:18
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Drjones said:
Ramuh.Vinvv said:
I personally believe sexual preference is just as it is...a preference.
I don't believe in genetically being homosexual or predestined love or any of that, weirdly that's the one thing I agree on with when it comes to conservatives.
It not being a genetic predisposition doesn't mean it's bad in the least though.
If any contrary claims may be said do say them, because I'm game for an actual discussion about it if someone else is.
Wait, I got this one. There's a perfect test you can do at home. Go look at some porn and see what gives you an erection. Is it the sexy ladies or the buff dudes?

Now change your preference and do the experiment again. Does your erection change?

Ya, my favorite part of the argument is that people always say "It's a preference to be gay." Nobody ever claims that in turn, it's just a preference then to be straight.

Likes and desires are, by nature, genetic. Sequences in your genetic code are what gives us feelings of pleasure, repulsion, arousal, etc. It's no different than how Girl A can be attractive to you while Girl B isn't. One has a combination of looks that causes receptors in the brain to experience pleasure, one doesn't. One cannot just decide to like Girl B by choice.
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 488
By Cerberus.Finalvegeta 2011-02-26 08:43:14
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Asura.Silvaria said:
I find it interesting that when pressed for an answer to the question, "Why should the rest of the us be subjected to laws based on your personal religious beliefs?", none of the religious people were willing to answer with anything other than a variation of, "It's God's will".

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