Random Thoughts.....What Are You Thinking?

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Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
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Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Liandrian
Posts: 2730
By Cerberus.Liandaru 2011-09-26 20:50:01
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Cerberus.Savannah said: »
Night night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Night night! Sweet dreams :D
Posts: 17077
By alyria 2011-09-26 20:50:07
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Asura.Dameshi said: »
Aly Saxena said: »
*peeks head in and blinks*

*Flails arms frantically and screams AHHHHHH!!!!!*
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Spathaian
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-09-26 20:51:08
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Ramuh.Krizz said: »
Shiva.Spathaian said: »
Ramuh.Krizz said: »


Edit: ooo it doesn't just apply to PMs. I must've missed the memo about auto-links.
auto-link, whaaaaat? Good to see you got the site updated though. Going to be using it sometime in the next month, friend is pressuring me to play ffxiv with him. >.<
I update ffxiv every patch. Sometimes I don't notice until I get an e-mail, but I usually have them up same day or within 24 hours.
Good to hear! I know it really helped when I had to update the beta. So, thank you greatly for your contribution to lessening the burdens of updating!

Aly Saxena said: »
*peeks head in and blinks*
/poke Hi! ^.^/
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Liandrian
Posts: 2730
By Cerberus.Liandaru 2011-09-26 20:54:33
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Okie dokie I'm off to bed. Have a fun night everyone. And if you're feeling all upset, remember my little tip about a shower! ;P
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 20:58:54
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Cerberus.Liandaru said: »
Okie dokie I'm off to bed. Have a fun night everyone. And if you're feeling all upset, remember my little tip about a shower! ;P

/restrains herself from making a joke about the detachable shower head
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Spathaian
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-09-26 21:02:11
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Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Cerberus.Liandaru said: »
Okie dokie I'm off to bed. Have a fun night everyone. And if you're feeling all upset, remember my little tip about a shower! ;P

/restrains herself from making a joke about the detachable shower head
I believe it was you who said earlier. "DO IT DO IT!"
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 21:03:33
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Shiva.Spathaian said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Cerberus.Liandaru said: »
Okie dokie I'm off to bed. Have a fun night everyone. And if you're feeling all upset, remember my little tip about a shower! ;P

/restrains herself from making a joke about the detachable shower head
I believe it was you who said earlier. "DO IT DO IT!"

That was to the mathematical rate down using exponents.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2011-09-26 21:03:40
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Beef stew pie for dinner. Can't wait til it's ready!

And darn you kids! Posting pics of babies all over everything right after someone kicked my biological clock into action after 25 years of just... sitting there. And then posting kitten pics after someone kicked my 'I hate cats' into 'Cats are barely tolerable but kittens are amazing and I need one.' D:

I want a gray one, or white, or black, or whatever, to name Schrodinger. Everyone needs a kitten named Schrodinger. And an orange one named Crookshanks because I'm a Harry Potter dork. xD
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Spathaian
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-09-26 21:05:52
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Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Shiva.Spathaian said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Cerberus.Liandaru said: »
Okie dokie I'm off to bed. Have a fun night everyone. And if you're feeling all upset, remember my little tip about a shower! ;P

/restrains herself from making a joke about the detachable shower head
I believe it was you who said earlier. "DO IT DO IT!"

That was to the mathematical rate down using exponents.
pfft, doesn't change how well I feel it works for this situation.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 21:12:53
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Odin.Liela said: »
Beef stew pie for dinner. Can't wait til it's ready!


Odin.Liela said: »
And darn you kids! Posting pics of babies all over everything right after someone kicked my biological clock into action after 25 years of just... sitting there.


That biological clock is a ***! Last week I saw the cutest, chubbiest baby in a little yellow, frilly, polka-dotted bathing suit and about peed myself out of joy.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 21:14:30
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Shiva.Spathaian said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
That was to the mathematical rate down using exponents.
pfft, doesn't change how well I feel it works for this situation.

For some reason. I was expecting the obligatory "That's what she said!"

And hey! When did Schutz show up?
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Spathaian
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-09-26 21:17:15
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Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Shiva.Spathaian said: »
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
That was to the mathematical rate down using exponents.
pfft, doesn't change how well I feel it works for this situation.

For some reason. I was expecting the obligatory "That's what she said!"

And hey! When did Schutz show up?
I'm not cool enough for such a response. :D

What Spath's really thinking: Damn it! Why didn't I think of that?! Oh well, you saved yourself, she'll never know that it never actually crossed your mind... yea you're good...
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2011-09-26 21:17:46
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As a male, I should not have 'baby fever', but I do kind of want to have another. Just without all the drama. I blame it on my ex-wife since we had been trying for a while before she left.
By 2011-09-26 21:20:45
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: chuuuuu
Posts: 19920
By Asura.Chuuuuu 2011-09-26 21:20:59
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do not want babies :|
By 2011-09-26 21:22:12
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Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 21:23:31
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Shiva.Spathaian said: »
I'm not cool enough for such a response. :D

What Spath's really thinking: Damn it! Why didn't I think of that?! Oh well, you saved yourself, she'll never know that it never actually crossed your mind... yea you're good...

Don't worry. That response is not that cool.

What Zah is really thinking: Yeah...No...It's really gotten old.

Ramuh.Krizz said: »
As a male, I should not have 'baby fever', but I do kind of want to have another. Just without all the drama. I blame it on my ex-wife since we had been trying for a while before she left.


Awww...Does Sav know about you jonesing for another wee one?
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2011-09-26 21:25:21
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Fail quote, Zah. I have mentioned being ok with the idea, but I haven't said that I want one. I'm still not sure myself, and it's not exactly a hot topic for the first month of dating.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Urial
Posts: 31068
By Ramuh.Urial 2011-09-26 21:26:58
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Hey everybo....OH GOD BABY TALK!
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Spathaian
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-09-26 21:27:42
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Bismarck.Josiahkf said: »
sadly I can't avoid it either : ( starting to look at cute things and actually d'awww and picture myself parenting

hope it's just a phase lol
It's not.
Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Don't worry. That response is not that cool.

What Zah is really thinking: Yeah...No...It's really gotten old.
Fair enough. Was never that great at it anyway. >.>;
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 21:28:05
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Ramuh.Krizz said: »
Fail quote, Zah. I have mentioned being ok with the idea, but I haven't said that I want one. I'm still not sure myself, and it's not exactly a hot topic for the first month of dating.

Well, of course. I wouldn't expect you to talk about it already. That's why I was a little surprised. You were there for the convo earlier. Yeah...That would be one of those untouchable subjects in the early months.
By 2011-09-26 21:28:20
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Novax
Posts: 3826
By Leviathan.Novax 2011-09-26 21:29:33
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Isn't that a convo for early relations though? Usually girls ask if I want kids soon or later on and stuff.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 21:29:59
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Ramuh.Urial said: »
Hey everybo....OH GOD BABY TALK!

Speaking of which, Uri, I have something to tell you.

/bites lip and rocks back on her heals nervously
By 2011-09-26 21:30:32
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Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 23561
By Ramuh.Krizz 2011-09-26 21:30:44
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We have discussed it though. Like I said earlier, I think everything should be out in the open. There's a difference between saying "I would be ok with having another kid in the future" and "omg let's make babies". The first is acceptable at the early stages of a relationship.
By 2011-09-26 21:31:10
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Post deleted by User.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Urial
Posts: 31068
By Ramuh.Urial 2011-09-26 21:31:12
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Caitsith.Zahrah said: »
Ramuh.Urial said: »
Hey everybo....OH GOD BABY TALK!

Speaking of which, Uri, I have something to tell you.

/bites lip and rocks back on her heals nervously
Be careful you seem off balance...
/shoves down stairs
Oh my....
She seems to have fallen down that flight of stairs!
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Novax
Posts: 3826
By Leviathan.Novax 2011-09-26 21:31:57
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Krizz sent ya a PM, could ya check it out please ^^
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: zahrah
By Caitsith.Zahrah 2011-09-26 21:32:11
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Ramuh.Krizz said: »
We have discussed it though. Like I said earlier, I think everything should be out in the open. There's a difference between saying "I would be ok with having another kid in the future" and "omg let's make babies". The first is acceptable at the early stages of a relationship.

Let's not forget you both have kids already, so I'm sure the subjects comes more fluidly.
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