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Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
idk, just haven't seen in ages, did I step in a time warp? (impossible, as I haven't stepped anywhere for a bit :P)
Feels like a time warp some days. Went from March to October really quickly.
Guess I never updated on here cuz I try not to make it my personal blog but a new turn in the cancer saga.
Had what was meant to be my final scan yesterday before surgery. Well... 1) The tumor has actually shrunk another volumetric inch, defying reason an expectations of every one of my physicians. 2) They found an incidental object. Now when you receive a call from the head nurse of your cancer clinic saying to contact them at their personal number because of an urgent issue regarding an incidental object found in your cancer scan you sort of freak out. Turns out it is a blood clot in the right artery in my pelvis, potentially caused by the tumor. Had to get a second scan the same day (that was fun) and now I'm on Xarelto for 6 months. Obviously this also means my surgery is delayed until further notice. So that's great. My best wishes to you Proth
Freehugs said: » But its an imposter.. Leviathan.Celebrindal
I feel like whoever is playing me in the RPG known as "Earth" stopped paying their subscription around April and I've just been sitting in my Mog House waiting for him to resubscribe.
Trying to get home from work at 4:30am on a Sunday night and they x4 their prices because “it’s busy” *** you uber Today is that day each year when I want to shout from the rooftops THERE IS NO NOBEL PRIZE IN ECONOMICS.
There is, however, the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. They are not equivalent. Amazon prime day(s) today/tomorrow
Remember that Amazon is an evil corporation that benefits from the misery of slave(like) labor and boycott the sale! (as if it matters, or anyone cared) Imdoingmypart.meme Welp need to get an IVC so that'll be fun
Valefor.Prothescar said: » Welp need to get an IVC so that'll be fun Jesus. There's everyone's 2020, and then there's yours :\ Freehugs said: » Did Josiah ever make it home or was he kidnapped while trying to hitchhike? Freehugs said: » lol what's a taxi? You know what the strange thing is? It's actually cheaper sometimes to use a taxi than Uber.
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