Random Thoughts.....What Are You Thinking? |
Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
/throws them at Dameion for looking like Snow
Better question is: Are they hard and do they create lumps when hit with, or wussy bruises?
Posts: 2877
Kalila said: » On a completely different note, I just recently discovered these cute lil things: They're homemade wool dryer balls, and I think they are freaking adorable. Kali, you must have been a cat on a previous life... I wanna nibble those.
Bad smurf
Does it match your old rank? lol
Not if I wear shoes! Ha, cheating the system!
I won't allow the hobbitses to wear shoeses
They get to wear shoes in the picture, so do I.
/shrinks you by an inch
Not if i hide them all!
Am I the only one in the world that hates double stuffed oreos vs normal? Offline
Posts: 13787
Kalila said: » /random Am I the only one in the world that hates double stuffed oreos vs normal? And hating double stuff Oreos is evil, no wonder you're a Majin Hobbit. No
I hate them because we don't have them over here Offline
Posts: 13787
You don't have Oreos at all?
No wonder you're a bear, only civilized people eat Oreos. idk, I've never been a fan of the filling. I know people who just twist the tops and lick the filling only, then toss the cookie, and I always thought that was such a huge waste.
Kalila said: » /random Am I the only one in the world that hates double stuffed oreos vs normal? Don't have oreos here (unless I go in the smelly International shop) Most brands of cookies/candyw/e aren't sold over here.
Posts: 13787
The crispy, crunchy, almost burnt chocolate flavor of the cookie is the best part >.> <.<
I'll forgive you if you've at least escaped this abomination:
Posts: 13787
I've heard that the American Kraft Dinner sucked ***.
Then I tasted it, and I wasn't sure if "sucked ***" wasn't a strong enough phrase. Now I want some 'stuvade makaroner', soooooo good
I have no idea what you'd call it, google translate says "stewed macaroni" Kalila said: » I'll forgive you if you've at least escaped this abomination: The food of choice for the canadian! Bismarck.Dracondria said: » Most brands of cookies/candyw/e aren't sold over here. start putting a list together, I'll mail you some junk food. glop with cheese flavoring, mmmm......ugh
Posts: 13787
The food of choice for the Canadian is Beer. Oh wait, that's hoser.
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