Malekith - Korpg - Wooooodum - Blazza

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Malekith - Korpg - Wooooodum - Blazza
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Server: Cerberus
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user: Radaghast
Posts: 215
By Cerberus.Radaghast 2009-03-04 20:40:06
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This thread is pure lulz, with a fantastic lolcow as a target. Good job! :)
Server: Shiva
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user: Phioness
Posts: 269
By Shiva.Phioness 2009-03-04 21:08:32
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Sweet Baby Jesus this threads has gumption I do say! No one answered my survey /sigh (pg 4 post10). From what I read it seems like Korpg has either mellowed out (compared to former threads) or is just plain ol' tired of being the drama queen. I'd drink a beer to that, but I retired from drinking (just makes me as honery as hell)so I'll drink a milkshake instead.

3 Cheers for a newer, and hopefully happier Korpg.

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Server: Gilgamesh
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user: alyria
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By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-04 21:12:03
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You know what this thread needs!!!
Server: Unicorn
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user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-03-04 23:27:26
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Bartimaeus said:
You know, I remember Korpg being not-so-pleasant awhile ago, but it seems ever since everyone else is on the attack about him.

I mean hell, the guy posted a thread about a hot dog, used a descriptive word (redundant) instead of words other people would have used, and ya'll shot it down as fast as topicly possible.

Not that he's been nothing but a barrel of joy all the time, but I'm seeing a lot of attacks, which can only lead him to retort, then you blame him for responding.

"You took it on yourself in your first post to presume it was solely about you, and you proceeded to complain about it."

Let's be fair. The first post was about him, and a lot of this IS about him, and in turn how the rest of you think. Can't blame him for feeling like this thread has a common theme (him).

Is Bart defending Korpg? Amazing isn't it.

On the other hand I'd really like for you to stick to what you said in that apology Korpg. I still <3 ya Wooooooooooodum. Perhaps it's just too early, and I'm being cranky old man.

Of course, I also could be entirely wrong. I do not read most of the posts if it's about something I'm not interested in, and maybe Kor does cause problems in them.

It can't be all Korpg's fault. If he's "stating an opinion" and people don't directly respond to it, I doubt he would make an arguement (#1) with them.

That brings me to a point i want to make about Wooo's post..
Wooooodum said:

This post is entirely matter of fact. I'm not going to make any remarks towards you and simply call things as they are without judgement. Comments made are observational, not personal. Please fully understand this when you read, I'm trying to help you. Without further ado:

A reason most arguments escalate is because people communicate differently and are often misunderstood. Even when two people speak the same language, they don't necessarily speak the same way. Example: Most people would see arguement as definition #1. Others could see it solely for definition #2. That's where the differences lead to escalation, b/c now neither person is truly understanding each other. In conjunction, a lot of people conceive the notion of communication as eucharist. Meaning they take offense when someone tells them something they don't agree with.

The point is, when you tell someone, or quote them and say, "this is what you mean." You are essentially wrong. You are assuming, and one should ever assume they completely understand someones thoughts.

EDITS: for spelling etc.
I only use Wooo~'s example b/c it was the closest one. Full post is on page 6.
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Kyaaadaa
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-03-04 23:30:30
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arguements spark because people are bored, or spiteful, and im both, now fight me for three days on forums cause we all have no life!
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-03-04 23:31:28
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Enough of the sappy stuff. All i have to say about this pic is, if this dog is alive... WOW O.o

Scizor said:
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Edit: I mean no disrespect with this image this is just something "to fear"

Edit2: I actually want this dog, be awesome to scare the ***outta kids :/
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Kyaaadaa
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-03-04 23:57:36
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think someone already said he was dead
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-05 00:36:51
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Enough over analyzing motives and retaliations of pointless conversations. We need more breakfast food photos stat!
Server: Seraph
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user: Kyaaadaa
Posts: 429
By Seraph.Kyaaadaa 2009-03-05 00:38:43
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i read the bacon chart, printed it out, posted it up all over the workspaces. Everyone needs the thought processes behind teh baconismness
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-05 00:41:12
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Bacon is similar to cocaine or any other narcotic that affects your nervous system. Too much in one sitting will kill you. Although I should probably post this on the completely separate and more relevant bacon thread >.>
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-03-05 01:37:58
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Kyaaadaa said:
think someone already said he was dead

typo.. i meant was alive lol
Server: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tomas
Posts: 830
By Unicorn.Tavlov 2009-03-05 01:41:07
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User submitted image

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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-05 05:39:44
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Tavlov said:
Bartimaeus said:
You know, I remember Korpg being not-so-pleasant awhile ago, but it seems ever since everyone else is on the attack about him.

I mean hell, the guy posted a thread about a hot dog, used a descriptive word (redundant) instead of words other people would have used, and ya'll shot it down as fast as topicly possible.

Not that he's been nothing but a barrel of joy all the time, but I'm seeing a lot of attacks, which can only lead him to retort, then you blame him for responding.

"You took it on yourself in your first post to presume it was solely about you, and you proceeded to complain about it."

Let's be fair. The first post was about him, and a lot of this IS about him, and in turn how the rest of you think. Can't blame him for feeling like this thread has a common theme (him).

Is Bart defending Korpg? Amazing isn't it.

On the other hand I'd really like for you to stick to what you said in that apology Korpg. I still <3 ya Wooooooooooodum. Perhaps it's just too early, and I'm being cranky old man.

Of course, I also could be entirely wrong. I do not read most of the posts if it's about something I'm not interested in, and maybe Kor does cause problems in them.

It can't be all Korpg's fault. If he's "stating an opinion" and people don't directly respond to it, I doubt he would make an arguement (#1) with them.

That brings me to a point i want to make about Wooo's post..
Wooooodum said:

This post is entirely matter of fact. I'm not going to make any remarks towards you and simply call things as they are without judgement. Comments made are observational, not personal. Please fully understand this when you read, I'm trying to help you. Without further ado:

A reason most arguments escalate is because people communicate differently and are often misunderstood. Even when two people speak the same language, they don't necessarily speak the same way. Example: Most people would see arguement as definition #1. Others could see it solely for definition #2. That's where the differences lead to escalation, b/c now neither person is truly understanding each other. In conjunction, a lot of people conceive the notion of communication as eucharist. Meaning they take offense when someone tells them something they don't agree with.

The point is, when you tell someone, or quote them and say, "this is what you mean." You are essentially wrong. You are assuming, and one should ever assume they completely understand someones thoughts.

EDITS: for spelling etc.
I only use Wooo~'s example b/c it was the closest one. Full post is on page 6.

Thank you also.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-05 06:14:51
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Tavlov said:
A reason most arguments escalate is because people communicate differently and are often misunderstood. Even when two people speak the same language, they don't necessarily speak the same way. Example: Most people would see arguement as definition #1. Others could see it solely for definition #2. That's where the differences lead to escalation, b/c now neither person is truly understanding each other. In conjunction, a lot of people conceive the notion of communication as eucharist. Meaning they take offense when someone tells them something they don't agree with.

The point is, when you tell someone, or quote them and say, "this is what you mean." You are essentially wrong. You are assuming, and one should ever assume they completely understand someones thoughts.

Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-03-05 06:29:14
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Definition #1: an oral disagreement; verbal opposition; contention; altercation
Definition #2: a discussion involving differing points of view; debate

But he really lost me at Eucharist.

But whether you see it as definition 1 or 2, you're still arguing. It's the manner in which these arguments (definition 3 or 4 if you will) are presented that is the issue. This is also what Karu, Wooooo, myself and others were commenting on in our posts on the previous page(s). (I'm not overly sure what Tavlov is commenting on)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-05 06:39:02
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Blazza said:

But he really lost me at Eucharist.

He used it as an example. And debate = arguing, arguing = debate. Its how you consider the tone of the argument (or debate) that determines the meaning. I see it as debate, you see it as argument.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-03-05 07:29:36
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When the majority of people see it as an argument, and you are a minority in considering it a fair debating atmosphere, you have to rethink the way you're presenting yourself.

It relates back to what I said about how the attitude: "This is how i do it, if you misunderstand/don't like it then that's your problem" just doesn't work.

If this is your defense, then you shouldn't even enter into a discussion =/.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Karusan
Posts: 828
By Odin.Karusan 2009-03-05 07:40:59
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Guys there's not much point even bothering to carry on that conversation, Korpg is just ignoring any discussion we attempt and only acknowledging things that he feels are positive towards him. It appears he's trying to not get involved so everyone should sort of do the same.

I was annoyed at first because I thought he was ignoring our comments but if that's the way he wants to try to make things different then give him the chance.

Sometimes we need to agree to disagree. I would hope that everyone would be happy in me saying this topic should be considered closed?
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Wooooodum
Posts: 6310
By Garuda.Wooooodum 2009-03-05 08:16:35
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It amuses me to the point of sadness that Korpg has spent dozens of posts across the forums reitterating that he is actually a misunderstood, victimised individual with good intentions. Why, then, when numerous people have clearly made an effort to build bridges has he completely ignored them? That is not the behaviour of somebody with "good intentions". If he was really interested in making amends, as ignoring the negative posts would imply, why is he ignoring various people's attempts at making him see their point and build bridges?

Personally, I'm not going to bother anymore. I can see plain as day that I won't get through to you. I tried, and failed, to bridge the divide between the two of us. If you don't want to, then that's fair enough; entirely your choice. Just don't complain you're being victimised or misunderstood, because at least I tried.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Saiya
Posts: 372
By Cerberus.Saiya 2009-03-05 08:45:34
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That's more or less a ditto from me, I don't have any eloquence left. Topic closed is good too.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-05 16:04:37
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Wooooodum said:
Why, then, when numerous people have clearly made an effort to build bridges has he completely ignored them? That is not the behaviour of somebody with "good intentions". If he was really interested in making amends, as ignoring the negative posts would imply, why is he ignoring various people's attempts at making him see their point and build bridges?

I don't see your last wall of text as a positive post towards me. I see it as another negative attack really. You may not realize that you made any negative attacks at me (because you said in the first sentence that you weren't trying to) but you did, several times.

If you really feel that way, why do you "bash" back? I can't understand the logic you are reiterating; you always play the victim and make out like everyone is on your case, but the simple fact of the matter is you're the firestarter the majority of the time or fight back.

When I first started posting on these forums one of the first things I noticed was how you kept making remarks towards people... Not necessarily "Terribly rude or spiteful" remarks, but they were remarks none the less. A few people would be discussing something and you'd enter the thread and post your opinion. The only problem is, you didn't, and never do, just post your opinion. You add in a few lines that are directed spitefully towards the individuals;

Korpg said:
I don't really flame anyone without a reason. I just point out ***. If thats being a "prat" then the whole world is against you.

Was the underlined part necessary in any way? The point you were making would have been made even stronger if you left that out. By posting that extra sentence on the end, you've not only insulted Blazza but you've also basically put your flag up for a flame invite. Almost every post you make when you "Post your opinion" contains a tag-sentence of this nature.

If you treat people this way, you can not say you're being picked on, ganged up on, wrongly bashed for no reason, because that is the reason; you are responsible for this behaviour as well. If you feel people have the wrong image of you and that your "good intentions" are being mis-received, why do you lash out? Surely you should attempt to build bridges? The only reason people are on your case is because of how you've treated them before.

If you have the good intentions you suggest, perhaps you should re-read your posts just before you post? You could quite easily have me to believe you have good intentions if you refine your posts a little and take out the spiteful remarks you so commonly put in.

If they're mistakes, why don't you just put your hand up and move on? Why do you lash out?

Korpg said:
I do accept the fact that I'm human and move on

Lashing out is not moving on, Korpg. It's fighting back and furthering the argument. Why do you feel the need to lash out at anyone who points out these mistakes? If they're constantly on your case for making mistakes and you do nothing or say nothing back, who's "the bad guy" then? They are.

I'm not, and coming from somebody who has been on your case recently, that's the only reason I have been; because of the way you word your posts and lash out at everyone else. Sometimes, even when somebody has attempted to be nice to you, you've lashed out.

Do you remember the thread where you asked for goldsmithing help? I gave you some solid advice and you insulted me back for it and called my posts "empty". This is exactly what I'm talking about. You could've just as easily gone "That doesn't work for me, but thanks anyway", and nobody would've looked down on you for it.

Side note for this: I did thank everyone for their help. I wanted to do something different, even said so. I got flamed (including you) for wanting to do something different. So, I called your posts (after the posts I thanked you for) empty.

The fact is you never do just post your opinion, you add in some patronising, spiteful remark towards somebody else everytime. If your post is polite, true and fair, nobody has any material whatsoever to bash you.

You don't though. Everyone knows you don't. Who are you trying to blind? Us or yourself? You never simply "post your opinion, debate theirs, move on". Ever. You always make remarks towards somebody else or make snide comments.

None of these (and this is about 75-85% of your wall-o-text post you considered "bridge building") are postive at all. I know I don't express myself fully at times. I do try, and I have improved (somewhat) but people still misunderstand me. I'm not sure all of that is my fault. I'm no public speaker. I don't have any techniques to make my word get across to everyone. I'm not like Obama.

I do have to respond back. I get angry at times. I act out of passion (like everyone else here, Blazza being the best example, Malekith at times too) and type without thinking about the end result. Everyone is guilty of it. Responding back from an

Now, back to the point in hand. You wanted me to not respond to negative posts. You give me a negative post. I don't respond. You call it "building bridges" and how I don't want to create peace and harmony. I got confused. I respond to your "building bridges" post. I don't want you to say I'm still causing discord and drama because I responded to something I considered a "negative" post and that was against your post. I did accept your reply. I do listen.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-05 16:09:45
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tl;dr More breakfast anyone? :3
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-05 16:12:27
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xD /
Server: Fairy
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user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-03-05 16:15:52
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Artemicion said:
tl;dr More breakfast anyone? :3

I could really go for one of these right now ^^:

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Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1304
By Odin.Dirtyfinger 2009-03-05 16:22:10
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Pointing out the obvious to the oblivious: This thread from the moment it was first written only had one outcome. Perhaps you could play the game and use these forums for productive means, instead of going over the same boring ***over.. and over again.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-05 16:23:41
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Dirtyfinger said:
Pointing out the obvious to the oblivious: This thread from the moment it was first written only had one outcome. Perhaps you could play the game and use these forums for productive means, instead of going over the same boring ***over.. and over again.

Are you refering to the endless cycle of retorts and arguements between the same people or to the breakfast food picture posts?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-03-05 16:24:45
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Artemicion said:
Dirtyfinger said:
Pointing out the obvious to the oblivious: This thread from the moment it was first written only had one outcome. Perhaps you could play the game and use these forums for productive means, instead of going over the same boring ***over.. and over again.

Are you refering to the endless cycle of retorts and arguements between the same people or to the breakfast food picture posts?

I believe he is refering to the endless cycle.
Server: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-03-05 16:33:30
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/shrugs, I just want eggs and bacon ._.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-03-05 16:34:32
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Surreal said:
/shrugs, I just want eggs and bacon ._.

{You can have this.}

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Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-05 16:35:08
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Now I'm trying not to think of Dane Cook's B&E joke >.>
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