Hello everyone,
I stoped playing FFXIin August last year, and i decided today, ill revive my Character, and im updating FFXI atm.
So i need some help what to do first and some tips on how to do it,so i thought this is my roadmap.
1. Get MogSack
2. Buy Bonanza Marbles :D
3. Doin LevelCap quests because im capped at 80.
Should i farm crests my self or is it worth shouting?
Can i get them in Abyssea along with merits?
4. Level up and start doing Abyssea Missions to get Atmas.
Can i solo some missions to be able to get 3 atmas in teh end?
Shouting for Abyssea missions?
5. Getting Atmas and Key items and seals for armor.
Shouting? getting a static?
So what else should i do first?
Whats importand?
I really feel far behind and im not sure if i can catch up, so any advice and help is highly appreciated.