April Version Update

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April Version Update
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Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Pastor
Posts: 76
By Garuda.Pastor 2009-02-27 19:20:43
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i am pro DRK so give us Aspir II SE thanks <3
Server: Seraph
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Posts: 71
By Seraph.Sigmund 2009-02-27 19:22:45
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Drk's need to share their tier II Dark spells with the black magic master. :D
Server: Shiva
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Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-27 19:24:35
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Looking through my model viewer there's a good handful of spells in the dats but simply never got put into the game (at least not for players). Here are some examples:

Tier 2 bar-spells
Tier 2 En-spells

Tier 5 nukes
Gravity 2
Aspir 2

The rest are simply ridiculously higher tiers of spells like Poison, Bio, Dia, aga spells and whatnot.
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Pastor
Posts: 76
By Garuda.Pastor 2009-02-27 19:26:00
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Artemicion said:
Looking through my model viewer there's a good handful of spells in the dats but simply never got put into the game (at least not for players). Here are some examples:

Tier 2 bar-spells
Tier 2 En-spells

Tier 5 nukes
Gravity 2
Aspir 2

The rest are simply ridiculously higher tiers of spells like Poison, Bio, Dia, aga spells and whatnot.

when i first found all these spells i must of wasted hours looking at them all and messing around in that viewer :D
Server: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Kajidourden 2009-02-27 19:42:16
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Wait... Can you actually play through the animations and such? im not very good with the viewer as ive only tinkered with it for a little while
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Pastor
Posts: 76
By Garuda.Pastor 2009-02-27 19:44:14
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Kajidourden said:
Wait... Can you actually play through the animations and such? im not very good with the viewer as ive only tinkered with it for a little while

well i have Alanta viewer but i do not know how up to date my version is but it still has a lot of content and yes you can view the animations in this model.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-02-27 19:46:03
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I would recommend Altana View
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Pastor
Posts: 76
By Garuda.Pastor 2009-02-27 19:47:02
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Artemicion said:
I would recommend Altana View

lol that's what i meant :D
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-27 23:14:12
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Going over bits and pieces from the last 70 bajillion (4) pages since last night:

Artemicion said:
Mithra already have Invisipants, you want them to have Invisibra too?

Stop: Closest we have to this atm is actually Terror (Jettatura). Unfortunately damn near anything you would need to use it on is immune or ridiculously highly resistant, and if you do stick, it lasts ~1 second (as in, the mob is beating on you again before you even have a chance to start casting Ichi) as opposed to the 30 seconds it often lasts when used by mobs like Faf.

Salvage/Nyzul Drop rates: You would think that after the wide-spread Salvage duping issues that SE would realise how hideously and unreasonably low the drop rates are, but I doubt they will. Also after having been doing nyzul 4-5 times a week for a year (with a 90-95% win rate before you bag me for being ***), and still never seeing a single pair of Denali pants, better drop rates here would be much appreciated.

Level Sync: The addition of HMP would be good. (Maybe I was wrong, but so is wiki, so stop being such a condescending *** when you call me up for being wrong Tbest)

Another SMN Avatar finally please, (I want the new uber avatar for my level 1 smn :o)

At least 2 more gobby bag expansions and 20 line macros. SE has created a situation where you need completely different armour sets for every second action, yet doesn't allow you to carry all that armour, or to macro in the change without windower. (although apparently these limitations are because of the limitations of PS2 :/)

And pretty much this v
Claquesous said:
Based on the small post with small pictures, my guess is that you'll see the following updates in April:

1. More Runes and maybe even another Voucher or two (PvP voucher?).
2. NPCs will be able to join you.
3. Number of monsters will be scaled somewhat to number of members.
4. More silly looking gear to buy with marbles.

1. Extra manuals in each zone.
2. A couple other Conquest regions with manuals. (No WotG or ToAU though.)
3. More variety of support.

1. Another set of ranks.
2. Body pieces to finish out sets.
3. More quests.
4. Campaign tweaks.

Level Sync:
1. Addition of more stats, perhaps all skills.

1. New incentives to magic burst.

With Haseyo's suggestion of guaranteed conserve MP with a successful MB (although I think calculations are kinda done in the wrong order for that to really be possible, I'm no programmer though)
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hiachi
Posts: 57
By Sylph.Feyen 2009-02-28 01:43:02
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Pastor said:
Haseyo said:
Looking forward to see what 'gameplay adjustments' they have in stock for us.

Ditto, Astral burning (fixed) I'd wager some on my gil on that. Also Some more items from Campaign would be nice i am a low rank still and i have over 60k of allied notes already :D

If SMN can only do that once every two hours, I don't think it really matters.

Icon said:
Something for PUP would be good

I'd really like to see some sort of Enhancing-type frame, either BRD/COR-like stuff, or things entirely new. Think an Electric-Guitar wielding Gizmo~

Jiko said:
By something good, I hope you mean finally adjust the soulsoother AI, or Valoredges defense. You know.. something useful.

Some way to prioritize curing over -na spells would be nice. But that may be intentional by SE to control the 'game balance'.

Icon said:
Personally for PUP i'd love to see it where you get a different head for every job. Right now you have Harlequin (RDM), Valoredge (WAR), Soulsoother (WHM), Spiritreaver (BLM), Sharpshot (RNG), Stormwaker (SOMETHING) so it would just be a few more heads. Then once you do that change the two hours to do something differnt based on the head. Have the 2 hour be similar to the 2 hour of the job the head is based off of. Like with the Soulsoother have the 2 hour be a Benediciton that works at like 60%. Then once you use the 2 hour then you can't use an automaton for a while (20, 30 minutes?).

I would like to see more frames that act like other jobs, but idk about the 2-hour part. I'm all for 'PUP-power" but a non-WHM with benediction may be pushing it.

Claquesous said:
Based on the small post with small pictures, my guess is that you'll see the following updates in April:

1. More Runes and maybe even another Voucher or two (PvP voucher?).
2. NPCs will be able to join you.
3. Number of monsters will be scaled somewhat to number of members.
4. More silly looking gear to buy with marbles.

Definitely gonna see more MMM stuff, even if its not in this update. SE said this was a trial-period for it, and if it was generally liked by the player-base that they would give it a lot more attention.

Claquesous said:
1. Extra manuals in each zone.
2. A couple other Conquest regions with manuals. (No WotG or ToAU though.)
3. More variety of support.

Haven't done FoV much but it would be nice to see more areas used and possibly higher levels. But that may be due to FoV ending and Campaign taking over at lv61~...

Claquesous said:
1. Another set of ranks.
2. Body pieces to finish out sets.
3. More quests.
4. Campaign tweaks.

There's already the next set of ranks in the .dats, they gotta implement it sometime.

I'd like to see Cobra gear completed.

And it'd be nice if every job could get good xp doing it's job. WHM shouldn't have to get xp by going /NIN and capping damage. PUP is my only job that I can get decent xp while doing melee.

Claquesous said:
1. New incentives to magic burst.

SE said something about making magic bursts more desirable, but the next update they did was the Nyzul Weapons, so I guess they forgot.

They should either make SCs or MBs more powerful, or both. Honestly, with the current stats, most of the time,TP spamming is more DoT than setting up a SC and waiting for all participants to get 100%+. That's SE's fault, as they upped the strength of weapons and WSs...they forgot about their once-beloved SC system.

Edit: Fixed Icon's quote (Scizor's not-quote)
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Wardens
Posts: 679
By Lakshmi.Wardens 2009-02-28 02:46:05
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Cobolt said:
Haseyo said:
Looking forward to see what 'gameplay adjustments' they have in stock for us.

Hopefully improved armor drop rate in Nyzul Isle...

Atleast guarantee 1 of either 3 armor pieces would be nice :)

OMFG you read my mind...
When I recently went 0/5 any drops on any armor on floor 20.
And my friend went 0/7 runs for any armor drops on that floor.
And then no drops on floors 40 or 80...
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-02-28 09:42:27
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Wardens said:
Cobolt said:
Haseyo said:
Looking forward to see what 'gameplay adjustments' they have in stock for us.

Hopefully improved armor drop rate in Nyzul Isle...

Atleast guarantee 1 of either 3 armor pieces would be nice :)

OMFG you read my mind...
When I recently went 0/5 any drops on any armor on floor 20.
And my friend went 0/7 runs for any armor drops on that floor.
And then no drops on floors 40 or 80...
I've said it before, but we've been doing 4-5 runs a week (we were an assault static before nyzul, so we have 5 captains in our static... the 6th is awol) for about a year and we are yet to see denali pants or body. Since the september update, we got to floor 100 again in about a month, had been doing boss fights for probably about a month before that, and have been doing nothing but boss fights ever since.

Just going from memory as to what my group has, we've scored a total of about 25 pieces of gear in that whole time.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 568
By Leviathan.Celestinia 2009-02-28 09:58:20
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Blazza said:
Wardens said:
Cobolt said:
Haseyo said:
Looking forward to see what 'gameplay adjustments' they have in stock for us.

Hopefully improved armor drop rate in Nyzul Isle...

Atleast guarantee 1 of either 3 armor pieces would be nice :)

OMFG you read my mind...
When I recently went 0/5 any drops on any armor on floor 20.
And my friend went 0/7 runs for any armor drops on that floor.
And then no drops on floors 40 or 80...
I've said it before, but we've been doing 4-5 runs a week (we were an assault static before nyzul, so we have 5 captains in our static... the 6th is awol) for about a year and we are yet to see denali pants or body. Since the september update, we got to floor 100 again in about a month, had been doing boss fights for probably about a month before that, and have been doing nothing but boss fights ever since.

Just going from memory as to what my group has, we've scored a total of about 25 pieces of gear in that whole time.

Wow does that suck -.- only recently started doing Nyzul and so far we're 1/1 on floor 20 with askar feet dropping.... hope our luck keeps up on drop rate XD
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Scizor
Posts: 1444
By Ramuh.Scizor 2009-02-28 11:50:08
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lol I see misquote! Icon said that not me, I don't like that idea :/
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Synyster
Posts: 29
By Odin.Synyster 2009-02-28 13:47:16
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Uchisokonau said:
Icon said:
Haseyo said:
Green Mage and Time Mage are different. D:
Rdm actually took a whole new angle in FFXI.
Rdm used to be known as just the single target nuker that could Double Cast.
Green Mage was a debuffer, and Time Mage had all the Haste/Slow/Stop etc.
What we need is a Rainbow Mage - could pick 10 spells from every mage job D:

"The Time Mage (時魔道士, Tokimadōshi?) is a specialized wizard with the ability to manipulate the space-time continuum to speed up, slow down, or completely halt the passage of time; control celestial bodies; or influence the pull of gravity.[29] Although it is referred to as Time Mage in English localizations of the series, some versions call it the Time/Space Mage. Time magic is also referred to as green magic and Time Mages as Green Mages to coincide with the black/white/red/blue mage theme . In actuality, the Japanese version specifically calls these mages "Time Mages" (時魔道士, tokimadōshi). Time Mages can typically wield rods and/or staves. Although he mostly resembles the Fighter class, Tidus from Final Fantasy X has a variety of Time Mage spells in his section of the Sphere Grid.[citation needed] Time Mages have appeared as classes in Final Fantasy V,[29] Final Fantasy Tactics,[5] Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Hataraku Chocobo, commonly depicted wearing tall, pointed wizard hats adorned with star and moon decorations.[29]"


RDM didn't have anything like double cast until much later in the game when SE realized that with other jobs around that have specific specialties there is no need for a gimp mage. RDM was Onion Knight +1. It is just a hybrid class that is good at everything yet skilled at nothing, and can work a mean d20 saving throw (sorry 8-bit theater reference). If RDM didn't get refresh no one would play them.

WRONG! Rdm have the highest cap/rating on both enfeebling magic and enhancing magic in FFXI. Paralyze II Dia/BIO III ftw

you forgot the most useful spell in Slow2.... slow2 makes a mob your ***.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-09 12:35:07
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Yay...we are getting more notorious monsters and im guess its in the campaign battle...We all love the ones we have dont we lol breakga spam from peiste, graviga, ore lob, aeroga 3 spam with sweep, and so much more others :)

wonder what these NM's will kill us with now
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Sylph.Uchisokonau 2009-03-09 12:38:04
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Alyria said:
Yay...we are getting more notorious monsters and im guess its in the campaign battle...We all love the ones we have dont we lol breakga spam from peiste, graviga, ore lob, aeroga 3 spam with sweep, and so much more others :)

wonder what these NM's will kill us with now

I made a new thread regarding this. They actually won't be C.B. NMs but more or less an expansion of sorts on the SCNM (actually the fights will be ENM style as far as entering the battle).
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-09 12:39:25
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Isn't this new NM system going to be linked with Fields of Valor? If so this will definately give more attention to zones that desperately need it. Also will provide more MPK opportunities :3
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-09 12:39:28
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well you made it after mine :P

pol is blocked at my job so i dont know what the news details are. was a guess :)
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-09 12:42:29
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The finally did it... Allied Notes Notorious Monsters (ANNM) wheee!

Finally something to spend notes on...
Server: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 79
By Sylph.Uchisokonau 2009-03-09 12:42:43
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Artemicion said:
Isn't this new NM system going to be linked with Fields of Valor? If so this will definately give more attention to zones that desperately need it. Also will provide more MPK opportunities :3

No check today's news on POL. This is a totally different thing regarding only the past. Or check the new thread :P
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-03-09 12:45:44
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Malekith said:
The finally did it... Allied Notes Notorious Monsters (ANNM) wheee!

Finally something to spend notes on...

So this is gonna be like some ISNM thing?! It's a pain for me to even get some xp as it is lol but my friend has 200k+ CP lol so he'll be lucky to use em
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-09 12:50:06
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Playonline said:
Defeating these NMs will yield not only experience points, but also additional rewards the nature of which will vary depending on the strategy that was employed during battle.

Now this really caught my eye. Rewards will vary based on employed strategy... Would this mean a dragged out battle using real tanks, Skillchain and Magic Burst would yield a different reward than throwing 18 DRKs at it?

Bout time SE got the loop around zerging.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-09 12:56:57
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I suppose the easiest way for SE to track what strategy was being used was to look at the types of damage used against the mob.

I'm sure it's an easy thing to program counters for Rng ATK, Mag ATK, Melee, SC, Mag Burst.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-09 13:38:18
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If it's easy to program something to recognize specific types of attacks, skillchain and magic burst usage, I would love to see more job abilities, traits, armor, weapons and even passive benefits to encourage it's use.

Maybe they can create a particular status ailment (or buff) that would in essence lower mob's resistance to SC dmg and lower the bar of resistance against magic.

Anyways, enough deviating from topic, I look forward to seeing what kinda fancy stuff we can get from this new system.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-03-09 13:47:30
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Anyone that knows how to read/interpret the .dats, please post when they actually push it through, I'd like to see what's getting added that I'll never get lol ^^
By 2009-03-09 13:49:28
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2009-03-09 13:50:31
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Artemicion said:
If it's easy to program something to recognize specific types of attacks, skillchain and magic burst usage, I would love to see more job abilities, traits, armor, weapons and even passive benefits to encourage it's use.

I would argue it's that easy since there's two clear instances that I can think of off the top of my head that employ such a programming scheme.

1) Aht Mission 44 - In this fight you have to be careful what method you use to kill Raubahn. If you used predominantly one method (melee, magic, ranged) he will be immune to it when you fight his latter forms.

2) Limbus NE tower - I'm referencing the 3rd flr here with the Gigas Boses. 3 Gigas, each immune to a different type of damage.

I'm sure there are other examples, but I just waned to through these two out there. It's just good to see SE taking a constructive step towards encouraging the playing community to be more creative in our respective problem-solving approaches...
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-03-09 13:52:33
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Bartimaeus said:
Don't know about anyone else, but I'm looking forward to being let down by the "whitemage updates(1)".

Just give me un-weaken(ed) or AoE Raise and I'll pay for this game another 10 years SE.



If WHM were to get anything I'd like to see some more guns and firepower for em. Holy is a joke and Banish is only effective on undead and a few select mob types. They need more divine magic firepower and mobs weak to it~
By 2009-03-09 14:09:48
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