Views On Astral Burning?

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Views on Astral burning?
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 13:37:01
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Bismarck.Chasuro said:
Regardless of how you get to 75, what determines a players skill is the energy they put into their job.

Someone could level their job to 75 the "traditional" way in a pt and still be a shitty player. I recently played with a PLD at lvl 61 who didn;t know jack about being a pld other than using voke and flash because they had a PL with them always.

So I could care less whether you level fighting mobs in a pt, campaign, FOV, AF Burn, Magic Burn. What matters is whether you spend time skilling up your job and learning how to play it.

afb 360/ new gen players are gimp period
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Chasuro
Posts: 1921
By Bismarck.Chasuro 2010-05-04 13:46:33
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
afb 360/ new gen players are gimp period

Yeah, ha ha funny but ***.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-04 13:51:47
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You know, I think I can sum this up easily..

Scenario: Person Astral Burns, 10 to 75. They have ***skills, both in the meaning of playing the job, and their skills ig are that of a level 10 character.

You, may or may not like this. Or you may not give a damn.

You have an issue with this: You should be able to pick up on someone that is that much of a noob, and just not party with them/kill that boss with them/stand next to them in Whitegate.
TL;DR for this Section: /blacklist.

You don't have an issue/You like it: Do nothing of course.

To the Astral Burners: More power to you if you are EXPing up to 75 that way, however isn't it going to take the same amount of time gaining Weapon skills, as it would leveling up normally? That of course is assuming you WANT to be a good player. If you don't, please see the "You have an issue with this" section and paraphrase it into a warning for me, these are the people who are generally idiots with the potato-like IQ, so I have no time for you.
TL;DR for this Section: ABing is self-defeating to someone with intelligence.

TL;DR for the Entire Post:

/rantoff. Go ahead and mention points I missed, where my rant is wrong, etc etc etc.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 14:10:23
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Asura.Daleterrence said:
I kick ***, butthurt AFB's

I agree, 100%.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-04 14:12:53
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 16:32:54
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Asura.Daleterrence said:
Tomato, Potato.
Guide Maker
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2010-05-04 18:47:12
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Here's how I see it.

- Chunks of Experience and Merits
- Time-Sufficient for the employment or school-focused average joe/jane
- Time-Sufficient for the hardcore players who do events every day

- Severe Lack of Combat/Magic Skill
- Risk of Open Mobs being AoE'd, Claimed, etc., which leads to drama
- New doorways to failure for unskilled, undergeared, or just plain bad players

Personally, I see it as a blessing to SMNs who would love or have loved to get those fast levels and merits (though they might be jealous now that this wasn't invented sooner), equivalent to a TP Burn Party. I understand that soloing to 75 is a huge accomplishment in the game and I respect it, but the average, dedicated player would commonly agree that it is a very, very slow process, making Summoner and unwanted class for Leveling altogether (even main healing as SMN with Cure 3's, truth be told, isn't that great), despite the decent demand for it in endgame events.

Astral Flow burns are really just something that should have been seen coming. After all, who wouldn't want to use Astral Flow on a ton of mobs? That's pretty damn fun, if you ask me. It just had to take Level Sync to be invented and a lot of pulling with a super tank to really get it going. Not to mention you can bring an extra person along who just wants that skill-capped job brought up higher without going through hours of LFG and hitting mob after Mob.

I'm not saying condemn normal TP burns altogether. This, like many other good things in the world, has to have a downside. Problems such as jealousy amongst the average playerbase that does normal parties to get around, or an abundance of gimp players roaming around undergeared and not knowing their job. The latter happens everywhere naturally. The fact that Astral Burns give more levels per minute than the average party can upset most of the playerbase, since they've spent a lot of time into EXP parties to get to that point.

Technically speaking, part of the game happens to be just a giant grind to level cap, and it's not even half of the game. People say they want fast levels, but then speak out against Astral Burns...that sounds odd. Because what of the other jobs that don't get the fast EXP that the regular TP Burn does? Summoners, Black Mages and Beastmasters, mainly. Considering their skills are capped at a certain point from another job and have some experience, either by job similarity or demonstration, with what to do with their new jobs, what should stop them from getting them in on this, too?

It's not like skilling up is all that hard either if you put your focus into it, gauging what level mobs you need for a skill up to proc more often. These days, it's easier to skill up, now that we have nifty bonuses like Martial Master and a boost to skill-up rate for skills under 200.

Astral Burns are really an alternative, if not an extravagant one, to leveling new jobs. It'll be costly for sure, but, The faster the better, right? I'll leave that question to everyone else.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Fredjan
Posts: 2326
By Phoenix.Fredjan 2010-05-04 19:02:50
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What are your views on astral burning?
it's a fast way to get maat's cap, merits, meanwhile the SMNS get a bit of gil while selling leech spots.

Is it good, bad?
Bad because (imo) paying for EXP (leech spot) is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Good if you're doing AB with friends, the skillups are up to YOU.

Do you think new players should do it?
hell no

Think SE will "Nurf" it.
probably, probably not.

I've never done AB, but I know that AB doesn't make you a ''bad player''. The bad players will stay bad, as they already are, and the good players will try to do their best @their jobs.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Xeonerable 2010-05-04 19:07:47
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I used Astral Flow burns to get all the merit points I needed to cap out my Red Mage category merits.

I got Summoner to level 71 via Astral Flow burns, and don't really touch the job so I don't care if it's got over 9000 years worth of summoning magic skillups to do. I'm never going to use summoner for anything really so what does that matter. Got a load of conquest points from it too for an aketon.

Honestly people trying to get merits out of it, whatever. The people boosting the jobs they want to use kind of gimps their experience using it. But oh well what can you do really.

To each their own if anyone decides to do it.
I only did it cause my old ls leader was running some of them and got ls members in typically. But since I quit that linkshell I haven't bothered to do any more.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: hatekhaos
Posts: 21
By Cerberus.Unfrgvnhate 2010-05-04 19:08:10
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 19:11:05
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Phoenix.Fredjan said:
What are your views on astral burning?
it's a fast way to get maat's cap, merits, meanwhile the SMNS get a bit of gil while selling leech spots.

Is it good, bad?
Bad because (imo) paying for EXP (leech spot) is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE.
Good if you're doing AB with friends, the skillups are up to YOU.

Do you think new players should do it?
hell no

Think SE will "Nurf" it.
probably, probably not.

I've never done AB, but I know that AB doesn't make you a ''bad player''. The bad players will stay bad, as they already are, and the good players will try to do their best @their jobs.

New gen 360 player:


I need a gandorf pic saying this someone fine one D:.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 19:14:12
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Fenrir.Xeonerable said:
I suck I know I do, I found a reason to AFB

Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 199
By Fenrir.Xeonerable 2010-05-04 19:35:29
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Yes, conforming someone's words to fit your personal view is what cool people do.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1733
By Asura.Malekith 2010-05-04 19:39:24
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Really 22+ pages of this crap... makes me long for the old windower is vs. isn't cheating threads...

In the end to each their own. If someone is a nub, god knows someone on her will make a player warning thread. We'll all point and stare before stoning the offender to death with pissy comments. Life will go on.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 19:44:07
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Fenrir.Xeonerable said:
Yes, conforming someone's words to fit your personal view is what cool people do.

Me, an elitist? Woman, let me tell you.. I *** hate elitist's. Just letting you know, btw..

But afb are for newbs.

You should say "old gen player" more suitable. ;)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 19:48:36
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Asura.Malekith said:
Really 22 pages of this crap... makes me long for the old windower is vs. isn't cheating threads...

In the end to each their own. If someone is a nub, god knows someone on her will make a player warning thread. We'll all point and stare before stoning the offender to death with pissy comments. Life will go on.

cry more
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2010-05-04 19:57:16
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Bismarck.Rellz said:
Leviathan.Thornyy said:
Remind me to check this thread when I finish my cap and take out my full usu ABed MNK. That way you guys can tell me I don't know how to play it.

Gear means very little if you dont have the skill to back it

Exactly, gimp 360 players you shall not POST!

Someone post a pic of gandorf from lord of the rings saying this.

Stanflame, stop being a retard. Thorny is old school, probably much older than you. While I think he's a *** personally, he does know how to play the game. So before you jump on the "lol360" bandwagon, you might want to get your facts straight. He might play on 360 now, but he's been around long before the 360 was even in its planning stages.

Secondly, you have no reason to quote what I wrote on page 21...unless of course your LS accepts people who AB and bring those jobs to EGLS. But the random schmo who AB'd who you don't interact with on a daily basis? Honestly, it's none of your *** business. EGLS choose to make it their business by accepting them and then having them come on the jobs they AB'd. That responsibility lies with the leadership of the EGLS.

PS: It's GanDALF, not Gandorf.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23653
By Shiva.Flionheart 2010-05-04 19:57:33
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 20:01:27
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Cerberus.Katarzyna said:
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Bismarck.Rellz said:
Leviathan.Thornyy said:
Remind me to check this thread when I finish my cap and take out my full usu ABed MNK. That way you guys can tell me I don't know how to play it.

Gear means very little if you dont have the skill to back it

Exactly, gimp 360 players you shall not POST!

Someone post a pic of gandorf from lord of the rings saying this.

Stanflame, stop being a retard. Thorny is old school, probably much older than you. While I think he's a *** personally, he does know how to play the game. So before you jump on the "lol360" bandwagon, you might want to get your facts straight. He might play on 360 now, but he's been around long before the 360 was even in its planning stages.

Secondly, you have no reason to quote what I wrote on page 21...unless of course your LS accepts people who AB and bring those jobs to EGLS. But the random schmo who AB'd who you don't interact with on a daily basis? Honestly, it's none of your *** business. EGLS choose to make it their business by accepting them and then having them come on the jobs they AB'd. That responsibility lies with the leadership of the EGLS.

PS: It's GanDALF, not Gandorf.

360 player gandolf gandorf I have not watched or read that book in years. So it does not bother me, why do you care?
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Roudidou
Posts: 118
By Ragnarok.Roudidou 2010-05-04 20:03:22
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Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Ragnarok.Roudidou said:
Sylph.Tigerwoods said:
Ragnarok.Roudidou said:
Leviathan.Kryptik said:
AB is a good way to party to... I'm just recommending this for those people who first job was BST and wanna fully merit Beast Affinity faster then having to ..... all I'm really saying this is just another way to party but for other jobs....
Its a horrible way to party... I've grinded my SMN to 75 that way... (Yes... i admit it) and not only do you get the lack of magic/melee skill, you get a lack of JOB SKILL. JOB SKILL is something a lot of people are lacking these days. The reason we see so many pickup sams and lv 75WAR/29NIN is because of that damned astral flow. If people did it reasonably, it would be good. A fast/easy way to merit for jobs that don't necessarily get merit invites. Not only that, but it takes lv 13 new comers to FFXI that still don't understand their job fully to get to level 24-25. They do not have their sub job and they will not receive any invites (i know i wouldn't invite a level 25 with no sub) and the noob that is still level 13 skill-wise, will not know the game but be ready for Qufim/Kazham (even thought not a lot of ppl party out in kazham now :/ that will lead to players who don't even bother to level their job properly, get the right gears, level their sub etc... why are we getting so much inexperienced DD's, mages that don't know how to Magic burst, even players that don't know how to skillchain? The answer is: the wave of Astral burns that are currently happening on some of the servers (on ragnarok anyways xD)
That's not lack of job skill, it's lack of player skill. FFXI is not hard. You could pick up a lv 75 account of a job you never played before and if you know how to do research and are a good player in general, you'd have the job down in a matter of days.
I Disagree with this. Some people STILL haven't their job figured out at level 75. If you decide to burn or buy to level 75, you will most certainly NOT get the hang of the job in a couple days. A level 75 black mage even with best gears but no experience is not better a level 75 BLM that has average gear but has years of experience. A level 75 brd that hasn't seen bastok daylight since level 13 won't be able to pull a meripo for months. I don't understand how a person can get a hang of his job that fast. (Unless he's a sam because imo, SAM is a relatively easy job to play.)
I said if you're a good player, not if you suck. If you're 75 and "STILL haven't their job figured out" you do not fall under the category of good player.
I din't mean not know their job compleatly. I meant the people that think that full-timing their AF on BLM is good... People that do that do not understand the potential of their job to 100% and that, to me, is not knowing your job compleatly
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 20:13:57
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gannon and gandalf I always got him confused with zelda's baddie.

gandorf used to be the name of a player I knew, that was it also =x.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Vazerus
Posts: 263
By Fenrir.Vazerus 2010-05-04 21:07:36
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Hurr Durr
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Astrida
Posts: 1354
By Gilgamesh.Astrida 2010-05-04 21:12:26
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Easy meriting! :)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 21:30:27
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Fenrir.Vazerus said:
Bahamut.Stanflame said:
Hurr Durr

Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Katarzyna
Posts: 1354
By Cerberus.Katarzyna 2010-05-04 21:30:58
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Bahamut.Stanflame said:
360 player gandolf gandorf I have not watched or read that book in years. So it does not bother me, why do you care?

And yet you completely missed the whole point behind the post. You hang on to the afterthought. Good job, retard!
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Akeda
Posts: 1698
By Kujata.Akeda 2010-05-04 22:46:27
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however isn't it going to take the same amount of time gaining Weapon skills, as it would leveling up normally?

What if someone has capped weapon/magic skills though?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Dalight
Posts: 5163
By Asura.Daleterrence 2010-05-04 22:50:18
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Kujata.Akeda said:
Asura.Daleterrence said:
however isn't it going to take the same amount of time gaining Weapon skills, as it would leveling up normally?

What if someone has capped weapon/magic skills though?

True, but if for example a DNC75 Astral Burned THF 10-75, they would still lack a certain amount of skill with the job, as such they would be one of the aforementioned "noobs". Also, their Marksmanship will be uncapped weapon skill wise. I can understand your point in a game as old as this one however, where most people have multiple jobs at 75, and as such capped skills to go to other jobs.

(Edited to correct some spelling, and add some more depth to the post, its is nearing 5 AM here.)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Stanflame
Posts: 6173
By Bahamut.Stanflame 2010-05-04 22:52:22
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Asura.Daleterrence said:
Kujata.Akeda said:
Asura.Daleterrence said:
however isn't it going to take the same amount of time gaining Weapon skills, as it would leveling up normally?

What if someone has capped weapon/magic skills though?

True, but if for example a DNC75 Astral Burned THF 10-75, they would still lack a certain amount of skill with the job, as such they would be one of the aforementioned "noobs". Also, their Marksmanship will be uncapped weapon skill wise. I can understand your point in a game as old as this one however, where most people have multiple jobs at 75, and as such capped skills with go to other jobs.
Server: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Phlow
Posts: 169
By Ifrit.Phlow 2010-05-04 22:57:23
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Hey Daleterrence, you doin good? Haven't heard too much out of Asura. Heard it has drama, but idk, Ifrit is always boring ;-;
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