Ok, this is seriously odd.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Kujata.Timdied 2008-02-21 06:44:01
Has anyone noticed how TERRIBLE the economy is doing lately? for the first time EVER i had Beastmen's blood sent back from the AH, AND IT WAS UP AT THE GOING PRICE. Look at table for trades, can ANYONE shed some light, please?
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20
By Kujata.Ninesunz 2008-02-22 09:05:12
you know whats odd? That there are so few users of this totally leet web application called ffxiah.com
I've put items on my bazaar for 20k-50k under the AH price and i get no bites.
This game is the dying?
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Kujata.Timdied 2008-02-23 06:27:52
Well, I am sad to say, but I think you may be right. And if the game goes belly-up then NO ONE will be able to play anymore. That's what sucks about needing 5 other people to EXP.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Kujata.Xial 2008-02-26 11:38:42
I will have to agree with this one, the game certainly is more "dead" than it used to be. Nowadays its very hard to find people to exp with on lower levels. and doing /sea all 75 makes me /sigh.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Kujata.Vandell 2008-03-03 14:47:20
Ya know whats really odd? I called someone a "dickbag"(means "bag of ***") and Tim kicks me from a party. Must be that time of the month... <.< LAWL go F*** yourself Timn00b
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Kujata.Timdied 2008-03-04 08:10:20
To be honest with you, Kid, I did not kick you. Kamatari did ^^. Oh, and while i'm at it, maybe you wouldn't get the big ol' boot if you weren't such a *** to other people. I wanted you to stay, but you couldn't grow a pair and be a decent human being so you went :)
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Kujata.Vandell 2008-03-04 10:04:37
grow a pair? basically you had to pass leader off to Kamatari so he could do it...lol Just think about the situation. We're exping off Imps.Its hard enough to use TP due to this amnesia effect and then i get Valde telling me I'm supposed to stop and work around this SC deal. (a SC he couldnt get off half the time because of amnesia) My only point was its an XP party not a skill up,go break the latent on your own time. Anyways idc man parties are a dime a dozen and Ive proven my point.Try not to be an overly sensitive *** next time someone says something you might think is offensive. maybe your the one that needs to grow a pair^^
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Kujata.Timdied 2008-03-07 08:17:37
I chose to wash my hands of it. I just wanted 75. No trouble, and no titty-babies. But apparently I got one. I'm not going to argue with you Yea, I let Kamatari do it because he's the one who had the problem, not me. Shoot the messenger, Kiddo.
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 38
By Gilgamesh.Jonls 2008-03-08 05:32:31
Alright you guys have made your points known towards each other please let it stop there.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 75
By Kujata.Timdied 2008-03-08 10:29:20
Well, anyone notice any other quirks in the economy lately? Since my first post things have seemed to level out and even come back to normal a little bit.
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 45
By Kujata.Kenada 2008-03-10 09:19:08
Well to be honest, once beastman blood went under 30k a stack, I didn't bother farming since I didn't even think it was worth it to begin with.
Alot of items go through phases of selling fast , slow, cheap, expensive and these phases come and go within months or a few hours. Depending on the trend, I'll farm different items for gil.
I do think the game is dying and many people that I talk to are starting to lose interest in the game. I myself may quit the game not to long from now. I haven't done or experienced everything this game has to offer, but it seems to just take too much time up.
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[48 days between previous and next post]
I think crafting has died for the most part, and the population defently has decreased but I wouldent say its entirly dying. As for lower lv pts its mostly just that people hit 75 and get busy with endgame instead of lving low lv stuff. personaly i like do duo anyway, but it does suck when your trying to get a good pt together.
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Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 45
By Kujata.Kenada 2008-06-03 15:55:20
I've already quit the game but I like to stay active in the forums.
It's been a month since I last played and I have to agree with you (Nghftheartless) that crafting is dying or dead. It wasn't even worth the time crafting anything anymore.
As far as partying with low levels, it was pretty much a pain. Most of the parties I was in struggled quite a bit unless we had a PL. I didn't remember it being that hard when I first played.
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[132 days between previous and next post]
Server: Kujata
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Kujata.Welfare 2008-10-13 12:22:35
hey guys, whats going on in this thread
Server: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 192
By Gilgamesh.Xarchangel 2008-10-13 14:45:08
I do not really think that crafting is die'n, more that so many people are doing it now, that they have to undercut the prices so much that no one makes any gil. If there were still only a few HL crafters out there, prices would still be high now. Just my thoughts...
Server: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 859
By Garuda.Littledarc 2008-10-13 15:36:30
level sync really helped out the retention of players.
as far as crafting goes, maybe if things were breakable and needed repairing then it would be more profitable. consumables ftw!
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Siren.Badkarma 2008-10-13 16:03:57
Meh, economy on Siren is fine, its low, but everything still sells
Has anyone noticed how TERRIBLE the economy is doing lately? for the first time EVER i had Beastmen's blood sent back from the AH, AND IT WAS UP AT THE GOING PRICE. Look at table for trades, can ANYONE shed some light, please?