Self Destruct |
self destruct
Target SPunkie and Feu Follet and have seen Berserk about 100000000000000000000 times and self desruct maybe 4. Is there any better bombs to learn off of or methods to persuade them to blow up. After 4 days this spell is becoming a real pain in the arse.
i used to feed them TP real quick by spamming dia.. but that was a while back
I did mine in the bottom of Gusgen Mines. Regardless of where you go, it's a pretty ***move to learn.
Is the rumor true also if it uses berserk it won't ever blow up
as rdm, with phalanx and shell and barfira i take at must 40 dmg at ifrit's cauldron.
So if you have a friend rdm that can help. You can also try the lowest bomb in ...tototo ruins near sarutabababa, use a nation staff to hit the mob. I said use silence, might help it along... Also. Hello Elu >.>
Asura.Rinkydink said: i used to feed them TP real quick by spamming dia.. but that was a while back Odin.Blazza said: I did mine in the bottom of Gusgen Mines. Regardless of where you go, it's a pretty ***move to learn. I got creative, and got mine off the Cluster in Lufaise, along with Refuelling...Double Whammy!
Bismarck.Tuvae said: I said use silence, might help it along... Also. Hello Elu >.> Caitsith.Neonracer said: I got creative, and got mine off the Cluster in Lufaise, along with Refuelling...Double Whammy! Too bad you cant learn Self Destruct from Clusters huh? Dont Give out false info to people~ Refueling = Clusters Self Destruct = Singles I don't know if it's true or not, but they seem much more likely to blow up at low - HP. Maybe take them down to 30%hp quickly and then spam dia?
no spell takes that long if you're feeding TP right..
/use all blu spells that give TP but do little-to-no damage. silence does pwn. /rdm /sch /whm (/blm) is great. Geist Wall and Blank Gaze Berserk 'cause it's annoying. Don't use shadows, buffs, etc. /naked! /don't kill the mob until it uses it... patience. /head butt (etc) bad TP moves if you're slick =P often a new TP move will immediately follow the stun and is often different from the first one. Just don't stun the one u want! XD I like to get spells with the gloves on and back then would use the um... Holiday outfit that makes selbina milk better (rofl) but it's nice at low lvls. Also a fast annoying low dmg weapon is key. Event items aren't bad for this, once again low lvl. course now u can just get FoV buffs :3 some say doing high dmg to higher lvl mobs is faster but I've never noticed a difference; more depends on style and gear. no blu spell takes more then a few hours this way. Longest I've ever had to wait was 4 hours tops, for Frenetic Rip, and that was just because we weren't breaking the horn right. Once we got it down it took just a few minutes.. Four 85 blus in our ls. None of us took that long on a spell. this one is easy compared to those to come. if you're really bored multi-task while it TPs. Hope that helps~ end game Blu is worth EVERY moment spent learning those spells so don't worry. The reward is worth it! Keep it up~ The best way to get this magic is in Gusgen
use bludgeon to fill TP on the mob Fenrir.Gradd said: Caitsith.Neonracer said: I got creative, and got mine off the Cluster in Lufaise, along with Refuelling...Double Whammy! Too bad you cant learn Self Destruct from Clusters huh? Dont Give out false info to people~ Refueling = Clusters Self Destruct = Singles Hey listen up.. I'm not going to slam testimonal information at ya, but how many updates have we seen since 2005? Its now 2010, and I'm telling you that I learned mine from a cluster. Sorry if you didn't happen for ya. Sorry if you missed out. BTW. the wiki says it does cast Self Destruct, However, it may not be highlighted in the Blue meaning you can learn a blu spell from this mob, but again, I'm just letting you know from my experience, I learned Self destruct from it. Ohhh Lucky me! =/ Bifrons in BR blow up often. Blu wld be quite fun on a rampart farm run too.
Also good to remember the behaviour of monsters.
Most monsters will wait until around 300% TP before they'll let-off a special ability when they're near full. Get them low enough (usually 1/3 or lower) and they'll use it whenever they get the chance. I learned Self-Destruct going between the two "Balloon" bombs in the Inner Horutoto Ruins. I realize now it wasn't the best place, but back in the day it was the only place I could think of to easily learn the spell. Clusters use a variant version of Self-destruct that Blue Mages -can not- learn. Did you also learn Firespit from a brown mamool ja?
Caitsith.Neonracer said: Fenrir.Gradd said: Caitsith.Neonracer said: I got creative, and got mine off the Cluster in Lufaise, along with Refuelling...Double Whammy! Too bad you cant learn Self Destruct from Clusters huh? Dont Give out false info to people~ Refueling = Clusters Self Destruct = Singles Hey listen up.. I'm not going to slam testimonal information at ya, but how many updates have we seen since 2005? Its now 2010, and I'm telling you that I learned mine from a cluster. Sorry if you didn't happen for ya. Sorry if you missed out. BTW. the wiki says it does cast Self Destruct, However, it may not be highlighted in the Blue meaning you can learn a blu spell from this mob, but again, I'm just letting you know from my experience, I learned Self destruct from it. Ohhh Lucky me! =/ ***, coming from the tard who is doing a stp sword just cause. Also spamming dia is good for low level mobs. Caitsith.Neonracer said: Fenrir.Gradd said: Caitsith.Neonracer said: I got creative, and got mine off the Cluster in Lufaise, along with Refuelling...Double Whammy! Too bad you cant learn Self Destruct from Clusters huh? Dont Give out false info to people~ Refueling = Clusters Self Destruct = Singles Hey listen up.. I'm not going to slam testimonal information at ya, but how many updates have we seen since 2005? Its now 2010, and I'm telling you that I learned mine from a cluster. Sorry if you didn't happen for ya. Sorry if you missed out. BTW. the wiki says it does cast Self Destruct, However, it may not be highlighted in the Blue meaning you can learn a blu spell from this mob, but again, I'm just letting you know from my experience, I learned Self destruct from it. Ohhh Lucky me! =/ Even the link you showed says you can't learn it from Clusters because it's not highlighted in blue. >.>; I spent a few hours in Gusgen trying to learn this spell. They just love using Berserk more.
Though if you managed to continue feeding them TP when they're near dead, they use Self-Destruct more often. It's probably programmed into the AI as a last-ditch effort to beat you. i learned self destruct off clusters in mount zolam so yes you can learn it from them took me 3 tries
Ragnarok.Finwe said: The best way to get this magic is in Gusgen use bludgeon to fill TP on the mob Maybe it's just not known well since people generally have it before attempting to get Refueling. Either way, I wouldn't recommend Clusters.
I actually have a theory that you can only learn Self-Destruct from a cluster if there's only 1/3 of them left.
Ramuh.Laffter said: I actually have a theory that you can only learn Self-Destruct from a cluster if there's only 1/3 of them left. Well you don't count since you're an expert in ![]() /sigh
I knew this degree would be useless. :< |
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