Exodus Is Recruiting.

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Exodus is recruiting.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Wiccaan
Posts: 29
By Siren.Wiccaan 2009-01-30 17:49:37
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Edit: On a side note, maybe you should talk to your members because both you and Mel are oblivious to those who are pissed off. way2go leadership!
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Squitt
Posts: 284
By Fairy.Raikan 2009-01-30 17:51:48
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Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Melly
Posts: 92
By Pandemonium.Melaise 2009-01-30 18:10:53
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I like how you had absolutely no reply to how wrong your so called accurate information was. And as for being "oblivious" you are wrong again. Obviously you are going to believe what you want to, so be it. The only reason I even replied to this thread was because I refused to watch people badmouth the leaders who have done nothing but help keep the shell intact. I said what I feel I needed to and now I'm done, there is nothing left to say.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Pandemonium.Hiroshima 2009-01-30 18:36:06
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What Sylvr and Melaise have said in their posts is dead on accurate. Below is the lotting rule straight from our website.

2. Spending Tokens: The rules for spending tokens are simple. If you can use the item at the time it drops, and you meet the minimum token requirement, you can spend tokens on it. The exception to this is if no one is high enough level to use it, if everyone else who could use it already has the item, or if the people who could use it do not have enough tokens to bid on it. No human will ever determine who gets an item. The token system is designed to take the decision away from people, thus dramatically decreasing anyone having a reason to start drama over items that don't really exist outside of a digital box. A Member can only bid on ONE item in a single treasure pool. Free-Lot items are excluded with the exception you can only get one free-lot item per event.

1. Aggro has a 75 BRD.
2. BRD can where the Kirin's Osode.
3. Nobody else who was present that could wear the piece wanted to lot on it.
4. Had Aggro chosen not to lot, it would have gone to free lot where ANYBODY present could bid using their points.

As stated by Sylvr; Aggro had an Osode from a previous LS and sold it. He was told by the leader (Suicidal) that he was still eligible to bid and win an Osode from our LS. Selling of items is also covered in our rules.

8. Items Obtained In LS Events: Sellable items obtained in Exodus events are not LS property, they belong to the Members that earned them. Items obtained through a popped NM such as Golden-Tongued Culberry or Gration, once obtained, will not be run again for that Member. No gear obtained from an LS event that is sold will be replaced. In extreme cases (Kirin's Osode, for example), the sale of an item obtained through the linkshell is grounds for termination from Exodus.

As for my leadership abilities, well I never claimed to be a hot shot leader. I did my best. Thank you Melaise for defending us. I was asked to be a co-leader, and my duties were very clear. Help organize runs, and keep track of points. I am truly sorry that all of this has happened the way it did.

Wiccaan, I don't know you all that well (at all really). I never bad mouthed you, I never called you out. I know you were there helping in our runs. I think you calling me out, based on the grumblings of an ex-member is crap. Bicardi has a problem with me over one issue that I know of. I already aired that laundry to the LS on our forums.

With the leader of this shell stating that he will not likely return, it is over. Exodus is dead. I had a great time here, I met a lot of good people and players. I think I am leaving on good terms with most of them.

Recruitment is closed. LoL
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Pandemonium.Judgment 2009-01-30 18:40:10
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Since people have already stated most of this stuff at length, I thought I'd give my two cents as a member of Exodus.

The linkshell was awesome, the leaders were equally awesome, we accomplished a lot, stuff happened, the shell broke up, and Wiccaan is still a whiny little ***.

That is all.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Sylvr
Posts: 26
By Valefor.Sylvr 2009-01-30 18:58:56
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Here's what Bicardi thought of me as of 5 days ago.


And, while Hustla isn't likely to join the Sylvr Fan Club, he certainly didn't seem to hate me in this post made early yesterday.


I don't know where Nen stands, but I got pretty warm goodbyes from a lot of people in the LS on the thread I made announcing that I'm leaving. So I ask you, who's left? How old is your information? Do you even TRY to verify things before you spout them off as law? Please do me a favor and educate yourself.
Server: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5
By Pandemonium.Hiroshima 2009-01-30 19:10:16
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By the way, I would like to point out that none of the current co-leaders have access to the LS bank. I listed the pop items I have on our forum. I have told everybody to show up to the last few events, as it may be the only chance they get to spend their points.

Before I transfer servers, I will trade everything that I have to Halloween the only exception will be the R/E chips that cannot be traded. If we do not use them because of low attendance I will take them with me. It would be wasteful to throw them away.

I am transferring servers because I have an opportunity to join another end game shell. That's probably the same reason you transferred servers Wiccaan.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 2
By Siren.Eash 2009-01-31 09:19:12
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lol judgment you make me chuckle.

P.S- the LS was dead about 4 months ago
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