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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2015-01-29 15:19:21
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Siren.Seiri said: »
Currently very disappointed by Hai.. Losing to Bjerg 1v1 isn't anything awful but taking that obviously to heart and into their next game was a bit poor. I think hes too focused on the idea that growing and improving as a player = growing into a carry. He should have stuck with his old team support style of play and just evolved that into S5.

dont worry he will get back into it and do not forget this game back in season 4 week 1 day 1 hai picked teemo and C9 won. Season 5 is just starting the war is far from over.

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Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 15:22:00
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Siren.Lordgrim said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Currently very disappointed by Hai.. Losing to Bjerg 1v1 isn't anything awful but taking that obviously to heart and into their next game was a bit poor. I think hes too focused on the idea that growing and improving as a player = growing into a carry. He should have stuck with his old team support style of play and just evolved that into S5.

dont worry he will get back into it and do not forget this game back in season 4 week 1 day 1 hai picked teemo and C9 won. Season 5 is just starting the war is far from over.

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Teemo suits him more than fizz imo. Oh dear i said it..
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Lordgrim
Posts: 2020
By Siren.Lordgrim 2015-01-29 15:53:07
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they do need to bring it back,lol
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2015-01-29 15:56:13
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Verda said: »
And that's why they suck at game design, and it doesn't come surprising. They have a long record of dumb moves. The DFG backpedaling is just the most recent example.
Removal of DFG is a step forward. DFG closed many doors on itemization, champ design, reworks and buffs. With it gone, those doors will open again and give Riot some freedom to explore options that were previously feared for being potentially toxic in tandem with DFG.

Riot is actually pretty *** intelligent when it comes to game design. Their success rides on them maintaining balance in a game with millions of variables, and they've done a pretty damned good job.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 16:25:22
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Though I find it interesting that pros always have the option to choose the non-skillshotty champions like taric, ww, vi. people who have some high impact skills without skillshots and they will go to champions that are full of skillshots. Even when games with money on the line are being played. And I feel that the pro players and their coaches would pick the 'reliable' champions over the ones with lots of skill shots if it this "randomness" were really that big an issue.

That along with every other non-joke/non-troll thing I've said is enough evidence to support my argument. You can ignore all that and say that I've just trolled, but that would only further prove how much of an idiot you are.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2015-01-29 16:39:23
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Taric is reliable but also predictable. Stun -> Shatter -> Ult, repeat. He lacks versatility. WW, same thing. They have no escapes. If they get caught, they're dead. They're very deliberate champs, but because of that, they're also easily zoned or controlled. They have to use Flash to make a non-predictable move. I'd wager that's why they aren't used in pro games.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:08:16
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
Taric is reliable but also predictable. Stun -> Shatter -> Ult, repeat. He lacks versatility. WW, same thing. They have no escapes. If they get caught, they're dead. They're very deliberate champs, but because of that, they're also easily zoned or controlled. They have to use Flash to make a non-predictable move. I'd wager that's why they aren't used in pro games.

But I mean at least they have counterplay.

Skillshots don't have counterplay, they just miss amirite?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 17:09:11
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Well you say all that but I'll highlight that warwick WAS picked or banned around 90% during his period of OP.

Also Ryze has waxed and waned repeatedly as top lane meta changes, also midlane hes a good counterpick to a few champs.

Furthermore Nunu is primarily a point and click champion and his Ult isn't exactly there to be landed but more for the threat so I'd count him as another.

Rengar is another, yes he has his bola but hes picked for his stealth engage and the bola is usually landed at point blank range.

The problem with most point and click champions is as Tikal said, a lack of versatility, OR a glaring weakness that can be easily exploited in a full team setting but less so in solo queue. Examples are Xin Zhao - 1 dimensional, he goes in then he stays in, no innate escape and his dash isnt a short enough cooldown to do irelia style jukes. Also Master Yi - go watch cowsep, yi isnt the simplistic champion people think he is in lower elo, theres some really nice tricks u can pull off. BUT. His early game is utter garbage. Yi needs 3 items before he gets a true power spike, and those are laner items that a pro jungler's budget doesn't stretch to. By the time he becomes relevant his team will have lost the game through the other junglers pressure.

The other issue with a lot of point and clicks is highlighted by taric - silly high mana costs on key abilities. His heal is too mana hungry for the cure potency and dazzle/shatter aren't cheap either. Taric also highlights a third issue which is a lacking of a clear role - supports do 3 things, engage, disengage or peel. Which does taric do? He doesn't engage, he has no mobility. He'd have to flash to even land a pick. He doesn't disengage well, 1 stun and no other cc - especially nothing aoe. And that means he doesnt peel well either, he can stun 1 diver for a short time, but if 2+ jump at his carry then hes done. Taric is a tough to kill champion that doesnt need killing as he does nothing that cant be ignored.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:17:15
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I've actually seen a lot of pros shoot the bola in the wrong direction when they go for the point-blank invis bolas lol
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:17:51
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:26:55
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But all I was trying to say was that if skillshots were truly the big risk that *** is claiming they are then the pros would probably try to avoid them as much as possible.

Yet you still see pros picking champions like Syndra(one of the hardest skillshots in the game to actually master, she is picked less since the nerf), LB(her dash and chains aren't just point and click yet she's still picked), Thresh(Lots of Skillshots), Graves, Corki, etc. etc.

I mean non-skill shot champions like Ryze, Warwick, Nunu, etc. are still picked on occasion when they're strong.

The point I'm trying to make is that if Skillshots were truly this horrible gamble that players had to make where if you choose skillshot champions it's all random and you don't know if it will work then they would not be picked. There is still the fact that if you throw enough ***at something eventually something is going to hit. The fact that pros, and nonpros, will know where to aim skillshots if they know how to predict movement at all. Which is what makes me wonder if this guy actually just can't land skillshots or something.

Someone with this much of a hardon to remove skillshots from the game has to have some reason to want them removed because anyone who is halfway decent at the game knows that they are not in fact random. Just because something has a miss and hit percentage doesn't make it random.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2015-01-29 17:27:46
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You said they suck at game design and cite DFG's removal as an example. DFG has been in the game longer than I've been playing, which is early S2, and if you think the gamers were the only ones aware of DFG's negative impact on the game, you're dead wrong. Riot has known for a long time, but they don't just theory-craft. They can't just say: "I think X is Y." and then implement it. It's not that easy, and anyone who trivializes the process doesn't comprehend it. There's hundreds of man-hours that go into minor fixes and adjustments, let alone complete overhauls. And itemization changes are among the most impactful changes, as they modify every single champ.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:27:55
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Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 17:30:37
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Meh as i said rengar wasnt 100% applicable but his reason for being played was a point and click ability.

Xin is a snowballer, and thus is unreliable. Hes fine in solo queue as long as the opponent jungler cant walk into his jungle and slap him around early but solo queue is where he should stay.

While I in part agree with the DFG removal I don't think the concept was bad, even after it was used as a carry-killer. It needed to be toned down for sure, but if they removed the initial % hp nuke then it would have been balanced. Problem that I see coming now is that life is going to get slightly easier for the role of highest potential impact - ADC. With the limiting of 100% nukings I predict a resurgence of hyper carries and hybrid protect comps. Why? Assume you get a Kog'Maw to late game and you have a Janna and Orianna with say a Gnar and Jarvan. The only reliable way to beat that line up is to kill the kog - 2 shields, potentially 3 with BT, a large aoe knock back and the innate peel from a cataclysm/shockwave being used aggro. Without being able to kill the Kog'Maw, there is very limited counterplay, and removing the dfg entirely reduces the already limited threats to this style.

Edit: Yes I know you can shut the Kog down early, but I used these 5 champions as an example because none of them are weak at any point. Even Kog can safely last hit vs almost any lane and Janna is a perfect babysitter. Once Kog hits 6 his lane pressure is actually pretty high.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 17:33:35
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Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:35:00
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Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.

That's pretty much my point. They aren't "Random"

Pros still pick poke comps on occasion for *** sake and those are generally all skill shots.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Tikal
Posts: 4945
By Cerberus.Tikal 2015-01-29 17:36:44
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Siren.Seiri said: »
Meh as i said rengar wasnt 100% applicable but his reason for being played was a point and click ability.

Xin is a snowballer, and thus is unreliable. Hes fine in solo queue as long as the opponent jungler cant walk into his jungle and slap him around early but solo queue is where he should stay.

While I in part agree with the DFG removal I don't think the concept was bad, even after it was used as a carry-killer. It needed to be toned down for sure, but if they removed the initial % hp nuke then it would have been balanced. Problem that I see coming now is that life is going to get slightly easier for the role of highest potential impact - ADC. With the limiting of 100% nukings I predict a resurgence of hyper carries and hybrid protect comps. Why? Assume you get a Kog'Maw to late game and you have a Janna and Orianna with say a Gnar and Jarvan. The only reliable way to beat that line up is to kill the kog - 2 shields, potentially 3 with BT, a large aoe knock back and the innate peel from a cataclysm/shockwave being used aggro. Without being able to kill the Kog'Maw, there is very limited counterplay, and removing the dfg entirely reduces the already limited threats to this style.

Edit: Yes I know you can shut the Kog down early, but I used these 5 champions as an example because none of them are weak at any point. Even Kog can safely last hit vs almost any lane and Janna is a perfect babysitter. Once Kog hits 6 his lane pressure is actually pretty high.
There's still plenty of champs that can 100-0 an ADC, but you're right. With enough interference, those champs won't be able to effectively achieve that in under 2 seconds.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:37:57
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Verda said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.
If you have an 80% chance to win a game by picking said champion you take them. In a best of 3 match it won't matter one game was lost due to unreliability. It's still a stupid design mechanic though.

Oh is 80% the number?
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 17:38:09
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Asura.Lolserj said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.

That's pretty much my point. They aren't "Random"

Pros still pick poke comps on occasion for *** sake and those are generally all skill shots.

The difference I'll point out between poke and pick comps though is this.

Pick comps rely on 1 or 2 key CCs landing to secure a rapid blitz kill. If those CC miss then the pick will often fail.

Poke comps rely on saturation rather than accuracy. You often see 2/3 shots miss even at the pro level (especially at the pro level) but if 20 or 30 shots are fired from a safe position, enough damage still comes through.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:39:25
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Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.

That's pretty much my point. They aren't "Random"

Pros still pick poke comps on occasion for *** sake and those are generally all skill shots.

The difference I'll point out between poke and pick comps though is this.

Pick comps rely on 1 or 2 key CCs landing to secure a rapid blitz kill. If those CC miss then the pick will often fail.

Poke comps rely on saturation rather than accuracy. You often see 2/3 shots miss even at the pro level (especially at the pro level) but if 20 or 30 shots are fired from a safe position, enough damage still comes through.

Well I never really brought up pick comps, and I do know the difference between the two. Just saying there was no real need to explain there.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 17:39:28
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Cerberus.Tikal said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Meh as i said rengar wasnt 100% applicable but his reason for being played was a point and click ability.

Xin is a snowballer, and thus is unreliable. Hes fine in solo queue as long as the opponent jungler cant walk into his jungle and slap him around early but solo queue is where he should stay.

While I in part agree with the DFG removal I don't think the concept was bad, even after it was used as a carry-killer. It needed to be toned down for sure, but if they removed the initial % hp nuke then it would have been balanced. Problem that I see coming now is that life is going to get slightly easier for the role of highest potential impact - ADC. With the limiting of 100% nukings I predict a resurgence of hyper carries and hybrid protect comps. Why? Assume you get a Kog'Maw to late game and you have a Janna and Orianna with say a Gnar and Jarvan. The only reliable way to beat that line up is to kill the kog - 2 shields, potentially 3 with BT, a large aoe knock back and the innate peel from a cataclysm/shockwave being used aggro. Without being able to kill the Kog'Maw, there is very limited counterplay, and removing the dfg entirely reduces the already limited threats to this style.

Edit: Yes I know you can shut the Kog down early, but I used these 5 champions as an example because none of them are weak at any point. Even Kog can safely last hit vs almost any lane and Janna is a perfect babysitter. Once Kog hits 6 his lane pressure is actually pretty high.
There's still plenty of champs that can 100-0 an ADC, but you're right. With enough interference, those champs won't be able to effectively achieve that in under 2 seconds.

Bingo. Even at diamond level 2 seconds is plenty of time to delete one or two divers.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 17:40:16
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Asura.Lolserj said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.

That's pretty much my point. They aren't "Random"

Pros still pick poke comps on occasion for *** sake and those are generally all skill shots.

The difference I'll point out between poke and pick comps though is this.

Pick comps rely on 1 or 2 key CCs landing to secure a rapid blitz kill. If those CC miss then the pick will often fail.

Poke comps rely on saturation rather than accuracy. You often see 2/3 shots miss even at the pro level (especially at the pro level) but if 20 or 30 shots are fired from a safe position, enough damage still comes through.

Well I never really brought up pick comps, and I do know the difference between the two. Just saying there was no real need to explain there.

My point was the difference in that 1 needs the skillshots to land 90%+, the other can manage with a 33% hit rate.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2015-01-29 17:41:27
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Verda said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Verda said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.
If you have an 80% chance to win a game by picking said champion you take them. In a best of 3 match it won't matter one game was lost due to unreliability. It's still a stupid design mechanic though.

Oh is 80% the number?
Yes. That's it now you got it. I have divined the one number and examples are for plebs.

What champion has a 80% win rate in your opinion?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Andras
Posts: 2956
By Asura.Lolserj 2015-01-29 17:42:10
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Verda said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Verda said: »
Siren.Seiri said: »
Asura.Lolserj said: »
Basically if skillshots were as random or bad pro players and players in general would work to avoid them at all costs, and they clearly do not.

The thing is, skillshots exemplify the idea of high risk for high reward. Skillshots are usually more effective than point and click - not always, but usually - and are therefore given more practice by the pros who want to master them.

Whats more is that pros are very quick to notice player patterns like I said earlier, which reduces the uncertainty of the skillshots even more.
If you have an 80% chance to win a game by picking said champion you take them. In a best of 3 match it won't matter one game was lost due to unreliability. It's still a stupid design mechanic though.

Oh is 80% the number?
Yes. That's it now you got it. I have divined the one number and examples are for plebs.

I didn't realize that not picking that unreliable champion would result in a win though when the unreliable champion would have lost the game.

You've opened my eyes. I will forever play warwick and taric because point and click is so reliable and much better than the high impact counterparts they have.
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