Over your time on this forum, we have frequently engaged you in private, and exercised
extreme patience in asking you to stop trolling every thread you can get your hands on. We have listened to your excuses and your explanations for your behavior, and continually given you the benefit of the doubt.
Myself, Scragg, Aly, Anye... we have all given you multiple chances to grow a personal filter and understand when picking a fight is appropriate and when it is not. And we have publicly defended you from interpersonal fallout, more than you probably deserve, because we believed you were engaged in a good faith effort to tone things down. This has now gone on for not just months, but years.
Clearly, that effort has failed. Especially over the past few days, it's become increasingly obvious that you still see this forum as your personal playground to piss off as many people as you can and provoke as many arguments as possible.
You are not the only one who does this, but that is not an excuse. We deal with every user case individually, and we are handling the others in the same manner. Slowly. Deliberately. In private. And by extending as many chances as we possibly can, because frankly, our job is not to make a happy social commune where everyone agrees with one another and argument is not tolerated. But there's a fine line between allowing legitimate debate, and allowing habitual, intentional trolling in an established pattern over the course of
You are no longer welcome on this forum, and your account has been banned from the site.
And if any of those other people I mentioned above decide to take this opportunity to gloat that you've "won" (and there are many, because Korpg is probably the least popular user on the forum) realize my patience is
extremely thin right now, and you're liable to end up the same way. Let this go quietly, please.