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Bartimaeus said:
Well hey, if the calls were legitimate and justified, all the more power to you. ^^

My 1 GM call is enough for me, for now though. :x

Most of it was very obvious stuff like people pos hacking from Sandoria to Waughroon Shrine in about 30 seconds.

Mas pos/flee hacking and MPK on NMs in places like Garlaige Citadel were another.

Posting my information such as my telephone number in bazaar comments and offering phone sex.

Vulgar sexual stalking. A guy on our server named Hex got suspended for a couple of days because of this. I wouldn't phone sex him on the phone and I wouldn't talk dirty with him in the game. I eventually just left his LS and he pursued me for, let's say, a few hours.

Ah, the list goes on, but yeah, most of the time pretty serious and very obvious stuff.

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