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My two gil of advice:

Ranger's Necklace is a godsend and will last a very long time until Qiqirn Collar or Faith/Hope Torque, unless you really wanna dish out the gil for a Jagd Gorget. Save specs or PCC for barrage if you one or the other.

/WAR can still work in exp parties, it just takes alot more patience and self control and an attentive tank especially if you pull. If you are short handed in the DD department I wouldn't hesitate to sub warrior. Play it smart, not safe.

Do not sacrifice too much ranged accuracy on your Slugwinder macro for attributes or ranged attack. Although those two things are what push huge numbers, there's no point to it if you're missing your WS half the time. Let food take care of the disadvantage you are having whether it be weaker damage (eat meat), or are missing too much (eat sushi). Your gear is meant to be the "balance" in my opinion.

Last but not least and probably most importantly: Don't be reckless.
Despite the RNG "nerf" it's still very easy to pull hate off any toughened and skilled tank just like DRK or even DRG and WAR. Knowing when to shoot is half the battle. Shooting well is all about finding the right tweeks in gear that suits you.

Hope this helps~

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