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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Thunderz said:
if SE see tons of people suddenly drop or complain like hell they will do something about it

The bulk of the community was happy about it. I'm betting the majority of people that were signing that earlier petition were all either friends of dupers, linkshell members of the dupers shells that never got their duped equipment, or the dupers themselves.

Basically, S-E will never see "tons of people" complain like hell because tons of people won't be complaining. And even if there were, remember when tons of people complained for a windowed mode? That took 5 years. Are the dupers gonna come back in 5 years and pick up their characters if S-E were to reverse the decision in a typical S-E time frame? Doubt it...

Probably missed my ninjer edit I was just debating with mabrook im not defending the dupers they got what was coming

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