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Nepharite said:
As Someone stated earlier, this is not a "New Idea" and it has been done several times before and has flopped miserably. Freelot system? Saw someone mention that previously. Lets say someone doesn't need any drops from dyna-bastok, since they are not gaining anything by going, why would they have a reason to go. I'm not against new ideas, I'm just against bad ones. And to Santoro, the general idea of the plan is bad enough to figure out the rest to say its riddled with problems. Definitely not a good investment of time and energy. Who are you to promote bad plans to waste time and energy of a lot of people?
Well if its flops it flops but i'm still going for it.I never mentioned freelot lol As far as Bastok goes,or any city for that matter,you would still recieve an incentive for doing the run.I don't want to reveal too much,but yeah,you would get something even if there was no drop for your job =D

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