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Zekky said:
Icon said:
Zekky said:
Why would I lie to my fiance and tell her she looks good in something when I know she does?

Meant to say "I know she doesn't?" and I edited that.

And no, no, no. I would never go to such harsh measures to say stuff like that. But I'm honest with her. I'm not *** honest with her. Two different things with her. If she doesn't look good in it, I let her know it doesn't and she should try on something else that I saw earlier that would probably look better on her and she ends up liking it. That's what I mean. =o

And if I were that mean to Miji, she's use my manhood as a punching bag. True story.

The proper way to handle this is to ask her what she thinks, and positively agree with her. Here's an approach.

"It's not possible for me to judge whether or not you look good, because there's no way I could think of you as less the beautiful women I fell in love with. If you tell me exactly what I'm supposed to be looking for maybe I can be a little more helpful."

Hopefully, at this point she'll give you a response as to why she looks terrible. And even if you already knew the answer, it's really best to let her point it out. When she does answer, try saying:

"Perhaps you are much more critical of yourself than I am, so I'm having trouble seeing you as anything less than beautiful, but you are obviously unhappy about it so let's do whatever we need to do to fix it so that you are happy."

It might sound cheesy, but it's really a compliment for us to have to point out our flaws to you and for you to feign ignorance. It's sensitive and supportive to realize we see a problem and we want to fix it, even if you don't.

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