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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Dasva said:
Nah just wax it :). I had a male friend try Nair on his face once cause he "didn't want to have to shave for awhile." Ah his screams were delicous.

I used to shave my chest back in the day, and my ex convinced me to give waxing a go. She did it for me as I have no *** clue how that ***works...it was the microwave kind (if that makes any difference lol)

Um, ya...never doing that ***again. *** that! Why would someone do that to themselves on purpose? And using it on your nether regions?!? That's *** nuts...

Actual wax? *down there?* Yeah that is retarded. Sugar wax is pretty nice though. Downside is the hair has to be like a quarter inch long, but it doesn't bond to skin whereas regular wax will, and take skin with it. There are some newer, more expensive products that are supposedly not near as painful as the old ones that were out when this was more of a concern of mine, but I haven't done that in years.

Electric Epilators have dramatically improved in design, effectiveness, speed and comfort and after you get used to it. They are also pretty cheap these days, too. Being 5'9" I'm more legs than anything, so I try to make them look good. It's easier to run that little thing over them for 2 minutes, 3 times a month, than to slather on shaving cream and run a razor over them every couple of days.

Sometimes you can miss those super light colored hairs that can only be seen when the light catches them a certain way. You might only miss a couple of them but even a couple when you see them is gross. So, if I it's something like a swimsuit, I'll glide a razor over them just to make sure. For skirts, dresses, etc, I'll just use pantyhose and I don't even worry about it. I've been talking to my mom about getting my sister one for her 14th birthday. If she can get into using it early she'll have a much easier life dealing with this issue.

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