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I'm angry now? I've spent the past 2 hours laughing at online comics and I've been reading them in between posts. Pointing out your stupidity doesn't come close to making me angry. If anything it's entertaining to watch you try to dig your way out of it by changing the subject from your original opinion into a game of post trolling with the obviousness of post trolling to make sure that your stupidity on page 9 is too far back to read when people wake-up. Don't worry, I'll quote it when later when I wake up, or get home from work.

In the meantime I'm going to go dream about my baby who I get to see in 40 more hours. You should go put on some My Chemical Romance, cut yourself, and work on your "People to Kill" list. Just make sure you get Daddy first just in case you are apprehended early. Wouldn't want him to get away for those hot and sweaty summer nights of NAMBLA affection.

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