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Artemicion said:
Wow 9 pages already and I didn't even see this one show up...

Anyways, I think make-up is something that should be used primarily for minor touch ups for overall presentation and cosmetic purposes only.

I feel bad for those who layer it on and use it as a mask literally and figuratively; for I find a natural face to be far more beautiful than one slathered with mass quantities of man made products.

you sir, are a dumbass and you have no idea what make-up is about. this nonsense you babbled implies that make-up is about deception, insecurity, or self-consciousness.

make up is about personal expression, individualism and creativity. it can be something simplistic to match your outfit or something complex to enunciate your mood or attitude.

Jesus Christ why am I attempting to explain this to a retard. It's like trying to explain pokemon evolution to a daffodil.

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