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Chantal said:

It's totally possible to stack up a ton of ACC on RDM (using sushi). Sole sushi doesn't give any MND or INT penalties, fyi.

You could cap ACC on an HNM in that set, especially with composure (another +15 ACC), merits (another 14.4 ACC) and madrigal (~30 ACC, varies depending on the BRD). Most melee DDs don't get that much accuracy (they trade it for haste mainly) because it's not usually necessary.

Also you'd be hitting 0's on a lot of HNMs, which means you wouldn't feed it extra TP. Get a SAM to shikikoyo you and you can use Death Blossom > Kasha for Light while using Enwater II and then the BRD gets an easy Elegy, RDMs get an easy Slow II/Para II, and all the BLMs can nuke with Burst II in full MAB gear all at once for a Magic Burst.

But, oh noes! That requires teamwork. Wouldn't want that in MY final fantasy :(

Also, just for the record, I don't melee on RDM. But saying it's not possible is just ignorant.

Throw in a COR for Wizard's & Warlock's Roll w/ INT etudes from the bard ;3

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